Article HOUSE OF COMMONS. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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House Of Commons.
- . After . the Bill was ' re-committed , the House was resumed , and the Report ordered to be received . —Adjourned . Tuesday , November i . A ballot took place for a Committee to decide on Mr . Tierney ' s petition , complaining of an undue election for the borough of Southwark ; and also for a Committee on the Malmesb . nvy petition . The Report of the Committee on the Floating Debt being brought up , the resolutions were read , and agreed to , after a short conversation between Mr . Pitt and Mr . Fox .
The Report of the Militia Augmentation Bill , with the Amendment , was broughf ' iip by Mr . ' T-Iobart . The Report of the Cavalry Bill being brought up , the Lord Mayor produced a clause for protecting the rights and immunities of the City of London against the operation of the Bill . Mr . Pitt gave notice , that lie should , on the morrow , bring in the Bill for embodying the game-keepers . Wednesday 2 . Five Members took the Oaths and their seats .
Mr . Abbott called the attention of the House to the present insufficient means of promulgating the Statute Laws , and moved for a Committee to devise a more effectual one . The motion was carried . The . Chancellor of the Exchequer moved the third reading of the Militia Augmentation Bill , arid brought up a clause for making an allowance to the families of Militia men , during the twenty days of service . The Order of the bay for receiving the Report of the Cavalry Bill being moved
, Gen . Tarleton compared the conduct of Ministers with that of our ancestors on similar occasions , thought an Invasion at this moment unlikely , and stated the amount of-the force at present in England at . 110 , 000 men , supported at an expence of 15 millions per annum . ' Mr . Fox asked , why the present measures were not brought forward sooner , if
the necessity existed at the opening of the sessions ? It had occurred since , what were the new events that had given it birth ? as to an Invasion , his opinion had been'different . at different times . In 1779 nobody apprehended an Invasion more —In 1796 no body less . As to Ireland , indeed , he had greater apprehensions ; but even there military measures were not likely to be the most effectual . An administration upon the principles of Lord Fitzwilliam ' s , and a real constitution given to the Irish , instead of a mockery of a Parliament , would be more advantageous , he doubted not , than sending thither an army of 20 , 000 men .
Mr . Ryder animadverted severely upon Mr . Fox ' s speech , which he called a complete collection of inflammatory topics . Mr . Wilberfovce joined Mr . Rydtr in his condemnation of Mr . Tox's speech , and gave it as his opinion that Opposition would see , without regret , a small mischief befall their country , lor the sake of a triumph over Ministers ; and would even suffer something themselves for the purpose of involving them in a slight discredit . This called up Mr . Sheridan : —A sliht discreditexclaimed he—Good God !
g , is it possible that such language can be used by the boldest parlizan of men who come here rather as culprits than ministers ?— -A slight discredit!—What discredit is- now wanting to men disgraced and degraded , besmeared with blood , and dragged in the mire ? It has been said that Mr . Fox ' s language was in all likelihood such as would be used by an invading General—This was true : for when did a politic enemy ever hold forth false grievances as motives to join his standard ? The Bill respecting game-keepers being brought up , and read a first time , Mr . Sheridan hoped that the Minister would not press the second reading
, which Mr . Pitt agreed to postpone . Adjourned . . Thursday , 3 . The Indemnity Bill was presented , and read . A new Writ was ordered for Ayrshire , in ' the room of Hugh Mon ! gomery , Esq . The order for considering the Petition of J . B . Howel , Esq . complaining of ah undue Election for Cirencester , was discharged , that Gentleman not having entered his recognizance .
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House Of Commons.
- . After . the Bill was ' re-committed , the House was resumed , and the Report ordered to be received . —Adjourned . Tuesday , November i . A ballot took place for a Committee to decide on Mr . Tierney ' s petition , complaining of an undue election for the borough of Southwark ; and also for a Committee on the Malmesb . nvy petition . The Report of the Committee on the Floating Debt being brought up , the resolutions were read , and agreed to , after a short conversation between Mr . Pitt and Mr . Fox .
The Report of the Militia Augmentation Bill , with the Amendment , was broughf ' iip by Mr . ' T-Iobart . The Report of the Cavalry Bill being brought up , the Lord Mayor produced a clause for protecting the rights and immunities of the City of London against the operation of the Bill . Mr . Pitt gave notice , that lie should , on the morrow , bring in the Bill for embodying the game-keepers . Wednesday 2 . Five Members took the Oaths and their seats .
Mr . Abbott called the attention of the House to the present insufficient means of promulgating the Statute Laws , and moved for a Committee to devise a more effectual one . The motion was carried . The . Chancellor of the Exchequer moved the third reading of the Militia Augmentation Bill , arid brought up a clause for making an allowance to the families of Militia men , during the twenty days of service . The Order of the bay for receiving the Report of the Cavalry Bill being moved
, Gen . Tarleton compared the conduct of Ministers with that of our ancestors on similar occasions , thought an Invasion at this moment unlikely , and stated the amount of-the force at present in England at . 110 , 000 men , supported at an expence of 15 millions per annum . ' Mr . Fox asked , why the present measures were not brought forward sooner , if
the necessity existed at the opening of the sessions ? It had occurred since , what were the new events that had given it birth ? as to an Invasion , his opinion had been'different . at different times . In 1779 nobody apprehended an Invasion more —In 1796 no body less . As to Ireland , indeed , he had greater apprehensions ; but even there military measures were not likely to be the most effectual . An administration upon the principles of Lord Fitzwilliam ' s , and a real constitution given to the Irish , instead of a mockery of a Parliament , would be more advantageous , he doubted not , than sending thither an army of 20 , 000 men .
Mr . Ryder animadverted severely upon Mr . Fox ' s speech , which he called a complete collection of inflammatory topics . Mr . Wilberfovce joined Mr . Rydtr in his condemnation of Mr . Tox's speech , and gave it as his opinion that Opposition would see , without regret , a small mischief befall their country , lor the sake of a triumph over Ministers ; and would even suffer something themselves for the purpose of involving them in a slight discredit . This called up Mr . Sheridan : —A sliht discreditexclaimed he—Good God !
g , is it possible that such language can be used by the boldest parlizan of men who come here rather as culprits than ministers ?— -A slight discredit!—What discredit is- now wanting to men disgraced and degraded , besmeared with blood , and dragged in the mire ? It has been said that Mr . Fox ' s language was in all likelihood such as would be used by an invading General—This was true : for when did a politic enemy ever hold forth false grievances as motives to join his standard ? The Bill respecting game-keepers being brought up , and read a first time , Mr . Sheridan hoped that the Minister would not press the second reading
, which Mr . Pitt agreed to postpone . Adjourned . . Thursday , 3 . The Indemnity Bill was presented , and read . A new Writ was ordered for Ayrshire , in ' the room of Hugh Mon ! gomery , Esq . The order for considering the Petition of J . B . Howel , Esq . complaining of ah undue Election for Cirencester , was discharged , that Gentleman not having entered his recognizance .