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The Arts.
when the fall of the table convinces the Projector that his villainy is discovered , and his artifices at an end . The likeness of LEWIS , QUICK , and Miss WALLIS , is already striking , and promises the utmost exactness . " " It may be fairiy said of this picture , in its present state , that it proves there ia no abatement in the skill and spirit of the Artist , though it is above thirty years since he produced those dramatic scenes which so highly gratified the judicious Critic , as well as the public at large . The series of pictures on the Hogarthian plan , which has lately issued from tha
hand of NORTHCOTE , are eminently creditable to his talents , his imagination , ancl his heart . The subject is the Progress of a Maid-Servant , from the first submission to vicious temptation , through the several siages of luxury and prostitution , till she closes a life of vice and folly in wretchedness and infamy . To counteract this gradual- descent from vice to misery , the Artist has also delineated the progress of her guod fellow-servant , who , resisting" the libertine attempts of her master , after displaying various proofs of honour and sensibility , is finally requited by the hand of her master , and raised to a state of happiness
suitable to her virtues . —The whole is an admirable work . Or-iE is still wielding the historical pencil with his usual vigour and expression . His last work is the Coronation of HENRY the SIXTH in his infancy ; and it exhibits such an energy of conception , such a harmony of colouring , and such a striking distribution of light and shadow , as may defy competition in these times . MARCHANT has finished his exquisite intaglio from the famous bust of HOMER , in the fine repository of Mr . TOWNLY , and has advanced very far in another , from the original mask of Sir ISAAC NEWTON , assisted by the picture from Sir JAMES TiioitNiiiLL , and everv accessory relique of that unrivalled expounder of Nature .
Masonic Intelligence.
Dec . 30 , 1705 . THE MASONIC DIRECTORY , of which it was intended to publish the SECOND * NUMBER with this month ' s Magazine , was originally set on foot , not frdm any view of private interest , but for the general advantage of the Fraternity . It has not , however , been so extensively encouraged as we had reason to suppose it would have been ; to what circumstance this is owing , we know not ; whether it be , that the plan was not sufficiently known , or that its design was misunderstood .
As it is , we can only say , that we shall defer the Second Number of it ;' till our Magazine for June 1796 shall be published ; when , if a sufficient number of names be not received to mzke the List respectable , the Directory shall be discontinued , and the monies received for insertions be returned . Such Brethren as have already paid for insertions , and are unwilling to wait till June for their appearance , may have their money returned on application at the place where payment was made . But any names sent after this date must be accompanied with . One Shilling ;—the Proprietor having sustained a loss on the expence attending tha FIHST NUMBER , which number was delivered GRATIS . resilienceanct
beveral tfrettiren wno nave sent men-names , , protession , nave yet omitted other necessary particulars , such as the number of the lodge , ancl the office ( if any ) which they hold therein , without which particulars names cannot be inserted ; as these are a guard against imposition . Names for insertion will be received by the Proprietor at the BRITISH LETTER FOUNDRY , Bream ' s Buildings , Chancery Lane , London : If by letter , the postage must be paid . A Grand CONCERT will , we understand , shortly be performed at Freemasons '
Hall ( under the Patronage of our Royal and Most Worshipful Grand Master , and iiis amiable Consort ) for the benefit of the Royal Cumberland Freemasons . ' School . 3 H 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Arts.
when the fall of the table convinces the Projector that his villainy is discovered , and his artifices at an end . The likeness of LEWIS , QUICK , and Miss WALLIS , is already striking , and promises the utmost exactness . " " It may be fairiy said of this picture , in its present state , that it proves there ia no abatement in the skill and spirit of the Artist , though it is above thirty years since he produced those dramatic scenes which so highly gratified the judicious Critic , as well as the public at large . The series of pictures on the Hogarthian plan , which has lately issued from tha
hand of NORTHCOTE , are eminently creditable to his talents , his imagination , ancl his heart . The subject is the Progress of a Maid-Servant , from the first submission to vicious temptation , through the several siages of luxury and prostitution , till she closes a life of vice and folly in wretchedness and infamy . To counteract this gradual- descent from vice to misery , the Artist has also delineated the progress of her guod fellow-servant , who , resisting" the libertine attempts of her master , after displaying various proofs of honour and sensibility , is finally requited by the hand of her master , and raised to a state of happiness
suitable to her virtues . —The whole is an admirable work . Or-iE is still wielding the historical pencil with his usual vigour and expression . His last work is the Coronation of HENRY the SIXTH in his infancy ; and it exhibits such an energy of conception , such a harmony of colouring , and such a striking distribution of light and shadow , as may defy competition in these times . MARCHANT has finished his exquisite intaglio from the famous bust of HOMER , in the fine repository of Mr . TOWNLY , and has advanced very far in another , from the original mask of Sir ISAAC NEWTON , assisted by the picture from Sir JAMES TiioitNiiiLL , and everv accessory relique of that unrivalled expounder of Nature .
Masonic Intelligence.
Dec . 30 , 1705 . THE MASONIC DIRECTORY , of which it was intended to publish the SECOND * NUMBER with this month ' s Magazine , was originally set on foot , not frdm any view of private interest , but for the general advantage of the Fraternity . It has not , however , been so extensively encouraged as we had reason to suppose it would have been ; to what circumstance this is owing , we know not ; whether it be , that the plan was not sufficiently known , or that its design was misunderstood .
As it is , we can only say , that we shall defer the Second Number of it ;' till our Magazine for June 1796 shall be published ; when , if a sufficient number of names be not received to mzke the List respectable , the Directory shall be discontinued , and the monies received for insertions be returned . Such Brethren as have already paid for insertions , and are unwilling to wait till June for their appearance , may have their money returned on application at the place where payment was made . But any names sent after this date must be accompanied with . One Shilling ;—the Proprietor having sustained a loss on the expence attending tha FIHST NUMBER , which number was delivered GRATIS . resilienceanct
beveral tfrettiren wno nave sent men-names , , protession , nave yet omitted other necessary particulars , such as the number of the lodge , ancl the office ( if any ) which they hold therein , without which particulars names cannot be inserted ; as these are a guard against imposition . Names for insertion will be received by the Proprietor at the BRITISH LETTER FOUNDRY , Bream ' s Buildings , Chancery Lane , London : If by letter , the postage must be paid . A Grand CONCERT will , we understand , shortly be performed at Freemasons '
Hall ( under the Patronage of our Royal and Most Worshipful Grand Master , and iiis amiable Consort ) for the benefit of the Royal Cumberland Freemasons . ' School . 3 H 2