Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 9 of 20 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
' I said I could not for an instant call in question their feelings on this point ; it was the insinuation conveyed in ihe Message , and which had gone over Europe , that it was necessary for me to clear up , and to know whether / The Directory thought and felt as they did . One of the French Ministers , with very strong expressions , assured me the Directory certainly did think and feel like them ; that no unfair or insidious allusion was meant ; and added , ' que ce mesage etoit fait pour stimuler les conseils . ' ' I went on , by observing it was very essential for me to have this fully explained , and that I should give them in a note to this effect .
They requested I would not , it would lead to disagreeable discussions , and would not answer the eiid I proposed . They would take upon themselves now to assure me in the name ofthe Directory that nothing at all similar to the construction I put on the phrase was intended , and that as soon as they could receive an answer to the report they should make of to-day's conversation , they would say the same from the Directory itself . ' I hope , my . Lord , I have therefore , by obtaining this very precise and formal disavowal of an intention to fix any imputation of delay on his Majesty ' s government , fulfilled ihe object of my instructions on this particular point . If , when the French Plenipotentiaries speak from the Directory , the disavowal should not be equally satisfactory and complete , I then will not fail , according to your Lordship ' s
order , to give in a note . MALMESBUHY . " No . 33 . Contains extracts of a dispatch from Lord Malmesbury to Lord Grenville , 'dated Lisle , August 22 , 1797 , to the following effect : ' The four conferences I have held with the French Plenipotentiaries , since I last wrote to your Lordship on the 14 th instant , will not , I fear , furnish very interesting materials for a dispatch . ' Our conference of this morning was principally employed in what I have related in my other dispatch ; but the French Plenipotentiaries assured fnethat by
, Thursday , or the latest by Saturday , they expected to receive their long expected Messenger . No . 34 . contains extracts of a dispatch from Lord Malmesbury to Lord Grenville , dated Lisle , August 29 , 1797 , as follov . 's : ' I am extremely sorry to be forced to announce to your Lordshi p , that fresh delays occur in the progress of the Negociation . ' The Plenipotentiaries informed me at our conference yesterday , that the last froHolland that the
answer m was so unsatisfactory Directory had ordered the Minister for Foreign Affairs to return it to tlie Dulch Ministers at Paris ; that the Dutch Ministers could not take upon themselves to alter-it in the way the Directory proposed , but had been obliged to refer to their Government for new orders ; and that therefore , supposing no time to be lost in deliberation" on this subject at the Hague , it would be at least a week from to-da ^ before any further account could be receivd here . ' After lamenting this unexpected procrastination of our business , I e , x-pressed a wish to know what the Dutch answer had been , what objections the Directory had made to it , and the alteration they were desirous it should undergo .
• One of the trench Plenipotentiaries said , it had not been communicated to them , but that he understood it was complexe , louche , et peu satisfaisante . —That the Directory expected it should be clear and distinct , and such an one as would enable them to send such instructions here , as would allow us to go on with the Negociation in the way to recover the time we « hadlost . No . 35 . Contains extracts of a dispatch from . Lord Malmesbury to Lord Grenville , dated Lisle , September 5 , 1797 , to the following effect : ' I should have considered what has passed in our conferences since I last had the honour of to LordshibMr in itself too
writing your p y ; Wesley , as unimportant to authorize me to dispatch a Messenger , but that in general I think it my duty never to leave yout Lordship more than a week without hearing from me ; and I was also giad of an opportunity to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship ' s dispatch , No . 23 , which was delivered to . me by the Messenger Shaw , on the 31 st August , at 10 P . M . f Nothing but common conversation passed in our conferences ofthe 30 th of VOL . IS . IB
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Monthly Chronicle.
' I said I could not for an instant call in question their feelings on this point ; it was the insinuation conveyed in ihe Message , and which had gone over Europe , that it was necessary for me to clear up , and to know whether / The Directory thought and felt as they did . One of the French Ministers , with very strong expressions , assured me the Directory certainly did think and feel like them ; that no unfair or insidious allusion was meant ; and added , ' que ce mesage etoit fait pour stimuler les conseils . ' ' I went on , by observing it was very essential for me to have this fully explained , and that I should give them in a note to this effect .
They requested I would not , it would lead to disagreeable discussions , and would not answer the eiid I proposed . They would take upon themselves now to assure me in the name ofthe Directory that nothing at all similar to the construction I put on the phrase was intended , and that as soon as they could receive an answer to the report they should make of to-day's conversation , they would say the same from the Directory itself . ' I hope , my . Lord , I have therefore , by obtaining this very precise and formal disavowal of an intention to fix any imputation of delay on his Majesty ' s government , fulfilled ihe object of my instructions on this particular point . If , when the French Plenipotentiaries speak from the Directory , the disavowal should not be equally satisfactory and complete , I then will not fail , according to your Lordship ' s
order , to give in a note . MALMESBUHY . " No . 33 . Contains extracts of a dispatch from Lord Malmesbury to Lord Grenville , 'dated Lisle , August 22 , 1797 , to the following effect : ' The four conferences I have held with the French Plenipotentiaries , since I last wrote to your Lordship on the 14 th instant , will not , I fear , furnish very interesting materials for a dispatch . ' Our conference of this morning was principally employed in what I have related in my other dispatch ; but the French Plenipotentiaries assured fnethat by
, Thursday , or the latest by Saturday , they expected to receive their long expected Messenger . No . 34 . contains extracts of a dispatch from Lord Malmesbury to Lord Grenville , dated Lisle , August 29 , 1797 , as follov . 's : ' I am extremely sorry to be forced to announce to your Lordshi p , that fresh delays occur in the progress of the Negociation . ' The Plenipotentiaries informed me at our conference yesterday , that the last froHolland that the
answer m was so unsatisfactory Directory had ordered the Minister for Foreign Affairs to return it to tlie Dulch Ministers at Paris ; that the Dutch Ministers could not take upon themselves to alter-it in the way the Directory proposed , but had been obliged to refer to their Government for new orders ; and that therefore , supposing no time to be lost in deliberation" on this subject at the Hague , it would be at least a week from to-da ^ before any further account could be receivd here . ' After lamenting this unexpected procrastination of our business , I e , x-pressed a wish to know what the Dutch answer had been , what objections the Directory had made to it , and the alteration they were desirous it should undergo .
• One of the trench Plenipotentiaries said , it had not been communicated to them , but that he understood it was complexe , louche , et peu satisfaisante . —That the Directory expected it should be clear and distinct , and such an one as would enable them to send such instructions here , as would allow us to go on with the Negociation in the way to recover the time we « hadlost . No . 35 . Contains extracts of a dispatch from . Lord Malmesbury to Lord Grenville , dated Lisle , September 5 , 1797 , to the following effect : ' I should have considered what has passed in our conferences since I last had the honour of to LordshibMr in itself too
writing your p y ; Wesley , as unimportant to authorize me to dispatch a Messenger , but that in general I think it my duty never to leave yout Lordship more than a week without hearing from me ; and I was also giad of an opportunity to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship ' s dispatch , No . 23 , which was delivered to . me by the Messenger Shaw , on the 31 st August , at 10 P . M . f Nothing but common conversation passed in our conferences ofthe 30 th of VOL . IS . IB