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Battle Between A Buffalo And Serpent.
I have bought of our hunters , a stag of a moderate size was found quite entire , with the skin and all the members of it in the belly of one of them . In another was found a wild he-goat , with his great horns , and no part of his body was wanting ; and in a third an hedge-hog armed with all its prickles . In the island of Amboyna a woman with child was destroyed'by one of these serpents . Thus they swallow up whole animals , \ vhich they compass in the manner following :
When hunger presses them , they lie in ambush , and endeavour . to surprise some animal , and when they have seized it , they twine and twist about its body so closely , that they break its bones by squeezing it . If the animal is strong , and makes great resistance , and the serpent cannot stifle him in the first position of laying hold of him , he tries to grapple with some trunk of a tree , which he surrounds with his tail , and thereby gains an additional strengthand redoubles his effortstil ! he has
, , stifled him . At the same time he seizes him by the nostrils with hiss teeth , and so not only intercepts his respiration , but the deep wounds that he g ives with his bites , occasions a great effusion of blood , and at last kills the largest animals . Persons of credit assured me of having seen in the kingdom of Arachan , on the frontiers of that of Bengal ,-a combat
between ' an enormous Serpent of this kind and a pjuffalo ( a prodigious large animal in those parts , and at least as large as an Ox when wild , which was killed and devoured by the Serpent . His bones made so great a noise while the Serpent was breaking them , by twining about his belly and breaking them , that it was heard within cannon shot by some , who were witnesses of this spectacle ; it seems astonishing that those serpents whose throat is so very narrowin proportion to the rest of their bod ^
, y can swallow so large an animal entire , and without tearing it in pieces as dogs and lions , but they succeed effectually , and the way is this : When these serpents , whose throat is very narrow , but susceptible of great dilation , have killed some animal and shattered his bones , so as that nothing appears but a shapeless mass , they begin by stretching' liim with the tongue as much as possible , and by licking to smooth and polish him as well as they candown the hair . They afterwards besmear the whole
, skin with a glutinous mucosity , so that the animal appears glistening as if varnished over , and when he is sufficiently prepared , and in a condition of being devoured by the serpent , which lays hold of him by the head , and at last swallows him by strong reiterated suctions ; but he sometimes takes two days and even more to go through his work , according to the bigness of the animal .
Doge's Marrying The Sea At Venice.
DURING the government of Ziani , one of the Doges , that singular ceremony of espousing the sea was instituted . Pope Alexander HI , to avoid the resentment of the Emperor Frederic
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Battle Between A Buffalo And Serpent.
I have bought of our hunters , a stag of a moderate size was found quite entire , with the skin and all the members of it in the belly of one of them . In another was found a wild he-goat , with his great horns , and no part of his body was wanting ; and in a third an hedge-hog armed with all its prickles . In the island of Amboyna a woman with child was destroyed'by one of these serpents . Thus they swallow up whole animals , \ vhich they compass in the manner following :
When hunger presses them , they lie in ambush , and endeavour . to surprise some animal , and when they have seized it , they twine and twist about its body so closely , that they break its bones by squeezing it . If the animal is strong , and makes great resistance , and the serpent cannot stifle him in the first position of laying hold of him , he tries to grapple with some trunk of a tree , which he surrounds with his tail , and thereby gains an additional strengthand redoubles his effortstil ! he has
, , stifled him . At the same time he seizes him by the nostrils with hiss teeth , and so not only intercepts his respiration , but the deep wounds that he g ives with his bites , occasions a great effusion of blood , and at last kills the largest animals . Persons of credit assured me of having seen in the kingdom of Arachan , on the frontiers of that of Bengal ,-a combat
between ' an enormous Serpent of this kind and a pjuffalo ( a prodigious large animal in those parts , and at least as large as an Ox when wild , which was killed and devoured by the Serpent . His bones made so great a noise while the Serpent was breaking them , by twining about his belly and breaking them , that it was heard within cannon shot by some , who were witnesses of this spectacle ; it seems astonishing that those serpents whose throat is so very narrowin proportion to the rest of their bod ^
, y can swallow so large an animal entire , and without tearing it in pieces as dogs and lions , but they succeed effectually , and the way is this : When these serpents , whose throat is very narrow , but susceptible of great dilation , have killed some animal and shattered his bones , so as that nothing appears but a shapeless mass , they begin by stretching' liim with the tongue as much as possible , and by licking to smooth and polish him as well as they candown the hair . They afterwards besmear the whole
, skin with a glutinous mucosity , so that the animal appears glistening as if varnished over , and when he is sufficiently prepared , and in a condition of being devoured by the serpent , which lays hold of him by the head , and at last swallows him by strong reiterated suctions ; but he sometimes takes two days and even more to go through his work , according to the bigness of the animal .
Doge's Marrying The Sea At Venice.
DURING the government of Ziani , one of the Doges , that singular ceremony of espousing the sea was instituted . Pope Alexander HI , to avoid the resentment of the Emperor Frederic