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Bad Effects Of Spiritous Liquors, Especially Among The Lower Ranks.
gard the imputation . Among many other woeful instances of its rapid and alarming progress , it consists with his knowledge , not in one instance , but in many , that families clothed in rags , and ready to perish withhunger , have converted their first charitable donation into that execrable poison , into that unhappy instrument of their own
ruin . The witling may sneer at this if he can , if his heart is so callous to every emotion of pity ; but such a picture , and it is not a fancy piece , must excite horror in every thinking , in every benevolent mind . Every person who has any claim either to the character of a Christian , or of a man , will shudder at the direful consequences ! Tradesmen ' , some of whom at times have been able to earn guinea week bthe '
a a y loom , & c . instead of living comfortably with their families , and savinoa little for a reverse of" circumstances , have not often on Saturday night wherewithal to subsist during the ensuing Sabbath ! Instead of associating on that day , a day devoted to rest and pious reflection to sanctif y and reverence the sanctuary of Him who is the giver of all by worshipping him as the God of their fathers , it is often spent irL dozing this deadl
over y poison in some low ti ppling-house or private dram-shop . It would be some consolation if these remarks were applicable to one parish , or to one district only . Reformation in that case mi ghtthen be more easily accomplished . But every paltry hamlet , from Graham ' s D yke * to John o'Groat ' s , is feeling , and while it is permitted will continue to feel , its woeful effects , ft has engendered that depravity , that dissipation and profligacy of manners , which , hke the destroying antrel , is stalkina . - forth , and with
rapid strides , dealing destruction every where around it .. The most contagious pestilence that ever desolated a country cannot produce more dreadful effects upon the natural , than it is now producing in the moral world , upon every public and private virtue . It is riot only extinguishing that energy of mind , that praise-worthy spirit of industry and enterprise , which urges on to progressive imand
provement happiness , but riot , contempt of lawful authority , that authorit y by which society alone can subsist , Licentiousness ' under the sacred , though prostituted , name of Liberty , fraud , robbery , murder , insanity , and suicide , every where mark its fatal progress ! If such are its direful train , is it not hi gh time for those in authority to step forth and administer an antidote to this fatal poison , before the diseases it occasions become
desperate , and baffle the utmost efforts of political skill to remove them ? Not a moment is to be lost . " Now is the accepted time , now is the day of salvation " Partial remedies may protract the malad y , but will never operate a cure . The axe must be laid to the root of the tree . It is much more congenial to the feelings of every humane and benevolent magistrate to prevent crimes by all possible means , than to punish them . To punish , however necessary , must always be a painful
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bad Effects Of Spiritous Liquors, Especially Among The Lower Ranks.
gard the imputation . Among many other woeful instances of its rapid and alarming progress , it consists with his knowledge , not in one instance , but in many , that families clothed in rags , and ready to perish withhunger , have converted their first charitable donation into that execrable poison , into that unhappy instrument of their own
ruin . The witling may sneer at this if he can , if his heart is so callous to every emotion of pity ; but such a picture , and it is not a fancy piece , must excite horror in every thinking , in every benevolent mind . Every person who has any claim either to the character of a Christian , or of a man , will shudder at the direful consequences ! Tradesmen ' , some of whom at times have been able to earn guinea week bthe '
a a y loom , & c . instead of living comfortably with their families , and savinoa little for a reverse of" circumstances , have not often on Saturday night wherewithal to subsist during the ensuing Sabbath ! Instead of associating on that day , a day devoted to rest and pious reflection to sanctif y and reverence the sanctuary of Him who is the giver of all by worshipping him as the God of their fathers , it is often spent irL dozing this deadl
over y poison in some low ti ppling-house or private dram-shop . It would be some consolation if these remarks were applicable to one parish , or to one district only . Reformation in that case mi ghtthen be more easily accomplished . But every paltry hamlet , from Graham ' s D yke * to John o'Groat ' s , is feeling , and while it is permitted will continue to feel , its woeful effects , ft has engendered that depravity , that dissipation and profligacy of manners , which , hke the destroying antrel , is stalkina . - forth , and with
rapid strides , dealing destruction every where around it .. The most contagious pestilence that ever desolated a country cannot produce more dreadful effects upon the natural , than it is now producing in the moral world , upon every public and private virtue . It is riot only extinguishing that energy of mind , that praise-worthy spirit of industry and enterprise , which urges on to progressive imand
provement happiness , but riot , contempt of lawful authority , that authorit y by which society alone can subsist , Licentiousness ' under the sacred , though prostituted , name of Liberty , fraud , robbery , murder , insanity , and suicide , every where mark its fatal progress ! If such are its direful train , is it not hi gh time for those in authority to step forth and administer an antidote to this fatal poison , before the diseases it occasions become
desperate , and baffle the utmost efforts of political skill to remove them ? Not a moment is to be lost . " Now is the accepted time , now is the day of salvation " Partial remedies may protract the malad y , but will never operate a cure . The axe must be laid to the root of the tree . It is much more congenial to the feelings of every humane and benevolent magistrate to prevent crimes by all possible means , than to punish them . To punish , however necessary , must always be a painful