Article COMMENTS ON STERNE. ← Page 5 of 9 →
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Comments On Sterne.
bri analome [ Tluddius ] ob oculos pomt . Solent ab anatomicis illfc delineavi genitalia membra , utriusque sexus , quod processus quidam et sinus , eum in modum figurati sunt . Hie Fluddius invenit , non quod , pueri in faba , illic dicit generari cogitationes ; quod mihi mirum visum est , cum ego aliquando joculare carmen de Elite rationis scriberem , et , ferente ita genio carminis , joci gratia finxissem , illic generari Entia rationispostea cum incidi in istud Fluddii quod ne
, , somniando quidem cogita eram , invenisse me , serio hsec asseri a Fluddio * . " I am not acquainted with the foundation of the curious passages respecting the possibility of baptizing infants in nterof , but I find that Mauriceau adverts to the circumstance , in his attack on the Csesarian operation : " il n ' y a pas d ' occasions ou on ne puisse bien
" donner le Bapteme a 1 ' enfant , durant qu'il est encore au ventre de " la mere , estant facile de porter de l ' eau nette par le moyen du " Canon d ' une seringue jusques surqtielque partie de son Corps "—• He then obviates a difficulty , unthought of by Sterne ' s Doctors ; wh ich persuades me that this passage of Mauriceau had not occurred to him— " et il seroit inutile d ' alleguer que l ' eau n ' y pent pas-etre
'" conduite , a cause que 1 ' enfant est envelope deses membranes , qui '" en empechent ; car ne scait-onpas qu ' on les pent rompre tres aise" ment , en cas qtt ' elles ne le fussent pas , apres quo on peut toucher " eifectivement son Corps J . " This writer has also mentioned the mischievous effect of stronw pressure applied to the heads of very young Children ; which is
connected with another theory that Sterne has diverted himself with . 1 have not met with the original of it in my reading , but will give a passage from Bulwer ' s Anthropo-metamorphosis , analogous to Mauriceau ' sjj .
The North-west passage to Learning , obscurely mentioned in the Tristra-Pa ; dia , is described by Dr . Warton , in his excellent observations on the Genius and Writings of Pope , and was well burlesqued l > y Swift , in the Voyage to Laputa J . The best Commentary on Chap . 5 , vol . 8 th , is Montague ' s essay on the subject . There is one passage in the 7 th volume , which the circumstances of Sterne ' s death render pathetic . A believer in the doctrine ot
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Comments On Sterne.
bri analome [ Tluddius ] ob oculos pomt . Solent ab anatomicis illfc delineavi genitalia membra , utriusque sexus , quod processus quidam et sinus , eum in modum figurati sunt . Hie Fluddius invenit , non quod , pueri in faba , illic dicit generari cogitationes ; quod mihi mirum visum est , cum ego aliquando joculare carmen de Elite rationis scriberem , et , ferente ita genio carminis , joci gratia finxissem , illic generari Entia rationispostea cum incidi in istud Fluddii quod ne
, , somniando quidem cogita eram , invenisse me , serio hsec asseri a Fluddio * . " I am not acquainted with the foundation of the curious passages respecting the possibility of baptizing infants in nterof , but I find that Mauriceau adverts to the circumstance , in his attack on the Csesarian operation : " il n ' y a pas d ' occasions ou on ne puisse bien
" donner le Bapteme a 1 ' enfant , durant qu'il est encore au ventre de " la mere , estant facile de porter de l ' eau nette par le moyen du " Canon d ' une seringue jusques surqtielque partie de son Corps "—• He then obviates a difficulty , unthought of by Sterne ' s Doctors ; wh ich persuades me that this passage of Mauriceau had not occurred to him— " et il seroit inutile d ' alleguer que l ' eau n ' y pent pas-etre
'" conduite , a cause que 1 ' enfant est envelope deses membranes , qui '" en empechent ; car ne scait-onpas qu ' on les pent rompre tres aise" ment , en cas qtt ' elles ne le fussent pas , apres quo on peut toucher " eifectivement son Corps J . " This writer has also mentioned the mischievous effect of stronw pressure applied to the heads of very young Children ; which is
connected with another theory that Sterne has diverted himself with . 1 have not met with the original of it in my reading , but will give a passage from Bulwer ' s Anthropo-metamorphosis , analogous to Mauriceau ' sjj .
The North-west passage to Learning , obscurely mentioned in the Tristra-Pa ; dia , is described by Dr . Warton , in his excellent observations on the Genius and Writings of Pope , and was well burlesqued l > y Swift , in the Voyage to Laputa J . The best Commentary on Chap . 5 , vol . 8 th , is Montague ' s essay on the subject . There is one passage in the 7 th volume , which the circumstances of Sterne ' s death render pathetic . A believer in the doctrine ot