Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Public Amusements.
THEATRE ROYAL , DRURY-LANE . Tuesday , Dec . 7 . A New Comedy called ( he FOUCE or RtrMcvi . E , v . 'hich had been / . A . announced for the Tuesday preceding , but delayed from s-mie misunderstanding between the . Managers and Miss Farren , was brought forward at this Theatre . To enter into a detail of the plot is almost impossible , as ihe confusion was very great before the end of the first Act . Th 2 Comedwas scarcely begunnor were the characters fully
developedbey , , fore marks of disapprobation were heard . We know not whether this is to be ascribed to the rumour that it wits the production of a gentleman ( Mr . Hoicroft ) whose political tenets excite the . fury of taction , or whether it arose from any more private cause ; but we certainly never saw the character of a piece so perfectly anticipated . In the third scene the clamour began ; and it was necessary , in the very beginnin" - of iiie second act , for Mr Palmer to request the indulgence of the company with fro the that if it had not
to hear the p lay out , an assurance m Managers , the "oocl fortune to gain the approbation of the House , it should not be repeated . After this Address the piece went on , but its own vigour was not calculated to overcome the first impression . It wanted that spirit and gaiety which the House had hoped for from its title ; and though it had plot and character , it was finally condemned . After the Epilogue , which Miss Farren spoke with fluttering and yet enchanting sweetness , Mr . Palmer came forward and said : ' I am commissioned by the Proprietors to say , that the Writer of this Piece has , on more than one occasion , been honoured with your flattering approbation . We have onlv to regret that , m the present instance , he has failed , and
therefore the Piece is respectfully withdrawn . ' . Saturday Dec 17 . A new Comic Opera , in two Acts , entitled the SmvwarcK , was brought before the public tribunal , and obtained a favourable verdict . The story is briefly as follows : An honest Tar being called to sea , in the discharge of his duty , is followed by his sweetheart Fanny , who , disguised as a sailor , enters on board of the same ship ; where she continues fifteen monthsin the course 01 which time she is the means
, of « aving his life . On their return to England they are shipwrecked on the coast ; and after a variety , of perils incident to such an event , an eclaircissement takes ' p ' -aee , and the lovers are made happy . There is a second story made up of the other characters : Michael Goto ( one whom misfortune has made desperate ) is introduced as the chief of a gang of wretches , called Wreckers , who procure a livelihood from the miseries of their fellow-creatures , by plundering vessels cast on the coast . He has a daughter , whose lover , Sel-xyn , is on board from the wreckis received
the same ship with Fannv ; and who , having escaped , into his house . Michael Goto and his companion , Shark , fearing th ? . t Selwyn 1 : 1 AV discover their nefarious practices , determine lo minder him ; but his life is preserved by the fidelity of Goto's daughter , and the courage of Fanny , who arrives at the ' critical juncture . After which all the characters are made happy . ™ There are two oilier characters , Slave , a parish-clerk , and Sally Shamrock , an Irish bai ! 'ad-sin"er , . nit they have no connection with the Piece . It will be easy to discover , that the greater part of this story is taken from the popular Opera of No Sing No Supper . Stive is the counter-part of the Attorney , in ' the latter Piece ; and Sally Shamrock is , as well as Margarcua , a
balladshifner . The counter-part of every other character may easily be traced . All claims to originality , therefore , fall to the ground . The dialogue and songs have very little to recommend them : they are altogether patch-work , made VOL . vii . 3 ^
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Public Amusements.
THEATRE ROYAL , DRURY-LANE . Tuesday , Dec . 7 . A New Comedy called ( he FOUCE or RtrMcvi . E , v . 'hich had been / . A . announced for the Tuesday preceding , but delayed from s-mie misunderstanding between the . Managers and Miss Farren , was brought forward at this Theatre . To enter into a detail of the plot is almost impossible , as ihe confusion was very great before the end of the first Act . Th 2 Comedwas scarcely begunnor were the characters fully
developedbey , , fore marks of disapprobation were heard . We know not whether this is to be ascribed to the rumour that it wits the production of a gentleman ( Mr . Hoicroft ) whose political tenets excite the . fury of taction , or whether it arose from any more private cause ; but we certainly never saw the character of a piece so perfectly anticipated . In the third scene the clamour began ; and it was necessary , in the very beginnin" - of iiie second act , for Mr Palmer to request the indulgence of the company with fro the that if it had not
to hear the p lay out , an assurance m Managers , the "oocl fortune to gain the approbation of the House , it should not be repeated . After this Address the piece went on , but its own vigour was not calculated to overcome the first impression . It wanted that spirit and gaiety which the House had hoped for from its title ; and though it had plot and character , it was finally condemned . After the Epilogue , which Miss Farren spoke with fluttering and yet enchanting sweetness , Mr . Palmer came forward and said : ' I am commissioned by the Proprietors to say , that the Writer of this Piece has , on more than one occasion , been honoured with your flattering approbation . We have onlv to regret that , m the present instance , he has failed , and
therefore the Piece is respectfully withdrawn . ' . Saturday Dec 17 . A new Comic Opera , in two Acts , entitled the SmvwarcK , was brought before the public tribunal , and obtained a favourable verdict . The story is briefly as follows : An honest Tar being called to sea , in the discharge of his duty , is followed by his sweetheart Fanny , who , disguised as a sailor , enters on board of the same ship ; where she continues fifteen monthsin the course 01 which time she is the means
, of « aving his life . On their return to England they are shipwrecked on the coast ; and after a variety , of perils incident to such an event , an eclaircissement takes ' p ' -aee , and the lovers are made happy . There is a second story made up of the other characters : Michael Goto ( one whom misfortune has made desperate ) is introduced as the chief of a gang of wretches , called Wreckers , who procure a livelihood from the miseries of their fellow-creatures , by plundering vessels cast on the coast . He has a daughter , whose lover , Sel-xyn , is on board from the wreckis received
the same ship with Fannv ; and who , having escaped , into his house . Michael Goto and his companion , Shark , fearing th ? . t Selwyn 1 : 1 AV discover their nefarious practices , determine lo minder him ; but his life is preserved by the fidelity of Goto's daughter , and the courage of Fanny , who arrives at the ' critical juncture . After which all the characters are made happy . ™ There are two oilier characters , Slave , a parish-clerk , and Sally Shamrock , an Irish bai ! 'ad-sin"er , . nit they have no connection with the Piece . It will be easy to discover , that the greater part of this story is taken from the popular Opera of No Sing No Supper . Stive is the counter-part of the Attorney , in ' the latter Piece ; and Sally Shamrock is , as well as Margarcua , a
balladshifner . The counter-part of every other character may easily be traced . All claims to originality , therefore , fall to the ground . The dialogue and songs have very little to recommend them : they are altogether patch-work , made VOL . vii . 3 ^