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Character Of Gavin Wilson, With Some Account Of His Inventions,
of his poetical performances , under the title of "A Collection of Masonic Songs , and entertaining Anecdotes , for the use of all the Lodges : By Gavin Wilson , PoetLaureat to the Lodge of St . David , Edinburgh . " To this publication is prefixed aportraitof the author , decorated with masonic insignia . By people who were acquainted with him , I have been toldthat it is a good likenessit is drawn and etched by
, very ; a very ingenious artist , Mr . John Kay , whose abilities as a caricaturist have already acquired him extensive celebrity . - The author talks very contemptuously of his own compositions in the following Preface ; and , as an excuse for publishing of them , pleads the importunities of his friends :
" Courteous Reader , " YOU are inquisitive no doubt How this old fancy comes ahout , That old unlettcr'd leather-toaster Should now commence a poetaster ; For to a more deserving name His mean productions l ' ound no claim .
These trifles in your hand you hold Some are'bove thirty winters old ; Though others of more recent date His home-spun Muse did instigate . He , when with choice companions set , "Would sometimes one or more repeat . For copies many did insist ; - Some gratified in their request
; But to give every friend his share Would take more time than I could spare . The following whimsical advertisement may serve as a not unfavourable specimen of his poetical attempts :
" G . Wilson humbly , as before , Resumes his thankfulness once more ' For favours formerly enjoy'd , In , by the public , being employ'd , And hopes this public intimation Will meet with candid acceptation . The world knows well he makes boots neatly , And , as times go , he sells them cheaply ; Tis also known to
' many a hundred , Who at his late inventions wond ' red , Thatpolisri'dfo 7 // . )« --4 o . rM , cases , So well known now in many places , With ptmder-JIttsh , and porter-mugs * Am ] jointed leather-arms and tegs , Design'd for use as well as show , Erempli gratiaread below *
, . Were his invention ; and no claim Is just by any other name . With numbers of productions more , In leather , ne ' er perform'd before . In these dead times being almost idle . He try'd , and made a leather fiddle ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Character Of Gavin Wilson, With Some Account Of His Inventions,
of his poetical performances , under the title of "A Collection of Masonic Songs , and entertaining Anecdotes , for the use of all the Lodges : By Gavin Wilson , PoetLaureat to the Lodge of St . David , Edinburgh . " To this publication is prefixed aportraitof the author , decorated with masonic insignia . By people who were acquainted with him , I have been toldthat it is a good likenessit is drawn and etched by
, very ; a very ingenious artist , Mr . John Kay , whose abilities as a caricaturist have already acquired him extensive celebrity . - The author talks very contemptuously of his own compositions in the following Preface ; and , as an excuse for publishing of them , pleads the importunities of his friends :
" Courteous Reader , " YOU are inquisitive no doubt How this old fancy comes ahout , That old unlettcr'd leather-toaster Should now commence a poetaster ; For to a more deserving name His mean productions l ' ound no claim .
These trifles in your hand you hold Some are'bove thirty winters old ; Though others of more recent date His home-spun Muse did instigate . He , when with choice companions set , "Would sometimes one or more repeat . For copies many did insist ; - Some gratified in their request
; But to give every friend his share Would take more time than I could spare . The following whimsical advertisement may serve as a not unfavourable specimen of his poetical attempts :
" G . Wilson humbly , as before , Resumes his thankfulness once more ' For favours formerly enjoy'd , In , by the public , being employ'd , And hopes this public intimation Will meet with candid acceptation . The world knows well he makes boots neatly , And , as times go , he sells them cheaply ; Tis also known to
' many a hundred , Who at his late inventions wond ' red , Thatpolisri'dfo 7 // . )« --4 o . rM , cases , So well known now in many places , With ptmder-JIttsh , and porter-mugs * Am ] jointed leather-arms and tegs , Design'd for use as well as show , Erempli gratiaread below *
, . Were his invention ; and no claim Is just by any other name . With numbers of productions more , In leather , ne ' er perform'd before . In these dead times being almost idle . He try'd , and made a leather fiddle ,