Article REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ← Page 2 of 10 →
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Review Of New Publications.
' During the war ( between the Russians and Turks ) this unfortunate country was completely drained of its wealth by the Pacha and other people in power ; and the contributions which were levied on these miserable villages were altogether astonishing . One in particular , called Cajarmari , where there aie only eig ht hovels , and where the majority of the inhabitants have only a coarse shirt to veil their nakedness , paid , annually , one thousand piastres . Who can listen to a tale of such villainy and distress , without giving way to the
emotions of indignation and horror ?—Let us not , therefore , attribute that savageness of charaftc . r , which I have already remarked , to any natural defeel : of disposition , but rather to the unrelenting cruelty and oppression of ' their insolent rulers : for human nature , when harrasscd by continual aggravation , loses , by degrees , all its mildness and benevolence , and necessaril y engenders the seeds of distrust and revenge . Though frequently crushed to submission , the innate love cf liberty still exists , and the delusive
persuasions of hope will , at intervals , rouse it to activity . —Anxious for redress , and panting , with eagerness , for emancipation , if an opportune moment arrive , whilst the transitory flame of irritated passions animates the breast , we are not to be surprized , if it endeavour to assert its rights , and to retaliate those injuries by which it has been aggrieved . ' The following observations on the condition of the female sex in Turkey entitle Mr . H . in- our opinion , to the thanks of all his fair country-women . ' With regard to the women , you must depend on the accounts of others , as no man , hut he to whom they belong , F . ever permitted to sec them . —As , however , I have mentioned them , I shall beg leave to add , that my ideas of
then happiness are totally opposite to these of a justly celebrated temale writer ; and , 1 think ,- that by a reference to the strongest principles of our nature , the force ai-. d propriety of my opinion may be easily established . ' In a country where A plurality of wives is authorized by law , and whei e one man , in addition to this licence , is also permitted , without any breacli of the morality which he has been taught , to immure in his haram as many female skives as Ids purse can purchase , the sex must infallibly be tyrannised
over , and degraded . It is deprived of its natural rig hts . It is denied its natural protection . It is , forbidden the chaste enjoyments of reciprocal friendship and love . It is robbed of its dignity and its honour , which are its brightest attraction ;; . It is compelled to pay obedience to a wretch whom it despises , and , whilst it despises , to submit itself to the gratification of his lust . Can any thing be more unjust ? Can any thing- be more horrible ?—Aie these the suggestions , the dictates of Nature ?—No !—They are an abandoned perversion
of her purest , her most valuable sentiments . —They are a shameless , insulting tyranny , achieved by the powerful and strong over the weak and helpless : and , whatever is so wide , so revoking a devialh . n fiom those propensities and principles , which Nature has , with her own hand , in distinct and indelible characters , ' written in our hearts , cannot possibly be productive of any thing but hatred , discontent , and misery . ' We could wish to add other extracts from this very pleasing volume , did our limits allow . We cannot , however , conclude without strongly recommending it to the perusal of all those who in Books of Travels wish to mingle instruction with delight .
Donald Bar . e ; an Heroic Pc-e : r .. In three Bucks . By George Sxtne , Esq . fages in . Sou . 2 s . 6 < i . Robinsons . MR . Skene , in a short Preface to this Poem , informs us , that it is founded upon the remembrance of an old historical manuscript , preserved at the family seat of Mr . Skene , of Skene : a gentleman certainly of a very ancient family in the county of Aberdeen . We are not enabled to judge of the authenticity
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Review Of New Publications.
' During the war ( between the Russians and Turks ) this unfortunate country was completely drained of its wealth by the Pacha and other people in power ; and the contributions which were levied on these miserable villages were altogether astonishing . One in particular , called Cajarmari , where there aie only eig ht hovels , and where the majority of the inhabitants have only a coarse shirt to veil their nakedness , paid , annually , one thousand piastres . Who can listen to a tale of such villainy and distress , without giving way to the
emotions of indignation and horror ?—Let us not , therefore , attribute that savageness of charaftc . r , which I have already remarked , to any natural defeel : of disposition , but rather to the unrelenting cruelty and oppression of ' their insolent rulers : for human nature , when harrasscd by continual aggravation , loses , by degrees , all its mildness and benevolence , and necessaril y engenders the seeds of distrust and revenge . Though frequently crushed to submission , the innate love cf liberty still exists , and the delusive
persuasions of hope will , at intervals , rouse it to activity . —Anxious for redress , and panting , with eagerness , for emancipation , if an opportune moment arrive , whilst the transitory flame of irritated passions animates the breast , we are not to be surprized , if it endeavour to assert its rights , and to retaliate those injuries by which it has been aggrieved . ' The following observations on the condition of the female sex in Turkey entitle Mr . H . in- our opinion , to the thanks of all his fair country-women . ' With regard to the women , you must depend on the accounts of others , as no man , hut he to whom they belong , F . ever permitted to sec them . —As , however , I have mentioned them , I shall beg leave to add , that my ideas of
then happiness are totally opposite to these of a justly celebrated temale writer ; and , 1 think ,- that by a reference to the strongest principles of our nature , the force ai-. d propriety of my opinion may be easily established . ' In a country where A plurality of wives is authorized by law , and whei e one man , in addition to this licence , is also permitted , without any breacli of the morality which he has been taught , to immure in his haram as many female skives as Ids purse can purchase , the sex must infallibly be tyrannised
over , and degraded . It is deprived of its natural rig hts . It is denied its natural protection . It is , forbidden the chaste enjoyments of reciprocal friendship and love . It is robbed of its dignity and its honour , which are its brightest attraction ;; . It is compelled to pay obedience to a wretch whom it despises , and , whilst it despises , to submit itself to the gratification of his lust . Can any thing be more unjust ? Can any thing- be more horrible ?—Aie these the suggestions , the dictates of Nature ?—No !—They are an abandoned perversion
of her purest , her most valuable sentiments . —They are a shameless , insulting tyranny , achieved by the powerful and strong over the weak and helpless : and , whatever is so wide , so revoking a devialh . n fiom those propensities and principles , which Nature has , with her own hand , in distinct and indelible characters , ' written in our hearts , cannot possibly be productive of any thing but hatred , discontent , and misery . ' We could wish to add other extracts from this very pleasing volume , did our limits allow . We cannot , however , conclude without strongly recommending it to the perusal of all those who in Books of Travels wish to mingle instruction with delight .
Donald Bar . e ; an Heroic Pc-e : r .. In three Bucks . By George Sxtne , Esq . fages in . Sou . 2 s . 6 < i . Robinsons . MR . Skene , in a short Preface to this Poem , informs us , that it is founded upon the remembrance of an old historical manuscript , preserved at the family seat of Mr . Skene , of Skene : a gentleman certainly of a very ancient family in the county of Aberdeen . We are not enabled to judge of the authenticity