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The Life And Adventures Of Peter Porcupine;
United States , and the inestimable man who is at the head ofthe Government ; and to paint , in their true colours , those who are the enemies of both ; to warn the people , of all ranks and descriptions , of the danger of admitting among them the anarchical and plasphemous principles of the French Revolutionists , principles as opposite to those of Liberty as Hell is to Heaven , If , therefore , I have written at the
instance of a British agent , that agent must most certainly deserve the thanks of all the friends of America . But sayvsorne , what rig ht have you to meddle with the defence of our Government at all ? The same right that you have to exaft my obedience to it , and my contributions towards its support . As to the real bloody cut-throats , they carry their notion of
excluding me from the use of the press still farther . — ' While ( says one of them ) I am a friend to the unlimited freedom ofthe press , when exercised by an American , I am an implacable foe to its prostitution to a foreigner * , and would assist , at any time , in hunting out of society any meddling foreigner , who should dare to interfere in our politics . * T . hope the apathy of our brethren of Philadelphia will no longer be indulged , and that an exemplary vengeance will burst soon upon the head of such a presumptuous fellow . Justice , honour , national gratitude , all call for it . May it no longer be delayed !
AN AMERICAN . Are not you , Sir , the President of the Emigration Society ? Well then , Sir , as your institution is said-to be for the information of per ^ sons' emigrating from foreign countries , be so good as to insert this extraa in ' your next dispatches for a cargo of Emigrants . Above all , be sure to tell those who are disposed to emigrate from England , that this is the land of equal Liberty ; that here alone they will find the
unlimited freedom of the press ; but that , if they dare make use of it , ' justice , honour , national gratitude , will call for exemplary vengeance on their heads . ' I should not have noticed this disthaion between foreigners and Americans , had I not perceived that several persons seem " to think that it was impertinent in me to meddle with the politics here because I was an Englishman . I would have them recolka
that the laws of this country hold out to foreigners an offer to all that liberty of the press which the Americans enjoy , and that if this liberty be abridged , the laws and the Constitution , and all together , are a mere cheat . If people who emigrate hither , have not a right to make use of the liberty of the press , while the natives have , it is ill done to call this a country of e ^ na / liberty . Equal , above all epithets , is the most
improper that can be applied to it ; for , if none but Americans have access to the press , they are the masters , and foreigners are their subjeas , nay , their slaves . An honourable and comfortable situation , upon my word ! The Emigrants from some countries may be content with it perhaps ; I would not say that the ' martyrs in the cause of liberty from England' would not quietly bend beneath the yoke , as indeed they are in duty bound to do ; but for my part , who have not the ambition to aspire to the crown of martyrdom , I must and will be . excused . Either the laws shall be altered , or I will avail myself of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Life And Adventures Of Peter Porcupine;
United States , and the inestimable man who is at the head ofthe Government ; and to paint , in their true colours , those who are the enemies of both ; to warn the people , of all ranks and descriptions , of the danger of admitting among them the anarchical and plasphemous principles of the French Revolutionists , principles as opposite to those of Liberty as Hell is to Heaven , If , therefore , I have written at the
instance of a British agent , that agent must most certainly deserve the thanks of all the friends of America . But sayvsorne , what rig ht have you to meddle with the defence of our Government at all ? The same right that you have to exaft my obedience to it , and my contributions towards its support . As to the real bloody cut-throats , they carry their notion of
excluding me from the use of the press still farther . — ' While ( says one of them ) I am a friend to the unlimited freedom ofthe press , when exercised by an American , I am an implacable foe to its prostitution to a foreigner * , and would assist , at any time , in hunting out of society any meddling foreigner , who should dare to interfere in our politics . * T . hope the apathy of our brethren of Philadelphia will no longer be indulged , and that an exemplary vengeance will burst soon upon the head of such a presumptuous fellow . Justice , honour , national gratitude , all call for it . May it no longer be delayed !
AN AMERICAN . Are not you , Sir , the President of the Emigration Society ? Well then , Sir , as your institution is said-to be for the information of per ^ sons' emigrating from foreign countries , be so good as to insert this extraa in ' your next dispatches for a cargo of Emigrants . Above all , be sure to tell those who are disposed to emigrate from England , that this is the land of equal Liberty ; that here alone they will find the
unlimited freedom of the press ; but that , if they dare make use of it , ' justice , honour , national gratitude , will call for exemplary vengeance on their heads . ' I should not have noticed this disthaion between foreigners and Americans , had I not perceived that several persons seem " to think that it was impertinent in me to meddle with the politics here because I was an Englishman . I would have them recolka
that the laws of this country hold out to foreigners an offer to all that liberty of the press which the Americans enjoy , and that if this liberty be abridged , the laws and the Constitution , and all together , are a mere cheat . If people who emigrate hither , have not a right to make use of the liberty of the press , while the natives have , it is ill done to call this a country of e ^ na / liberty . Equal , above all epithets , is the most
improper that can be applied to it ; for , if none but Americans have access to the press , they are the masters , and foreigners are their subjeas , nay , their slaves . An honourable and comfortable situation , upon my word ! The Emigrants from some countries may be content with it perhaps ; I would not say that the ' martyrs in the cause of liberty from England' would not quietly bend beneath the yoke , as indeed they are in duty bound to do ; but for my part , who have not the ambition to aspire to the crown of martyrdom , I must and will be . excused . Either the laws shall be altered , or I will avail myself of