Article COMMENTS ON STERNE. ← Page 3 of 9 →
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Comments On Sterne.
to what Sterne knew , out of Dr . Ferrand ' s Erotomania ; but this Essay is already long enough . There is another writer , whose pathetic manner Sterne seems to hav . e caught ¦; it is Marivaux , —the father of the sentimental style . A careful perusal of his writings , and of those of the younger Crebillon , might perhaps elucidate the serious parts of Tristram ' Shandy , and the Sentimental Journey . But I must leave this undertaking
to those who have sufficient time to sacrifice to the task . From these Authors , I think , Sterne learnt to practice what Quintilian had made a precept : Minus est TOTUM dicere quam OMNIA . With genius enough for the attempt , one has frequently failed in producing pleasure by the length of his digressions , and the other by affecting an excessive refinement and ambiguity in his language . Les
bans ecrivains du Steele de Louis XIV . says Voltaire , ont en de la force , aujour-d'hui on chercbe de Contorsions . Our own writers are not free from this error ; and it would not be unworthy their consideration , that a sentence , which is so much refined as to admit of several different senses , may perhaps " have no direct claim to any sense * . Sterne has seldom indulged these lapses , for which he was probably indebted to the force of Burton
buoyant ' s firm Old-English sinews . Whoever will take the trouble of comparing Sterne ' s Dialogue with his own feelings , in the Sentimental Journeyf , to that of Jacob with his Avarice and his Honour , in the first part of the Paysan Parvenu , will perceive a near resemblance . It would be cruel to insert the French declamation . A shorter passage from the same work will show that the Shandeari manner is very similar to that of Marivanx .
LeDirecteur avoit laisse parlerl ' ainee sans Vinterrompre , & sembloit meme tin pen pique de l ' obstination del ' autre . Prenant pourtant tin . air tranquille et benin : ma chere Demoiselle , ecoutez moi , dit il a cette cadette ; vous savez avec quelle affection particuliere je vous donne ines cbhseils a toutes deux . Ces derniers paroles , a toutes deux , furent partagees , de facon que la Cadette en avoit pour le moins les trbis quarts & demi pour
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Comments On Sterne.
to what Sterne knew , out of Dr . Ferrand ' s Erotomania ; but this Essay is already long enough . There is another writer , whose pathetic manner Sterne seems to hav . e caught ¦; it is Marivaux , —the father of the sentimental style . A careful perusal of his writings , and of those of the younger Crebillon , might perhaps elucidate the serious parts of Tristram ' Shandy , and the Sentimental Journey . But I must leave this undertaking
to those who have sufficient time to sacrifice to the task . From these Authors , I think , Sterne learnt to practice what Quintilian had made a precept : Minus est TOTUM dicere quam OMNIA . With genius enough for the attempt , one has frequently failed in producing pleasure by the length of his digressions , and the other by affecting an excessive refinement and ambiguity in his language . Les
bans ecrivains du Steele de Louis XIV . says Voltaire , ont en de la force , aujour-d'hui on chercbe de Contorsions . Our own writers are not free from this error ; and it would not be unworthy their consideration , that a sentence , which is so much refined as to admit of several different senses , may perhaps " have no direct claim to any sense * . Sterne has seldom indulged these lapses , for which he was probably indebted to the force of Burton
buoyant ' s firm Old-English sinews . Whoever will take the trouble of comparing Sterne ' s Dialogue with his own feelings , in the Sentimental Journeyf , to that of Jacob with his Avarice and his Honour , in the first part of the Paysan Parvenu , will perceive a near resemblance . It would be cruel to insert the French declamation . A shorter passage from the same work will show that the Shandeari manner is very similar to that of Marivanx .
LeDirecteur avoit laisse parlerl ' ainee sans Vinterrompre , & sembloit meme tin pen pique de l ' obstination del ' autre . Prenant pourtant tin . air tranquille et benin : ma chere Demoiselle , ecoutez moi , dit il a cette cadette ; vous savez avec quelle affection particuliere je vous donne ines cbhseils a toutes deux . Ces derniers paroles , a toutes deux , furent partagees , de facon que la Cadette en avoit pour le moins les trbis quarts & demi pour