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On The Music Of The Ancients.
the richest clothes , which people would touch no more , and are going to burn . There are actually in the streets to the amount of 200 , 000 Iivres . The disorder and confusion has hitherto been extremely great , but all our hopes are in the great care of the chevalier de Langeron , governor of the town . He has ahead } ' caused some shops to be opened . The change of the governor , and of the seasonby the grace of Godwill be advantageous . Had we not
, , affected to deceive the public , by assuring them that the evil which , reigned was not the plague ; and had we buried tlie dead bodies which lay a wh : le fortnight in the streets , I believe the mortality had ceased , and we should have had nothing to do but provide against the extreme misery which necessarily must be the sequel of this calamity .
' You cannot imagine the horror which we have seen , nor can any believe it that has not seen it ; my little courage has often ' almost failed me . May it please Almighty God to let us soon see an end of it . There is a great diminution of the mortality ; and those that hold that the moon contributes to all this , are of opinion , that we owe this diminution to the decline of the moon and that we shall
; have reason to fear when it comes to the full . For' my part , lam convinced , we owe all to the mercies of God , from whom alone we must hope for relief in the deplorable condition ' w ' e have been in so long a while . I am , & c , ' ' HENRY , BISHOP OF MARSEILLES !
Origin And History Of Promissory Notes And Paper Credit.
[ cOVCr . I . 'BED FI 10 M PACK lt'S-1 HTT-IUS the trade of the Goldsmiths grew anil flourished till the . year 166 7 , when , an alarm taking place in consequence of the Dutch sailing up the Thames , and burning some , ships at Chatham , a run was made on the Goldsmithsand their credit was shaken .
, They seem , however , to have been recovering from that blow , when Ciiaries the II . in ^ 6 71-2 , tool ; the violent measure of shutting up the Exchequer , and impounding there between thirteen and fourteen hundred thousand pounds of their principal money , beside the current interest due upon it . Previous to this period , their prosperity was so increasing , and
money , came , so fast into their hands , that they were perpetually employed in devising new modes of disposing it to advantage ., without being under the necessity of having recourse to their own Paper-credit to support their trade . But the shutting of the Exchequer threw the whole commerce of the City into confusion , and made extraordinary expedients necessary to sustain every part of the sysjerc ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On The Music Of The Ancients.
the richest clothes , which people would touch no more , and are going to burn . There are actually in the streets to the amount of 200 , 000 Iivres . The disorder and confusion has hitherto been extremely great , but all our hopes are in the great care of the chevalier de Langeron , governor of the town . He has ahead } ' caused some shops to be opened . The change of the governor , and of the seasonby the grace of Godwill be advantageous . Had we not
, , affected to deceive the public , by assuring them that the evil which , reigned was not the plague ; and had we buried tlie dead bodies which lay a wh : le fortnight in the streets , I believe the mortality had ceased , and we should have had nothing to do but provide against the extreme misery which necessarily must be the sequel of this calamity .
' You cannot imagine the horror which we have seen , nor can any believe it that has not seen it ; my little courage has often ' almost failed me . May it please Almighty God to let us soon see an end of it . There is a great diminution of the mortality ; and those that hold that the moon contributes to all this , are of opinion , that we owe this diminution to the decline of the moon and that we shall
; have reason to fear when it comes to the full . For' my part , lam convinced , we owe all to the mercies of God , from whom alone we must hope for relief in the deplorable condition ' w ' e have been in so long a while . I am , & c , ' ' HENRY , BISHOP OF MARSEILLES !
Origin And History Of Promissory Notes And Paper Credit.
[ cOVCr . I . 'BED FI 10 M PACK lt'S-1 HTT-IUS the trade of the Goldsmiths grew anil flourished till the . year 166 7 , when , an alarm taking place in consequence of the Dutch sailing up the Thames , and burning some , ships at Chatham , a run was made on the Goldsmithsand their credit was shaken .
, They seem , however , to have been recovering from that blow , when Ciiaries the II . in ^ 6 71-2 , tool ; the violent measure of shutting up the Exchequer , and impounding there between thirteen and fourteen hundred thousand pounds of their principal money , beside the current interest due upon it . Previous to this period , their prosperity was so increasing , and
money , came , so fast into their hands , that they were perpetually employed in devising new modes of disposing it to advantage ., without being under the necessity of having recourse to their own Paper-credit to support their trade . But the shutting of the Exchequer threw the whole commerce of the City into confusion , and made extraordinary expedients necessary to sustain every part of the sysjerc ;