Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
Dec . i . LAST week Mr . Thomas Muir and the Rev . Fyche Palmer arrived in the River from Leith , on board a revenue cutter . Orders were sent down for delivering them into the custod y of Duncan Campbell , the Contractor for the Hulks at Woolwich ; and on Saturday they were put on board one of the Hulks . On Sunday a
second order was sent down to separate them . ; and they were p . ut into different Hulks among the felons , and ironed , The Rev . Fyche Palmer was a Senior Fellow , of Queen ' s College , Cambridge . 4 . The Society for the Encouragement of Arts and Manufactures , and Commerce , adjudged their gold medal to Captain William Bli gh , of his Majesty ' s ship Providence , being . the premium offered to the person who should first convey from the Islands in the South Sea to the Islands in the West Indies subject to Great
Britain , the Bread-fruit Tree . This valuable tree will now probabl y be secured to the inhabitants of the West Indies , Captain Bligh having left at St . Vincent's and Jamaica 680 plants in a health y and growing state . 5 . Came on in the Court of Exchequer , before the Chief Baron , a cause , at the suit of the Attorney General . The defendants were distillers at Bristol , and had by a most ingenious contrivance , whilst the still was at work , by means of a private valve , and an aperture at the bottom of the receiver , to which was affixed a pipe ,
conveyed the greater part of the raw spirit under ground to an , adjeccnt cellar . This practice continued many years . Suspicions were continuall y entertained , on account . of the . small quantity of the spirit produced . At last a confidential servant betrayed the secret , and the utensils , spirit , & c were all seized and condemned . Perfect models of the whole distillery were produced in Court ; and a greater curiosity was scarcely ever seen . The information went for 12 , 000 ! . but the Lord Chief Baron instructed the Special Jury to moderate their verdict down to 4000 I .
The Jury retired , and in about half an hour returned with a vcrdic ; of ' ioool . Upon the above trial a witness for the Crown , who was personall y in Court , upon being called , immediatel y took to his heels and ran off ; the Officers ran after him ; and each got into boats at the stairs . When the Officers overtook him , the man , with horrid imprecations , swore that he would throw both them and himself overboard if they attempted to seize him ; and the Officers of the Court returned as they went . The Court ordered the recognizances to be estreated . 7 .. The Naval List laid before the King by the Earl of Chatham , in his Majesty ' s closet , on Wednesday last , makes the total number of ships of the British Navy now in commission 289 , which are rated as follow :
Of the Line , from 110 guns to 6 4 88 Fifty-gun ships — — 10 ' Frigates from 3 8 to 24 guns — 110 Sloops and Cutters of all descriptions 81 28 9 The Ordinary of the Navy also is fifty-five ships of the line , nine of fifty guns , twenty-two frigates , and twenty-four sloops . 4 K a
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Monthly Chronicle.
Dec . i . LAST week Mr . Thomas Muir and the Rev . Fyche Palmer arrived in the River from Leith , on board a revenue cutter . Orders were sent down for delivering them into the custod y of Duncan Campbell , the Contractor for the Hulks at Woolwich ; and on Saturday they were put on board one of the Hulks . On Sunday a
second order was sent down to separate them . ; and they were p . ut into different Hulks among the felons , and ironed , The Rev . Fyche Palmer was a Senior Fellow , of Queen ' s College , Cambridge . 4 . The Society for the Encouragement of Arts and Manufactures , and Commerce , adjudged their gold medal to Captain William Bli gh , of his Majesty ' s ship Providence , being . the premium offered to the person who should first convey from the Islands in the South Sea to the Islands in the West Indies subject to Great
Britain , the Bread-fruit Tree . This valuable tree will now probabl y be secured to the inhabitants of the West Indies , Captain Bligh having left at St . Vincent's and Jamaica 680 plants in a health y and growing state . 5 . Came on in the Court of Exchequer , before the Chief Baron , a cause , at the suit of the Attorney General . The defendants were distillers at Bristol , and had by a most ingenious contrivance , whilst the still was at work , by means of a private valve , and an aperture at the bottom of the receiver , to which was affixed a pipe ,
conveyed the greater part of the raw spirit under ground to an , adjeccnt cellar . This practice continued many years . Suspicions were continuall y entertained , on account . of the . small quantity of the spirit produced . At last a confidential servant betrayed the secret , and the utensils , spirit , & c were all seized and condemned . Perfect models of the whole distillery were produced in Court ; and a greater curiosity was scarcely ever seen . The information went for 12 , 000 ! . but the Lord Chief Baron instructed the Special Jury to moderate their verdict down to 4000 I .
The Jury retired , and in about half an hour returned with a vcrdic ; of ' ioool . Upon the above trial a witness for the Crown , who was personall y in Court , upon being called , immediatel y took to his heels and ran off ; the Officers ran after him ; and each got into boats at the stairs . When the Officers overtook him , the man , with horrid imprecations , swore that he would throw both them and himself overboard if they attempted to seize him ; and the Officers of the Court returned as they went . The Court ordered the recognizances to be estreated . 7 .. The Naval List laid before the King by the Earl of Chatham , in his Majesty ' s closet , on Wednesday last , makes the total number of ships of the British Navy now in commission 289 , which are rated as follow :
Of the Line , from 110 guns to 6 4 88 Fifty-gun ships — — 10 ' Frigates from 3 8 to 24 guns — 110 Sloops and Cutters of all descriptions 81 28 9 The Ordinary of the Navy also is fifty-five ships of the line , nine of fifty guns , twenty-two frigates , and twenty-four sloops . 4 K a