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I N D E Xi
—Pastoral stanzas , 77 . ' —Ode for the grand chapter of Harodim ; 165 : —Delia ' s kitten , 16 9 . —On cotentment , 171 . —Ode for the birth day of the Duke of York , 259 . —Sympathy , 260 . —Sweets of friendship , 262 . —The Partridges ,
345 . —Verses written among the ruins of a seat in Cornwall , 34 6 . . —Chelsea pensioner , 348 . —Expectancy , 350 .,- ^ Moss' rose bud , 350 . —On flowers , 429 . —Forsaken fair , 431 . —Definition of beauty , 432 —Lamentation of the queen
. of France , 433 . —Verses addressed to Arno , 523 . —To the memory of colonel Bosville , 523 . —Pro' logue to The World in a Village . The debtor , 74 . ' ' Qc
Queen of France , particulars relating to , 145 , 423 , 433 , 438 . R . Retirement , effay on , 127 . Rheumatism , cure for , 43 8 . Riches , on the abuse of , 306 . Robertson , Dr . the historian , character of , 65 . Rupert , prince , memoirs of , 162 .
S . Sabbath-breaking , a law case on , 5 6 . Saladine , sultan of Egypt , character of , 245 . Ships , thoughts on the foundering of , 375-Songs , & c . masonic , 68 , 165 , 167 ,
168 . Soul , essay on the immortality of , 67 . Spearing , lieut . extraordinary narrative of his sufferings , 282 .
Spider , sagacity of ,. 116 . State papers , 153 . ' _ ¦' Sterne , plagiarisms detected in his works , 416 , 4 62 , 55 S . Storms , remarkable , 329 . Strife , essay on , 207 . Sympathy , lines on , 260 . Speech of miss Baker to her judges ,
147 . of judge Ashhurst to Frost the attorney . 85-of" the king on proroguing the parliament , 86 . of count T . at the initiation of his son into masonry , 220 .
, ' T * Tales , 3 6 , 107 , 209 , 261 , 312 , 32 t , 3 ? 6 , 5 ° 4 , 5 * 3-Theatre , 160 , 253 , 344 , 4 ° , 5 - Thou , M . de , anecdotes of , 48 S . Thunder storms , remarkable , 329 .
Tyger , destruction of Mr . Monro , by one , 146 . U . University , on the discip line of the , 394 . Vossius , anecdote of , 325 .
- W . War , the evils of , 152 . Warehouses , deceptive , 154 . Wooden leg , a tale , 321 . World in a Village , prologue 10 , 524 . Wyatt , sir Thomas , his character , 33 * -
Y . Yellow fever at Philadelphia de .-scribed , 517 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
I N D E Xi
—Pastoral stanzas , 77 . ' —Ode for the grand chapter of Harodim ; 165 : —Delia ' s kitten , 16 9 . —On cotentment , 171 . —Ode for the birth day of the Duke of York , 259 . —Sympathy , 260 . —Sweets of friendship , 262 . —The Partridges ,
345 . —Verses written among the ruins of a seat in Cornwall , 34 6 . . —Chelsea pensioner , 348 . —Expectancy , 350 .,- ^ Moss' rose bud , 350 . —On flowers , 429 . —Forsaken fair , 431 . —Definition of beauty , 432 —Lamentation of the queen
. of France , 433 . —Verses addressed to Arno , 523 . —To the memory of colonel Bosville , 523 . —Pro' logue to The World in a Village . The debtor , 74 . ' ' Qc
Queen of France , particulars relating to , 145 , 423 , 433 , 438 . R . Retirement , effay on , 127 . Rheumatism , cure for , 43 8 . Riches , on the abuse of , 306 . Robertson , Dr . the historian , character of , 65 . Rupert , prince , memoirs of , 162 .
S . Sabbath-breaking , a law case on , 5 6 . Saladine , sultan of Egypt , character of , 245 . Ships , thoughts on the foundering of , 375-Songs , & c . masonic , 68 , 165 , 167 ,
168 . Soul , essay on the immortality of , 67 . Spearing , lieut . extraordinary narrative of his sufferings , 282 .
Spider , sagacity of ,. 116 . State papers , 153 . ' _ ¦' Sterne , plagiarisms detected in his works , 416 , 4 62 , 55 S . Storms , remarkable , 329 . Strife , essay on , 207 . Sympathy , lines on , 260 . Speech of miss Baker to her judges ,
147 . of judge Ashhurst to Frost the attorney . 85-of" the king on proroguing the parliament , 86 . of count T . at the initiation of his son into masonry , 220 .
, ' T * Tales , 3 6 , 107 , 209 , 261 , 312 , 32 t , 3 ? 6 , 5 ° 4 , 5 * 3-Theatre , 160 , 253 , 344 , 4 ° , 5 - Thou , M . de , anecdotes of , 48 S . Thunder storms , remarkable , 329 .
Tyger , destruction of Mr . Monro , by one , 146 . U . University , on the discip line of the , 394 . Vossius , anecdote of , 325 .
- W . War , the evils of , 152 . Warehouses , deceptive , 154 . Wooden leg , a tale , 321 . World in a Village , prologue 10 , 524 . Wyatt , sir Thomas , his character , 33 * -
Y . Yellow fever at Philadelphia de .-scribed , 517 .