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A Sermon,
as that was a token of a benevolent covenant between God and the earth , so let this remain a memorial of the unity and friendlych ' sposition of that society , which I have at present the honour to address . ' Order , harmony , and proportion , are the requisites of every building , spiritual , social , or political , which would make any claim to perfection . Let us endeavour , then , so to unite ourselves by those princiles of philanthropyso to build up ourselves in good works ,
p , and so to believe and practise the doctrines of our Saviour , which are founded in the purest benevolence , that in whatever character we may appear in the world , we may fulfil our duty , by walking worthy of our vocation . ' Let us live as men considering the great end for which the goodness of God created us ; and let us beseech him who ruleth the
universe , and g iveth order and motion to the heavenly planets , to direct our goings in the true and right way , that our footsteps slip not ; to give us wisdom to contrive in all our doings , strength to support in all difficulties , and beauty to adorn those Jjeavenl y mansions where his honour dwelletb ; that he would promote still more and more those benevolent princip les , which it is the glory of human nature to
possess , brotherly love and Christian charity ; and that he would accept the offering of this day , which is not to be considered as a presuming display of the works of man , but as a humble expression of our duty to the Lord of all : thus shall we hear the voice of the Lamb proceeding from the holy mount , and saying , ' Blessed are the merciful , for they shall obtain mercy : " * thus shall an abundant entrance be administered unto us into thy kingdom , O great Jehovah ! ' .
On Death.
TLTERACLITUS used to say , that the living and the dead , the " - ' wakeful and the sleeper , the old and the young , are one and the same thing : he who is past the age of youth becomes old , and this last is succeeded by another newly born . When our nei ghbour is carried to his grave , we must not onl } ' shed a few tears , as Csesar did on the head of Pompey , or as Metellus on the body of Adrastes , but must prepare ourselves to support the like accidentrather than
, complain of this . Life and death are equally natural to us , though the one is only a consequence of the other , and as the manner of living is very different , so is our latter end . Furentius died in his bed , of extreme old age , and prince Metellus in his cradle—Hannibal grew grey in his military atchievements , and Alexander , on the contrary , died in
the flower of his age . ' Weep , ' said Tha . ' es the Milesian , ' when thy son is born , because the angel at his birth has marked out a grave for him in the world . * Socrates lamented the death of his friend Mecenas ; but when he found himself going the same way , he wiped away his tears . Diogenes , so Matt , v , 7 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Sermon,
as that was a token of a benevolent covenant between God and the earth , so let this remain a memorial of the unity and friendlych ' sposition of that society , which I have at present the honour to address . ' Order , harmony , and proportion , are the requisites of every building , spiritual , social , or political , which would make any claim to perfection . Let us endeavour , then , so to unite ourselves by those princiles of philanthropyso to build up ourselves in good works ,
p , and so to believe and practise the doctrines of our Saviour , which are founded in the purest benevolence , that in whatever character we may appear in the world , we may fulfil our duty , by walking worthy of our vocation . ' Let us live as men considering the great end for which the goodness of God created us ; and let us beseech him who ruleth the
universe , and g iveth order and motion to the heavenly planets , to direct our goings in the true and right way , that our footsteps slip not ; to give us wisdom to contrive in all our doings , strength to support in all difficulties , and beauty to adorn those Jjeavenl y mansions where his honour dwelletb ; that he would promote still more and more those benevolent princip les , which it is the glory of human nature to
possess , brotherly love and Christian charity ; and that he would accept the offering of this day , which is not to be considered as a presuming display of the works of man , but as a humble expression of our duty to the Lord of all : thus shall we hear the voice of the Lamb proceeding from the holy mount , and saying , ' Blessed are the merciful , for they shall obtain mercy : " * thus shall an abundant entrance be administered unto us into thy kingdom , O great Jehovah ! ' .
On Death.
TLTERACLITUS used to say , that the living and the dead , the " - ' wakeful and the sleeper , the old and the young , are one and the same thing : he who is past the age of youth becomes old , and this last is succeeded by another newly born . When our nei ghbour is carried to his grave , we must not onl } ' shed a few tears , as Csesar did on the head of Pompey , or as Metellus on the body of Adrastes , but must prepare ourselves to support the like accidentrather than
, complain of this . Life and death are equally natural to us , though the one is only a consequence of the other , and as the manner of living is very different , so is our latter end . Furentius died in his bed , of extreme old age , and prince Metellus in his cradle—Hannibal grew grey in his military atchievements , and Alexander , on the contrary , died in
the flower of his age . ' Weep , ' said Tha . ' es the Milesian , ' when thy son is born , because the angel at his birth has marked out a grave for him in the world . * Socrates lamented the death of his friend Mecenas ; but when he found himself going the same way , he wiped away his tears . Diogenes , so Matt , v , 7 .