Article REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ← Page 4 of 10 →
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Review Of New Publications.
surpassing : what we had conceived on the subject . The facts brought to light by this worthy and public spirited Magistrate ( whom we understand to be Mr CoIquhomO are many and alarming , not only to the citizen who is concerned for the common welfare , but to every father of a family , and every individual who regards the welfare of his own relations and connections . In perusing this valuable work , we are stitick with the great connection there is between vice and misery . Many parts of it inculcate , in the strongest and most
impressive manner , the necessity of industry , self-command , and circumspection to human happiness ; and in this respect it is preferable to volumes of sermons . But it would be an endless task , and not within our limits , to point out the various reflections it must produce in the moralist , the politician , and the man of business . From a fair and candid estimate , our author supposes that the unhappy class of mortals who support themselves in " and near the metropolis by pursuits
either criminal , illegal , or immoral , amounts to no less than one hundred and fifteen thousand ! and that the amount of ( he robberies annually committed on the public exceeds two millions of money ! O ye Legislators , here is room for Contemplation c-jen to madness ! The reefer ; a Collection of Essays , Moral , Biographical , and Literary . Svo . pages 347 . price AS . boards .
THISColieetion of Essays comes from the pen of Dr . Wat-kins , and will do no discredit to the Author ' s literary reputation . He does , indeed , himself speak of his performance in the most modest terms , as being ' the very humblest of its kind , and submitted to the candour of a , discerning public , with no other pretension than an earnest desire to serve the interests of Virtue . ' This important purpose , we are happy to say . the Peeper is admirably calculated to advance . In chaste and correct language , by just and impressive
arguments , and by appropriate and well-drawn characters , the moralist endeavours to make virtue and religion peculiarl y amiable , and endearingto his youno-readeis . In some places he is solemn , but never fanatical ; in others he is lively , but nut flippant or impei tiuent ; and frequently he is argumentative , but never pedantic . He censures with just but strong severity the desolating schemes of our political reformists ,- and ridicules ' with . admirable irony the too-prevalent custom of corrupting our language by the
introducton of foreign words and phrases . The biographical articles , which give great relief to the work , are novel and curious , particularly the lives of the eccentric John Henderson of Oxford , and the learned Samuel Badcock of Devonshire .
Essays on some of Shaksheare ' s Dramatic Characters . To -ohich is added , an Ess at on the Faults of Shakspeare . The Ffb Edition . By William Richardson , M . J . F . Jt . S . . Ediu . Professor of Humanity in the University of Glasgow , page 401 . price 6 si Murray and Highley . MR . Richardson ' s Essays contain a philosophical view of the nature and conduct of the fin in an mind and heart , particularly violent emotion and passion ; as these are happily and justly illustrated by that child of" nature ,
Shakspeare . These Essays are replete with criticism wot thy of attention ; and form a happy contrast to the laborious inanity of Steevens , Malcne , and others . ' In the year 177 + was published , " A philosophical Analysis and Illuslration of some of Shakspeare ' s Dramatic Characters . '" In the year r-S-f were published . " E'sajs on Shakspeare ' s Dramatic Characters of Richard the Third , King Lear , and Timon of Athens ; " to which were added , " An Essay on the Faults of Shakspeare , and additional Observations on the Character of Hamlet . ' ' Soon after were pviblished , ' Essays
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Review Of New Publications.
surpassing : what we had conceived on the subject . The facts brought to light by this worthy and public spirited Magistrate ( whom we understand to be Mr CoIquhomO are many and alarming , not only to the citizen who is concerned for the common welfare , but to every father of a family , and every individual who regards the welfare of his own relations and connections . In perusing this valuable work , we are stitick with the great connection there is between vice and misery . Many parts of it inculcate , in the strongest and most
impressive manner , the necessity of industry , self-command , and circumspection to human happiness ; and in this respect it is preferable to volumes of sermons . But it would be an endless task , and not within our limits , to point out the various reflections it must produce in the moralist , the politician , and the man of business . From a fair and candid estimate , our author supposes that the unhappy class of mortals who support themselves in " and near the metropolis by pursuits
either criminal , illegal , or immoral , amounts to no less than one hundred and fifteen thousand ! and that the amount of ( he robberies annually committed on the public exceeds two millions of money ! O ye Legislators , here is room for Contemplation c-jen to madness ! The reefer ; a Collection of Essays , Moral , Biographical , and Literary . Svo . pages 347 . price AS . boards .
THISColieetion of Essays comes from the pen of Dr . Wat-kins , and will do no discredit to the Author ' s literary reputation . He does , indeed , himself speak of his performance in the most modest terms , as being ' the very humblest of its kind , and submitted to the candour of a , discerning public , with no other pretension than an earnest desire to serve the interests of Virtue . ' This important purpose , we are happy to say . the Peeper is admirably calculated to advance . In chaste and correct language , by just and impressive
arguments , and by appropriate and well-drawn characters , the moralist endeavours to make virtue and religion peculiarl y amiable , and endearingto his youno-readeis . In some places he is solemn , but never fanatical ; in others he is lively , but nut flippant or impei tiuent ; and frequently he is argumentative , but never pedantic . He censures with just but strong severity the desolating schemes of our political reformists ,- and ridicules ' with . admirable irony the too-prevalent custom of corrupting our language by the
introducton of foreign words and phrases . The biographical articles , which give great relief to the work , are novel and curious , particularly the lives of the eccentric John Henderson of Oxford , and the learned Samuel Badcock of Devonshire .
Essays on some of Shaksheare ' s Dramatic Characters . To -ohich is added , an Ess at on the Faults of Shakspeare . The Ffb Edition . By William Richardson , M . J . F . Jt . S . . Ediu . Professor of Humanity in the University of Glasgow , page 401 . price 6 si Murray and Highley . MR . Richardson ' s Essays contain a philosophical view of the nature and conduct of the fin in an mind and heart , particularly violent emotion and passion ; as these are happily and justly illustrated by that child of" nature ,
Shakspeare . These Essays are replete with criticism wot thy of attention ; and form a happy contrast to the laborious inanity of Steevens , Malcne , and others . ' In the year 177 + was published , " A philosophical Analysis and Illuslration of some of Shakspeare ' s Dramatic Characters . '" In the year r-S-f were published . " E'sajs on Shakspeare ' s Dramatic Characters of Richard the Third , King Lear , and Timon of Athens ; " to which were added , " An Essay on the Faults of Shakspeare , and additional Observations on the Character of Hamlet . ' ' Soon after were pviblished , ' Essays