Article ON CHRISTMAS-DAY. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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On Christmas-Day.
siftg duty to every partaker of its benefits , frequently , and with attention , to reflect on the immensity of their obligations to the Almighty Creator and Governor of the universe ; diligently * to contemplate every circumstance in the divine ceconomy of man ' s redemption , that their minds may be suitably impressed with grateful sentiments for the inestimable privileges bestowed thereby ; a thankful remembrance of which is at all times clue from us , and in a particular manner at the season of the year now
approaching , in which our church calls upon us to celebrate the first advent of our Redeemer , the ground-work and foundation of all our joyful hopes . What amazing condescension ! What unutterable love ? but still more amazing the ingratitude ! more astonishing the impiety of those perverse men , who reject the offers of redeeming grace , merely for that condescension ! " a Deity incarnate I" ( cries the cavilling moralist ) " absurd ! where is my reason when I acknowledge God in the
appearance of a man ; and that ' too in the lowest order of the human race , meant and obscure in birth , without the least token of regal dignity and magnificence , to claim my reverence or gain my assent '" 'Stop a moment , O ye vain objectors ! betray not your own inattention to his life , by rejecting the Messiah for the meanness of the character he assumed in the world : search and examine , you-will soon perceive , added to all the poverty and meanness of the man , all the power and majesty of the God ; of both which natures it was necessary for the reconciling Mediator , the Restorer of a fallen , degenerate world to partake . Man
had sinned : God was offended . The harmony of the divine attributes can never be violated ; justice must be satisfied before mercy could be offered . Transgression required an atoning sacrifice . Human nature was become corrupt , and , consequently , incapable of atoning for corruption . The divine nature could not suffer . A deity incarnate onl y could effect both ; such the Saviour appeared , God manifest in the flesh ; God and man in one Christ . Onenot by conversation of the Godhead into
, flesh , but by taking the manhood 'into God . For us men , and for our salvation , he came down from heaven , and , to g ive an undeniable proof of his humanity , submitted to be born of a woman ; and indeed , from the external circumstances of his birth , little respect seems due to ^ him from the rich and mighty . No train of courtiers , no stately edifice received this royal babe ; on the contrary , void of every necessary requisite , a
stable was his birth-place , and his cradle a manger 1 But how is all worldl y pomp and grandeur sunk into nothing , when compared with honours paid him by the choir of angels and archangels , who with hymns of praise celebrate his nativity ! How insignificant the temporal ensigns of royalty , while a g lorious and uncommon star shone resplendent in the firmament , to declare he was a god ! View him advanced iu life . We find his outward circumstances no
ways improved ; a wanderer , destitute of a place where to lay his head , subject to hunger , cold , and every innocent infirmity of human nature to prove himself a very man : but he was , at the same time , dispensing blessings all around him , healing all manner of diseases , giving eyes to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On Christmas-Day.
siftg duty to every partaker of its benefits , frequently , and with attention , to reflect on the immensity of their obligations to the Almighty Creator and Governor of the universe ; diligently * to contemplate every circumstance in the divine ceconomy of man ' s redemption , that their minds may be suitably impressed with grateful sentiments for the inestimable privileges bestowed thereby ; a thankful remembrance of which is at all times clue from us , and in a particular manner at the season of the year now
approaching , in which our church calls upon us to celebrate the first advent of our Redeemer , the ground-work and foundation of all our joyful hopes . What amazing condescension ! What unutterable love ? but still more amazing the ingratitude ! more astonishing the impiety of those perverse men , who reject the offers of redeeming grace , merely for that condescension ! " a Deity incarnate I" ( cries the cavilling moralist ) " absurd ! where is my reason when I acknowledge God in the
appearance of a man ; and that ' too in the lowest order of the human race , meant and obscure in birth , without the least token of regal dignity and magnificence , to claim my reverence or gain my assent '" 'Stop a moment , O ye vain objectors ! betray not your own inattention to his life , by rejecting the Messiah for the meanness of the character he assumed in the world : search and examine , you-will soon perceive , added to all the poverty and meanness of the man , all the power and majesty of the God ; of both which natures it was necessary for the reconciling Mediator , the Restorer of a fallen , degenerate world to partake . Man
had sinned : God was offended . The harmony of the divine attributes can never be violated ; justice must be satisfied before mercy could be offered . Transgression required an atoning sacrifice . Human nature was become corrupt , and , consequently , incapable of atoning for corruption . The divine nature could not suffer . A deity incarnate onl y could effect both ; such the Saviour appeared , God manifest in the flesh ; God and man in one Christ . Onenot by conversation of the Godhead into
, flesh , but by taking the manhood 'into God . For us men , and for our salvation , he came down from heaven , and , to g ive an undeniable proof of his humanity , submitted to be born of a woman ; and indeed , from the external circumstances of his birth , little respect seems due to ^ him from the rich and mighty . No train of courtiers , no stately edifice received this royal babe ; on the contrary , void of every necessary requisite , a
stable was his birth-place , and his cradle a manger 1 But how is all worldl y pomp and grandeur sunk into nothing , when compared with honours paid him by the choir of angels and archangels , who with hymns of praise celebrate his nativity ! How insignificant the temporal ensigns of royalty , while a g lorious and uncommon star shone resplendent in the firmament , to declare he was a god ! View him advanced iu life . We find his outward circumstances no
ways improved ; a wanderer , destitute of a place where to lay his head , subject to hunger , cold , and every innocent infirmity of human nature to prove himself a very man : but he was , at the same time , dispensing blessings all around him , healing all manner of diseases , giving eyes to