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A Sermon,
wisdom assumes a different form . Sensible of the spark of divinity which he possesses , lie presses forward through all the regions of knowledge , and is not . satisfied with his attainments , 'while any object of his wishes remains beyond his reach . In theology , he looks ' upward to a God , and traces the divine benevolence in ail his works . In sciencehe discovers the rules and criterion of riht and wrong ,
, ^ of truth and error ; he applies the faculties of his mind to promote the interests of virtue ; and , like Solomon , gives Ids ' heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all tilings that are done under heaven . " * In the arts lie endeavours to supply the parsimony of nature with various improvements , and by the introduction of numerous inventions , to render life more easy and agreeable . Thus , in
the hand of man , knowledge is in a progressive state ; and , directed by the Author of good , will not cease its increasing influence till all , the powers of nature are no more . ' These observations will receive still further confirmation from the general history of the world . I pass over in silence those classical accounts of the first ages , however distinguished for their antiquity , or admired for their eloquence ; for in them all , poetical fiction , or fabulous narrative , eminently prevails . The book of Genesis is the
earliest authentic record of human manners which we possess . There truth ami simplicity mutually illustrate each other ; whilst both are irrefragabiy supported by the prevailing arguments of revelation . ' Indeed we can have no doubt of the progressive nature of human knowledge , when we behold the improvements which every day take iace amongst us . Andby analogywe may conclude , that what
p , , we see proceeding in . such regular older towards perfection , will not suspend its operations even when the functions of the body cease . This scene of life , though the theatre of improvement , is far from being that of perfection . We must look thiv . ugh the cloud , therefore , and welcome that ray of immortality which brightens all our prospects . For " now we see through a glass darkly ; out then , face
to face : now we know only in part ; but then , shall we know , even as also we are known . " f ' There is but one presiding princip le which regulates and gives stability to every art ; that principle is utility . For though the most exquisite- symmetry may be found in its execution , though external beauty may prevail in every part ; yet if it be not founded in that general benevolence which seeks the p-ood of mankind , it must be still
defective . As a partial view Of nature , or the delineation of particular habits and customs , which derive their origin from a capricious and fluctuating fashion , would disgrace the work of the artist , or the page of the historian ; so he who would wish that his deeds should live for ever , must found them on the broad basis of public virtue . ' It is becoming the solemnity of this occasion to point HIM out , whose benevolent heart projected , and whose strenuous arm hath ex-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Sermon,
wisdom assumes a different form . Sensible of the spark of divinity which he possesses , lie presses forward through all the regions of knowledge , and is not . satisfied with his attainments , 'while any object of his wishes remains beyond his reach . In theology , he looks ' upward to a God , and traces the divine benevolence in ail his works . In sciencehe discovers the rules and criterion of riht and wrong ,
, ^ of truth and error ; he applies the faculties of his mind to promote the interests of virtue ; and , like Solomon , gives Ids ' heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all tilings that are done under heaven . " * In the arts lie endeavours to supply the parsimony of nature with various improvements , and by the introduction of numerous inventions , to render life more easy and agreeable . Thus , in
the hand of man , knowledge is in a progressive state ; and , directed by the Author of good , will not cease its increasing influence till all , the powers of nature are no more . ' These observations will receive still further confirmation from the general history of the world . I pass over in silence those classical accounts of the first ages , however distinguished for their antiquity , or admired for their eloquence ; for in them all , poetical fiction , or fabulous narrative , eminently prevails . The book of Genesis is the
earliest authentic record of human manners which we possess . There truth ami simplicity mutually illustrate each other ; whilst both are irrefragabiy supported by the prevailing arguments of revelation . ' Indeed we can have no doubt of the progressive nature of human knowledge , when we behold the improvements which every day take iace amongst us . Andby analogywe may conclude , that what
p , , we see proceeding in . such regular older towards perfection , will not suspend its operations even when the functions of the body cease . This scene of life , though the theatre of improvement , is far from being that of perfection . We must look thiv . ugh the cloud , therefore , and welcome that ray of immortality which brightens all our prospects . For " now we see through a glass darkly ; out then , face
to face : now we know only in part ; but then , shall we know , even as also we are known . " f ' There is but one presiding princip le which regulates and gives stability to every art ; that principle is utility . For though the most exquisite- symmetry may be found in its execution , though external beauty may prevail in every part ; yet if it be not founded in that general benevolence which seeks the p-ood of mankind , it must be still
defective . As a partial view Of nature , or the delineation of particular habits and customs , which derive their origin from a capricious and fluctuating fashion , would disgrace the work of the artist , or the page of the historian ; so he who would wish that his deeds should live for ever , must found them on the broad basis of public virtue . ' It is becoming the solemnity of this occasion to point HIM out , whose benevolent heart projected , and whose strenuous arm hath ex-