Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 7 of 20 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
, -or been occasioned at Paris by any want of attention to this important business , or from any cause not immediately and closely connected with it . _ ' I desired to know from them when they thought it probable they should receive positive and explicit instructions , whether in three , four , or five days ? Thev said , it would be probably eight or ten . And one of them observed , that as our not meeting more frequently gave rise to many idle rumours and false reports , he ivou'd propose lo me , if I had no objection , to meet every ofherday at two o ' clock : That it was very possible thai in our next two or three meetings we might have materia ! to but that should
nothing say , we get better acquainted with each other , and in our conversations mutually suggest ideas which might be of use . I readily consented to this . ' I had a conference again this morning . As I was very desirous of being enabled to transmit to your Lordship some more satisfactory account as to the motives of this delay , I again pressed the French Plenipotentiaries on this point . Each of them repeated what they had said before , and on my endeavouring to make them feel how impossible it was that his Majesty should not be hurt at this demur on so very simple a point , one of them said , you ought to augur favourably from it ; your note was a refusal to agree to what was stated by the Directory
m their instructions to us as a sine qua non : if the Directory were determined to persist in this sine qua non , they would have said so at once— ' Je vous assure qui'l nous auroit prompiement renvoye Courier , ' were his words : The time they too !; to deliberate indicates beyond a doubt that they are looking for some temperament , and it scarce can be doubted that one will be found . I said I was welt pleased to hear him say this ; but that still he must be aware that it would not be an easy task for me to make my dispatches to day either interesting or satisfactory .
'Another of the French Ministers said that he really believed that this would be the only great impediment we should have to encounter , that every thing would go on quickly and smoothly , and that I must admit the present to be a very important and difficult point in the Negociation . I agreed with him entirely as to its importance , but could not acquiesce as to its difficulty . ' I am very sorry , my Lord , that in such a moment , after waiting so long , I should not be able to send you more explicit and decisive assurances ; but It is not in my power to compel the French negotiators to move on fasterAll
. I can do is by my conduct and language to take care that no part whatever of the imputation of delay should attach to me . I have , at every conference I have held , aliyays declared my readiness to proceed , and 1 shall not fail to repeat this every time we meet . ' No . 2 S . Is a note from the French Plenipotentiaries to Lord Malmesburv , requesting a conference .
No . 29 . Contains an extract of a dispatch from Lord Malmesbury to Lord Grenville , dated Lisle , Aug . 14 , 1797 , 10 the following effect : ' In conseqence of the resolution we had come to , to meet on the days of the arrival ofthe post from Paris , otir conferences for this last week have taken place regularly every other morning , except on Thursday the 10 th of August , which being the anniversary of one of their National Festivals , the French Legation could not attend . ' I have in mine , No . 17 , given your Lordship an account of every thing wlrch passed in these conferences to that ofthe 6 th
, up . On the 8 th nothing was said at all worth transmitting , except an intimation flung out by one of the French Plenipotentiaries , that it would be necessary to take into consideration the ri » hts of neutral nations on this occasion . But as he spoke very vaguely , and in geiierai terms , I did not chuse to press him for an explanation , as I consider it more judicious to avoid discussions on separate and collateral points / and not to enter "' into Negociation till the whole can be brought under deliberation at once . What passed on the 12 th was rather more interesting . The return of Mr . Wesley afforded me a very natural opportunity of expressing the impatience with which an answer to my late note was expected by my Court ; that three weeks iad now elapsed sirme its trair > missioi > , and that although I by no means wished
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
, -or been occasioned at Paris by any want of attention to this important business , or from any cause not immediately and closely connected with it . _ ' I desired to know from them when they thought it probable they should receive positive and explicit instructions , whether in three , four , or five days ? Thev said , it would be probably eight or ten . And one of them observed , that as our not meeting more frequently gave rise to many idle rumours and false reports , he ivou'd propose lo me , if I had no objection , to meet every ofherday at two o ' clock : That it was very possible thai in our next two or three meetings we might have materia ! to but that should
nothing say , we get better acquainted with each other , and in our conversations mutually suggest ideas which might be of use . I readily consented to this . ' I had a conference again this morning . As I was very desirous of being enabled to transmit to your Lordship some more satisfactory account as to the motives of this delay , I again pressed the French Plenipotentiaries on this point . Each of them repeated what they had said before , and on my endeavouring to make them feel how impossible it was that his Majesty should not be hurt at this demur on so very simple a point , one of them said , you ought to augur favourably from it ; your note was a refusal to agree to what was stated by the Directory
m their instructions to us as a sine qua non : if the Directory were determined to persist in this sine qua non , they would have said so at once— ' Je vous assure qui'l nous auroit prompiement renvoye Courier , ' were his words : The time they too !; to deliberate indicates beyond a doubt that they are looking for some temperament , and it scarce can be doubted that one will be found . I said I was welt pleased to hear him say this ; but that still he must be aware that it would not be an easy task for me to make my dispatches to day either interesting or satisfactory .
'Another of the French Ministers said that he really believed that this would be the only great impediment we should have to encounter , that every thing would go on quickly and smoothly , and that I must admit the present to be a very important and difficult point in the Negociation . I agreed with him entirely as to its importance , but could not acquiesce as to its difficulty . ' I am very sorry , my Lord , that in such a moment , after waiting so long , I should not be able to send you more explicit and decisive assurances ; but It is not in my power to compel the French negotiators to move on fasterAll
. I can do is by my conduct and language to take care that no part whatever of the imputation of delay should attach to me . I have , at every conference I have held , aliyays declared my readiness to proceed , and 1 shall not fail to repeat this every time we meet . ' No . 2 S . Is a note from the French Plenipotentiaries to Lord Malmesburv , requesting a conference .
No . 29 . Contains an extract of a dispatch from Lord Malmesbury to Lord Grenville , dated Lisle , Aug . 14 , 1797 , 10 the following effect : ' In conseqence of the resolution we had come to , to meet on the days of the arrival ofthe post from Paris , otir conferences for this last week have taken place regularly every other morning , except on Thursday the 10 th of August , which being the anniversary of one of their National Festivals , the French Legation could not attend . ' I have in mine , No . 17 , given your Lordship an account of every thing wlrch passed in these conferences to that ofthe 6 th
, up . On the 8 th nothing was said at all worth transmitting , except an intimation flung out by one of the French Plenipotentiaries , that it would be necessary to take into consideration the ri » hts of neutral nations on this occasion . But as he spoke very vaguely , and in geiierai terms , I did not chuse to press him for an explanation , as I consider it more judicious to avoid discussions on separate and collateral points / and not to enter "' into Negociation till the whole can be brought under deliberation at once . What passed on the 12 th was rather more interesting . The return of Mr . Wesley afforded me a very natural opportunity of expressing the impatience with which an answer to my late note was expected by my Court ; that three weeks iad now elapsed sirme its trair > missioi > , and that although I by no means wished