Article REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ← Page 5 of 10 →
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Review Of New Publications.
on Shakspeare's Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstarf ; and on his Imitation of Female Characters ; " to which were added , " Some General Observations on the chief Objeits of Criticism in the Works of Shakspeare . "—i'hese different performances arc now collected into one volume , with one uniform title . They are commodiously arranged , and have received , in the present edition , such correction ; and improvements as have occurred to the Author , and been suggested by his friends , in the course of several preceding editions . So that
this publication is stiil more worthy of the favourable acceptation with which it has been honoured by the public . This edition is dedicated ( we doubt not by permission ) to Mr . Graham , of GartmcVe , litely Lent Rector of the University of Glasgow , and member of parliament for the county of Stirling .. Mr . Graham is a man of letters , of an elegant and liberal mind , as well as fortune . Utruoi Iloruni ? the Government or the Country ? BD . 0 ' Bryen . Svo 132
y . pages . price 2 s . Debrett . A very spirited and elegant reply to riie arguments of Mr . Burke in his Thoughts on the Prospect of a Regicide Peace , in which Mr . O'Bryen endeavours to prove , that an immediate Change of Administration , and a Peace with the French Republic , can alone save this country from ruin . By the term Government , in the title , Mi . O'B . wishes us to understand not the Constitution of England , but . the present Administration .
The Ri g hts of Nature , against the Usurpations of Establishments : a Series of Letters to the People of Britain , on the Stale of Public Affairs , and the recent Effusions of the Ri g ht Hon . Edmund Burke . By John Thehvttll . Letter I . St'i > . pages 9 6 . Price 2 s . Symonds . WERE we to estimate the importance of publications by the quantity of valuable information and just reasoning which they contain , and apportion
the length of our criticism accordingly , short indeed would our account be of the performance before us . But works are not always relatively insignificant , in proportion to their absolute ignorance or stupidity . Writings and discourses , in ttetnsel-ves silly , and contemptible , may do great mischief to those who are notable , from knowledge and habits of reasoning , to discover their ignorance , wickedness , ami falsehood . We ' shall bestow on Mr . Thelwail's pamphlet an attention proportioned not to our opinion of its literary
ability , but of its noxious design . It must be obvious to every man conversant with mankind , that a very great degree of art is compatible with a very small degree of understandiiitr . In artifice , the common Clerk of an Attorney could very easily outdo Charles Fox ; and through Mr . Theiwall ' s declamatory ribaldry we may easily perceive the consistency of mischievous design , as will appear , from considering the jet of the work . Its object is to persuade the populace that
they are in 3 very miserable state , and may expect to be in a wcrse , if they will not rouse . He scs out with much common-place cant , intended to make them fancy that they are Sla-jes , that established Government is Usurpation , and that nothing but a tdal revolution can restore them to what he calls their Rights . To stimulate them to set about this Revolution with speed and vigour , he speaks to their fears and hopes . From a metaphorical expression of Mr . Burke , about the cautery and knife , he pretends to
infer that Government have apian of superseding Trial by Jury , and substituting Military Massacre in its stead , and that Burke , knowing that intention , recommends its execution . We say , Mr . Thelwall pretends to infer that , because we cannot believe that be ( who , though not a man of education or learning , does net appear to be a fool ) really can have formed an opinion so totall y inconsistent vsith common sense . VOL . VJI . 3 F
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Review Of New Publications.
on Shakspeare's Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstarf ; and on his Imitation of Female Characters ; " to which were added , " Some General Observations on the chief Objeits of Criticism in the Works of Shakspeare . "—i'hese different performances arc now collected into one volume , with one uniform title . They are commodiously arranged , and have received , in the present edition , such correction ; and improvements as have occurred to the Author , and been suggested by his friends , in the course of several preceding editions . So that
this publication is stiil more worthy of the favourable acceptation with which it has been honoured by the public . This edition is dedicated ( we doubt not by permission ) to Mr . Graham , of GartmcVe , litely Lent Rector of the University of Glasgow , and member of parliament for the county of Stirling .. Mr . Graham is a man of letters , of an elegant and liberal mind , as well as fortune . Utruoi Iloruni ? the Government or the Country ? BD . 0 ' Bryen . Svo 132
y . pages . price 2 s . Debrett . A very spirited and elegant reply to riie arguments of Mr . Burke in his Thoughts on the Prospect of a Regicide Peace , in which Mr . O'Bryen endeavours to prove , that an immediate Change of Administration , and a Peace with the French Republic , can alone save this country from ruin . By the term Government , in the title , Mi . O'B . wishes us to understand not the Constitution of England , but . the present Administration .
The Ri g hts of Nature , against the Usurpations of Establishments : a Series of Letters to the People of Britain , on the Stale of Public Affairs , and the recent Effusions of the Ri g ht Hon . Edmund Burke . By John Thehvttll . Letter I . St'i > . pages 9 6 . Price 2 s . Symonds . WERE we to estimate the importance of publications by the quantity of valuable information and just reasoning which they contain , and apportion
the length of our criticism accordingly , short indeed would our account be of the performance before us . But works are not always relatively insignificant , in proportion to their absolute ignorance or stupidity . Writings and discourses , in ttetnsel-ves silly , and contemptible , may do great mischief to those who are notable , from knowledge and habits of reasoning , to discover their ignorance , wickedness , ami falsehood . We ' shall bestow on Mr . Thelwail's pamphlet an attention proportioned not to our opinion of its literary
ability , but of its noxious design . It must be obvious to every man conversant with mankind , that a very great degree of art is compatible with a very small degree of understandiiitr . In artifice , the common Clerk of an Attorney could very easily outdo Charles Fox ; and through Mr . Theiwall ' s declamatory ribaldry we may easily perceive the consistency of mischievous design , as will appear , from considering the jet of the work . Its object is to persuade the populace that
they are in 3 very miserable state , and may expect to be in a wcrse , if they will not rouse . He scs out with much common-place cant , intended to make them fancy that they are Sla-jes , that established Government is Usurpation , and that nothing but a tdal revolution can restore them to what he calls their Rights . To stimulate them to set about this Revolution with speed and vigour , he speaks to their fears and hopes . From a metaphorical expression of Mr . Burke , about the cautery and knife , he pretends to
infer that Government have apian of superseding Trial by Jury , and substituting Military Massacre in its stead , and that Burke , knowing that intention , recommends its execution . We say , Mr . Thelwall pretends to infer that , because we cannot believe that be ( who , though not a man of education or learning , does net appear to be a fool ) really can have formed an opinion so totall y inconsistent vsith common sense . VOL . VJI . 3 F