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Oft as bri ght morn ' s all-searching eye returns , Full to my view the fatal spot is brought ; Through sleepless ni ght my haunted spirit mourns No gloom can hide me from distracting thought . When , spotless victim , shall my form decay i This guilty load , say , when shall I resign ? When shall my spirit wing her cheerless way , And . my cold ccrse lie treasttrd up with thine ?
Injur'd Innocence.
HUMBLY ADDRESSED TO THE E OF R- —— ~ . BY T . P . J L I OW I hate to exist in a world Where Virtue ' s depriv'd of her crown ,
Where praise on the worthless is hurl'd , And abuse on the great of renown ! Where the sweet smiling nymph of the North Is abus'd by each ignorant elf , And not one to display her vast worthy In all the wide world , but myself ! Good Heaven 1 how shocking to see
An Howard * parading around , . From Death's friendly clutches to free The captive whom sorrows surround ; And full gales of praises attend , WhiUl to her e ' en a puff is not given , Who , standing the wretch ' s good friend , Packs thousands a day off to Heaven !
. 01 how can they say that a maid , Possess'd of such virtues ancl charms , Is a lewd , cruel , covetous jade , That fills the whole world with alarms ! Don't I know thou art mild as the clime O ' er which thy Siberians rove 1 Can't I prove that thou own ' st at this time
Religion , philosophy , love ? . Religion declares that this ball fs a region of sorrow and woe—Arid how hast thou pitied all That were destin'd to sojourn below ! B : it thou ne ' er couldst endure that thy mate , Whom thou lov'd'st with affection so solt , Should partake of the general fate , So wafted him kindly aloft 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Oft as bri ght morn ' s all-searching eye returns , Full to my view the fatal spot is brought ; Through sleepless ni ght my haunted spirit mourns No gloom can hide me from distracting thought . When , spotless victim , shall my form decay i This guilty load , say , when shall I resign ? When shall my spirit wing her cheerless way , And . my cold ccrse lie treasttrd up with thine ?
Injur'd Innocence.
HUMBLY ADDRESSED TO THE E OF R- —— ~ . BY T . P . J L I OW I hate to exist in a world Where Virtue ' s depriv'd of her crown ,
Where praise on the worthless is hurl'd , And abuse on the great of renown ! Where the sweet smiling nymph of the North Is abus'd by each ignorant elf , And not one to display her vast worthy In all the wide world , but myself ! Good Heaven 1 how shocking to see
An Howard * parading around , . From Death's friendly clutches to free The captive whom sorrows surround ; And full gales of praises attend , WhiUl to her e ' en a puff is not given , Who , standing the wretch ' s good friend , Packs thousands a day off to Heaven !
. 01 how can they say that a maid , Possess'd of such virtues ancl charms , Is a lewd , cruel , covetous jade , That fills the whole world with alarms ! Don't I know thou art mild as the clime O ' er which thy Siberians rove 1 Can't I prove that thou own ' st at this time
Religion , philosophy , love ? . Religion declares that this ball fs a region of sorrow and woe—Arid how hast thou pitied all That were destin'd to sojourn below ! B : it thou ne ' er couldst endure that thy mate , Whom thou lov'd'st with affection so solt , Should partake of the general fate , So wafted him kindly aloft 1