Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A- . Addison , Mr . anecdote of , 323 . Addresses , masonic , 5 , 17 , 19 , 324 , 497 . S 35-Affectation , essay on , 327 . Affection , filial , instance of , 64 . Age and dress considered 15-7
, . Air , nature and properties of , in . Amusements , public , strictures on , l 6 ° > * 53 , 344 , 426 , 51 S . Ancients , on the respect due to their opinions , 33 6 . Anecdotes , 1 3 , 30 , 33 , 52 , 105 , 121 , 136 , 137 . 149 , 150 , 162 , 192 , 22 3 ,
232 , 238 , 2 S 2 , 301 , 315 , 323 , 325 , 33 , 337 , 3 6 9 > 382 , 421 , 461 , 472 , 4 80 , 488 , 489 , 491 , 495 . Animals , living , found in solid bodies , 134 , 228 . Arno , verses addressed to , 522 . Arts , fine , 70 , 159 . Arts and sciences , on the study of , . 503 .
Ashhurst , judge , his speech in passing sentence on Mr . Frost , 85 . Asiatics , comparison between the French and them , 141 . Athenians , their constitution , 57 . Aubigne , M . de , anecdotes ' of , ' 491 . B .
Bak er , Miss , her speech to her judges , 147 . _ Beauty , definition of , 432 . Benevolence , example of , 43 S . Bosville , Colonel , stanzas to his memory , 523 . Bravery , French , singular instance ¦
of , 33 . '' - , Browne , Sir Anthony , his character , 479 . Bttckebotirg , count de , life of , 33 . Buckingham , duke of , his character , 226 . Buildings , increase of , no proof of the riches of a kingdom , 1 . 56 . Burnet , bishop , anecdote-of , 149 .
C . Calendar , new French one , 525 . Characters , 65 , 226 , 22 7 , 245 , 249 , 33 ^ 333- . ^ narges , masonic , 195 , 271 , 275 , 359 , 3 6 4 > 443 > 448 , 45 > 535 . 549-Chanty
, essay on , 95 . Charles II . anecdote of , 325 . Charnace , M . singular story of , 53 . Charters , ancient , 411 . Chelsea pensioner , a poem , 34 S . China , history of , 25 , 101 , 2-14 , 404 . Choler essay on 54
, , . Chronicle of events , & c . 79 , 173 , 2 57 > . -357-434 , SHCnrysippus , curious account of , 248 . Cornwall , verses written among the ruins of a nobleman ' s seat in , 34 6 . Contentment , verses on , 171 . Courage , an essay , 1 S 9 . ¦
and cowardice in the same persons , instance of , 303 . Coustos , a Free Mason , his sufferings in the inquisition , 553 . Cumberland Free Masons' school , account of , 241 . ¦ earnestly recommended , 2 43-Curate , a fragment , 170 . Cure for the rheumatism , » 43 S .
D . Debtor , a poem , 74 . ,. ¦ Deception , singular species of , 63 . Declaration of the king of Great Britain on the affairs of France ,
435-Delia ' s kitten , verses to , 16 9 . Deserters , a tale ,, 261 . Dodd , Dr . the late unfortunate divine , anecdote of , 136 . Drama , British , historical deduction of , 217 . Dramatical representations , essay on , 288 . Dress and age considered , 157 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A- . Addison , Mr . anecdote of , 323 . Addresses , masonic , 5 , 17 , 19 , 324 , 497 . S 35-Affectation , essay on , 327 . Affection , filial , instance of , 64 . Age and dress considered 15-7
, . Air , nature and properties of , in . Amusements , public , strictures on , l 6 ° > * 53 , 344 , 426 , 51 S . Ancients , on the respect due to their opinions , 33 6 . Anecdotes , 1 3 , 30 , 33 , 52 , 105 , 121 , 136 , 137 . 149 , 150 , 162 , 192 , 22 3 ,
232 , 238 , 2 S 2 , 301 , 315 , 323 , 325 , 33 , 337 , 3 6 9 > 382 , 421 , 461 , 472 , 4 80 , 488 , 489 , 491 , 495 . Animals , living , found in solid bodies , 134 , 228 . Arno , verses addressed to , 522 . Arts , fine , 70 , 159 . Arts and sciences , on the study of , . 503 .
Ashhurst , judge , his speech in passing sentence on Mr . Frost , 85 . Asiatics , comparison between the French and them , 141 . Athenians , their constitution , 57 . Aubigne , M . de , anecdotes ' of , ' 491 . B .
Bak er , Miss , her speech to her judges , 147 . _ Beauty , definition of , 432 . Benevolence , example of , 43 S . Bosville , Colonel , stanzas to his memory , 523 . Bravery , French , singular instance ¦
of , 33 . '' - , Browne , Sir Anthony , his character , 479 . Bttckebotirg , count de , life of , 33 . Buckingham , duke of , his character , 226 . Buildings , increase of , no proof of the riches of a kingdom , 1 . 56 . Burnet , bishop , anecdote-of , 149 .
C . Calendar , new French one , 525 . Characters , 65 , 226 , 22 7 , 245 , 249 , 33 ^ 333- . ^ narges , masonic , 195 , 271 , 275 , 359 , 3 6 4 > 443 > 448 , 45 > 535 . 549-Chanty
, essay on , 95 . Charles II . anecdote of , 325 . Charnace , M . singular story of , 53 . Charters , ancient , 411 . Chelsea pensioner , a poem , 34 S . China , history of , 25 , 101 , 2-14 , 404 . Choler essay on 54
, , . Chronicle of events , & c . 79 , 173 , 2 57 > . -357-434 , SHCnrysippus , curious account of , 248 . Cornwall , verses written among the ruins of a nobleman ' s seat in , 34 6 . Contentment , verses on , 171 . Courage , an essay , 1 S 9 . ¦
and cowardice in the same persons , instance of , 303 . Coustos , a Free Mason , his sufferings in the inquisition , 553 . Cumberland Free Masons' school , account of , 241 . ¦ earnestly recommended , 2 43-Curate , a fragment , 170 . Cure for the rheumatism , » 43 S .
D . Debtor , a poem , 74 . ,. ¦ Deception , singular species of , 63 . Declaration of the king of Great Britain on the affairs of France ,
435-Delia ' s kitten , verses to , 16 9 . Deserters , a tale ,, 261 . Dodd , Dr . the late unfortunate divine , anecdote of , 136 . Drama , British , historical deduction of , 217 . Dramatical representations , essay on , 288 . Dress and age considered , 157 .