Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
EDINBURGH , Nov . 30-, 1793 a THIS being St . Andrew ' s Day , the tutelar Saint of the nation , at two o ' clockP . M . tlie Grand Lodof Scotlandwith the Lodges
, ge , in Edinburgh , and Proxies , met in the New Church Ayle , and in absence of the Marquis of Pluntly , Thomas Hay , Esq . his Substitute , being in the chair , the following noblemen and gentlemen were re-elected Grand Officebearers for the ensuing year : The Most Worshipful and Most Noble George Marquis of Huntly , Grand Master .
William , Earl of Ancrum , Deputy Grand Master . Thomas Hay , Esq . Substitute Grand Master . W iliiam Douglas Macleane Clephane , Esq . of Carslogie , Senior Grand Warden . Lord Viscount Down , Junior Grand Warden * John Play , Esq . Grand Treasurer .
Rev . Dr . John Touch , Grand Chaplain . Mr . William Mason , Grand Secretary . Mr . William Meikle , Grand Clerk . After the election the different Lodges adjourned to their several Lodge-rooms , where the evening was spent with that order and harmony so peculiarly characteristic of the Fraternity .
The Grand Lodge of Scotland , hearing with concern , that of late some Lodges have been let for the purposes of political associations , whose avowed princip les , and consequent resolutions , lead to the subversion of domestic peace , good government , and public tranquillity ; the Grand Lodge , therefore , having been convened this evening for the special purpose of considering the conduct of the Office-bearers or Brethren of such Lodgesexpress their highest displeasure at the sameas
, , converting the primary use of Lodge-rooms to ends unworthy of those for which they were originally intended . The universality of Free Masonry proves its principles to be friendl y to the interests of human society—and while those principles eminently tend to promote peace , charity , and brotherly love among the brethren , they equally inspire the votaries of Masonry with loyalty to the
Sovereign , obedience to the Laws , and respect to the authority of the Civil Magistrate , in whatever country Providence may cast their lot . In consistency , therefore , with those principles , and- with a determined resolution to preserve the purity of their order , the Grand Lodge hereby intimate to all Lodges holding Charter of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , that if any Lodge or Lodges shall be found prostituting their lodge-rooms to purposes as above mentioned , such Lodge or Lodges shall 4 l
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Masonic Intelligence.
EDINBURGH , Nov . 30-, 1793 a THIS being St . Andrew ' s Day , the tutelar Saint of the nation , at two o ' clockP . M . tlie Grand Lodof Scotlandwith the Lodges
, ge , in Edinburgh , and Proxies , met in the New Church Ayle , and in absence of the Marquis of Pluntly , Thomas Hay , Esq . his Substitute , being in the chair , the following noblemen and gentlemen were re-elected Grand Officebearers for the ensuing year : The Most Worshipful and Most Noble George Marquis of Huntly , Grand Master .
William , Earl of Ancrum , Deputy Grand Master . Thomas Hay , Esq . Substitute Grand Master . W iliiam Douglas Macleane Clephane , Esq . of Carslogie , Senior Grand Warden . Lord Viscount Down , Junior Grand Warden * John Play , Esq . Grand Treasurer .
Rev . Dr . John Touch , Grand Chaplain . Mr . William Mason , Grand Secretary . Mr . William Meikle , Grand Clerk . After the election the different Lodges adjourned to their several Lodge-rooms , where the evening was spent with that order and harmony so peculiarly characteristic of the Fraternity .
The Grand Lodge of Scotland , hearing with concern , that of late some Lodges have been let for the purposes of political associations , whose avowed princip les , and consequent resolutions , lead to the subversion of domestic peace , good government , and public tranquillity ; the Grand Lodge , therefore , having been convened this evening for the special purpose of considering the conduct of the Office-bearers or Brethren of such Lodgesexpress their highest displeasure at the sameas
, , converting the primary use of Lodge-rooms to ends unworthy of those for which they were originally intended . The universality of Free Masonry proves its principles to be friendl y to the interests of human society—and while those principles eminently tend to promote peace , charity , and brotherly love among the brethren , they equally inspire the votaries of Masonry with loyalty to the
Sovereign , obedience to the Laws , and respect to the authority of the Civil Magistrate , in whatever country Providence may cast their lot . In consistency , therefore , with those principles , and- with a determined resolution to preserve the purity of their order , the Grand Lodge hereby intimate to all Lodges holding Charter of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , that if any Lodge or Lodges shall be found prostituting their lodge-rooms to purposes as above mentioned , such Lodge or Lodges shall 4 l