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A View Of The Progress Of Navigation.
. docs not point out the true pole , but inclines more of less either to the east or west ; and is not certain , but differs according to places , yet holding always the same in the same place , and is found by observing the sun or stars . The cause of this variation some philosophers ascribe to magnetical mountains , some to the pole itself , some to the heavens , and Some to the magnetical power even beyond the heavens ; but these are all blind and fond ostentations of learning without thing in them
guesses , any to convince ones reason . There is nothing of it " certain but the variation itself . Nor is this variation alone , thrre is a variation of the variation , a subject to be handled by none but such as have made it a peculiar study . But let us leave these mysteries , and come to the historical part , as the principal scope of this discourse ; where we-shall find , that though the use of the needle was so long since found outyet either through its
, being kept private by some few persons at first as a secret of great value , or through the dullness of sailors , at first not comprehending this wonderful phenomena ; or through fear of venturing too far out from the known shores ; or lastly , out of a conceit that there could not be more habitable worlds to discover : whether for these , or any other cause , we do not find considerable advantage made of this wonderful discove
any - ry for ' above an age after it : nay , what is more , it does not appear how the world received it , who first used it upon the sea , and how it spread abroad into other parts . [ To be continued . ] . . Mlllll I I . 111 . 1 . Mil ¦ l . llll
Lord Bolingbroke.
CONCERNING this celebrated statesman and infidel , I find two curious Anecdotes in the posthumous works of Mr . Toplady . The first is , that his Lordship was one day reading Calvin ' s Institutions , when he was visited by Mr . Thomas Church , Vicar of Battersea , to whom Lord Bolingbroke said , " You have caught me reading John Calvin . Lie was indeed a man of great partsprofound senseand vast learning . He
, , handles the Doctrines of Grace in a very masterly manner . "— " DoBrines of Grace ! " exclaimed Church ; the Doctrines of Grace have set all mankind together by the ears . " " I am surprised to hear you cay so , " answered the other ; " you who profess to believe and to preach Christianity . Those Doctrines are certainly the Doctrines of the Lible ; and if I believed the Bible , I must believe them . And let me seriously tell you , that
the greatest miracle in the world is the subsistence of Christianity , and its continued preservation as a religion , when the preaching of it is-committed to the care of such unchristian wretches as you . " Taking this story for true , ' upon the authority of Mr . Toplady , or of Lady Pluntingdon , from whom he had it , I cannot but remark that bis Lordshi p ' s behaviour was inconsistent with the rules of good breeding towards a
person in the character of a Clergyman ; though , in fact , Church deserved severe chastisement for speaking of the Doctrines of Grace in such an irreverent manner . ¦ ¦ " ' ' W . 4 E t-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A View Of The Progress Of Navigation.
. docs not point out the true pole , but inclines more of less either to the east or west ; and is not certain , but differs according to places , yet holding always the same in the same place , and is found by observing the sun or stars . The cause of this variation some philosophers ascribe to magnetical mountains , some to the pole itself , some to the heavens , and Some to the magnetical power even beyond the heavens ; but these are all blind and fond ostentations of learning without thing in them
guesses , any to convince ones reason . There is nothing of it " certain but the variation itself . Nor is this variation alone , thrre is a variation of the variation , a subject to be handled by none but such as have made it a peculiar study . But let us leave these mysteries , and come to the historical part , as the principal scope of this discourse ; where we-shall find , that though the use of the needle was so long since found outyet either through its
, being kept private by some few persons at first as a secret of great value , or through the dullness of sailors , at first not comprehending this wonderful phenomena ; or through fear of venturing too far out from the known shores ; or lastly , out of a conceit that there could not be more habitable worlds to discover : whether for these , or any other cause , we do not find considerable advantage made of this wonderful discove
any - ry for ' above an age after it : nay , what is more , it does not appear how the world received it , who first used it upon the sea , and how it spread abroad into other parts . [ To be continued . ] . . Mlllll I I . 111 . 1 . Mil ¦ l . llll
Lord Bolingbroke.
CONCERNING this celebrated statesman and infidel , I find two curious Anecdotes in the posthumous works of Mr . Toplady . The first is , that his Lordship was one day reading Calvin ' s Institutions , when he was visited by Mr . Thomas Church , Vicar of Battersea , to whom Lord Bolingbroke said , " You have caught me reading John Calvin . Lie was indeed a man of great partsprofound senseand vast learning . He
, , handles the Doctrines of Grace in a very masterly manner . "— " DoBrines of Grace ! " exclaimed Church ; the Doctrines of Grace have set all mankind together by the ears . " " I am surprised to hear you cay so , " answered the other ; " you who profess to believe and to preach Christianity . Those Doctrines are certainly the Doctrines of the Lible ; and if I believed the Bible , I must believe them . And let me seriously tell you , that
the greatest miracle in the world is the subsistence of Christianity , and its continued preservation as a religion , when the preaching of it is-committed to the care of such unchristian wretches as you . " Taking this story for true , ' upon the authority of Mr . Toplady , or of Lady Pluntingdon , from whom he had it , I cannot but remark that bis Lordshi p ' s behaviour was inconsistent with the rules of good breeding towards a
person in the character of a Clergyman ; though , in fact , Church deserved severe chastisement for speaking of the Doctrines of Grace in such an irreverent manner . ¦ ¦ " ' ' W . 4 E t-