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Character Of Gavin Wilson, With Some Account Of His Inventions,
'Of workmanship extremely neat , Of tone quite true , both soft and sweet ; ~ - And , finding leather not a mute , He made a leather German Jlule , Which play'd as well , and was as good , As any ever made of wood . " Hefor an idle hour ' s amusement .
, Wrote this exotic advertisement , Informing you he does reside In head of Canongate , South side , Up the first wooden-railed stair , You ' re sure to find his Whimship there . In Britain none can fit you better Than can your servant the Bool-maker , f GAVIN WILSON . "
Thoughts On Quacks Of All Denominations.
PHYSICIANS live in great cities ; there are few of them in the country . The reason of this is obvious . In great cities there are rich patients ; and among these debauchery , the pleasures of the table , and the gratification of the passions , give rise to a variety of diseases . Dumoulin , not the Lawyer , but the Physician , who was a no less famous practitionerobserved at his death"That he left
, , behind him two great Physicians , Regimen and River-water . " In 1738 ,. one Villars told his friends in confidence , that his uncle , who had lived almost an hundred years , and who died only by accident , had left him a certain preparation , which had the virtue to prolong a man ' s life to an hundred and fifty years , if he lived-with sobriety . When he happened to observe the procession of a funeral ,
he shrugged up his shoulders in pity : If the deceased , said he , had taken my medicine , he would not be where he is . His friends , among whom he distributed it generously , observing the condition required , found its utility , and extolled it . He was thence encouraged to sell it at a crown the bottle ; and the sale \ vas prodigious . It was no more than the water of the Seine , mixed with a little nitre ..
Those who made use of it , and were attentive , at the same time , to regimen , or who were happy in good constitutions , soon recovered their usual health . To others , he observed , " It is your own fault if you be not perfectly cured ; you have been intemperate and incontinent ; renounce these vices , and , believe me , you will live at least an hundred and fifty years . " Some of them took his advice ; and his wealth grew with his reputation , The-Abbe Pons extolled
Translated from the French .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Character Of Gavin Wilson, With Some Account Of His Inventions,
'Of workmanship extremely neat , Of tone quite true , both soft and sweet ; ~ - And , finding leather not a mute , He made a leather German Jlule , Which play'd as well , and was as good , As any ever made of wood . " Hefor an idle hour ' s amusement .
, Wrote this exotic advertisement , Informing you he does reside In head of Canongate , South side , Up the first wooden-railed stair , You ' re sure to find his Whimship there . In Britain none can fit you better Than can your servant the Bool-maker , f GAVIN WILSON . "
Thoughts On Quacks Of All Denominations.
PHYSICIANS live in great cities ; there are few of them in the country . The reason of this is obvious . In great cities there are rich patients ; and among these debauchery , the pleasures of the table , and the gratification of the passions , give rise to a variety of diseases . Dumoulin , not the Lawyer , but the Physician , who was a no less famous practitionerobserved at his death"That he left
, , behind him two great Physicians , Regimen and River-water . " In 1738 ,. one Villars told his friends in confidence , that his uncle , who had lived almost an hundred years , and who died only by accident , had left him a certain preparation , which had the virtue to prolong a man ' s life to an hundred and fifty years , if he lived-with sobriety . When he happened to observe the procession of a funeral ,
he shrugged up his shoulders in pity : If the deceased , said he , had taken my medicine , he would not be where he is . His friends , among whom he distributed it generously , observing the condition required , found its utility , and extolled it . He was thence encouraged to sell it at a crown the bottle ; and the sale \ vas prodigious . It was no more than the water of the Seine , mixed with a little nitre ..
Those who made use of it , and were attentive , at the same time , to regimen , or who were happy in good constitutions , soon recovered their usual health . To others , he observed , " It is your own fault if you be not perfectly cured ; you have been intemperate and incontinent ; renounce these vices , and , believe me , you will live at least an hundred and fifty years . " Some of them took his advice ; and his wealth grew with his reputation , The-Abbe Pons extolled
Translated from the French .