Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 18 of 20 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
-The colours , on being brought within the church , were carried in procession under the loudest shouts of applause , and grand martial music , to ( he middle of the dome , where they Were placed in acircle . Railing was erected in the choir , from the great west door , through the dome , to the Chapel , which was lined . on each side by a file of soldiers , within which the whole body of the Yeomen of the Guards were ranged at regular distances . The arrangements being thus made , and the Peeresses , Aldermen and Common Council , with theirladies , having taken their respective seats , about nine o ' clock Sheriffs went in their to Childhouse at
the Lord Mavor and carriages Messrs . ' s Temple Bar , " to wait there his Majesty ' s arrival in the city . Nearly at the same , time , the Procession from the House of Commons passed through Temple Bar , preceded by two men on horseback . Then followed about 130 carriages , with the Members of that honourable House . Mr . Pitt ' s carriage was nearly the last . The Speaker ' s state carriage closed the procession ofthe Commons .. Next came the Masters in Chancery , and the Clerk of the House of Lords , followed by the Judges , and about 50 carriages belonging to the Peers , who were dressed in their robes ' . This part of the Procession " closed with the Lord Chancellor in his state
carriage . ... About half an hour intervened before the Royal Family came , in order to give time for the Members of the two Houses to take their seats in St . Paul ' s . At eleven o ' clock the King ' s retinue reached Temple-Bar , where his Majesty was received by the Lord Mayor and a deputation from the city . His Lordship delivered to the King the city sword , which was returned to him . —The Royal Procession moved on as follows : —The Duke of Gloucester ' s coach and six , with the Gentlemen of his Household—Another coachwith the Duke of Gloucester
. , and Princess Sophia , followed by a party of horse- —The Duke of Clarence and Prince Ernest , in a coach and six , with a party of horse . —A coach and six white horses , with the Duke of York's attendants . —The Duke of York , in a coach and six greys , very highly caparisoned . His Royal . Highness bowed very graciously , and was received with great acclamation . —Coach and six , Gentlemen Ushers ' —Ditto , Equerry and Page of Honour . —Ditto , Lord Steward , Master ofthe Robes Treasurer of the Household and Comptroller of ditto . —Ditto
, , Lords of the Bedchamber . —Ditto , Master ofthe Horse and . the Chamberlain . — A Party of Horse Guards . —Three rows ofthe East India Company ' s Volunteers , with a Band of Music—A party of Horse Guards . THEIR M AJESTIES , in a state coach and eight cream coloured horses , richly caparisoned , and led by the Footmen of the Household in rich liveries . The Marchioness of Bath and Countess of Harcourt were in the carriage with their
Majesties , . Four common Councilmen , and the two Sheriffs , uncovered , on horseback , in their gowns—their horses elegantly ornamented , and led by their servants . — The King ' s Footmen . —A deputation from the City on foot . —Lord Mayor ' s Servants , uncovered . —The Lord Mayor on horseback , carrying the city sword , and dressed in a very fine scarlet velvet robe , trimmed with ermine , accompanied by the City Officers on each side . — -Coach and six , Bed-Chamber Women , — DittoMaids of Honour—DittoE and Page of Honour—DittoTwo
, . , querry . , ofthe ' Princesses and their Attendants . — -Ditto , The three youngest Princesses , and an Attendant . —This carriage , followed by a Party of Horse . Guards , closed the Procession . A Regiment of the Guards lined the Strand . The great decorum observed throughout is the best testimony of the general good discipline of the Officers and Privates ; for thoug h there was an immense concourse of people , there was verylittle mobbing riotous behaviour . The streets in the city were strewed with
or gravel , which prevented any noise from the carriages , and had a very cleanly appearance . ; _ . ¦' . ! Their Majesties arrived at St . Paul ' sabout half past eleven o ' clock . The Princesses , with the Dukes of York and Clarence , Prince Ernest , and the Duke of Gloucester , and their respective suites , on their alighting , formed ; a line within the church , regularly from the right of the great west door , with the Lord , Mayor .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
-The colours , on being brought within the church , were carried in procession under the loudest shouts of applause , and grand martial music , to ( he middle of the dome , where they Were placed in acircle . Railing was erected in the choir , from the great west door , through the dome , to the Chapel , which was lined . on each side by a file of soldiers , within which the whole body of the Yeomen of the Guards were ranged at regular distances . The arrangements being thus made , and the Peeresses , Aldermen and Common Council , with theirladies , having taken their respective seats , about nine o ' clock Sheriffs went in their to Childhouse at
the Lord Mavor and carriages Messrs . ' s Temple Bar , " to wait there his Majesty ' s arrival in the city . Nearly at the same , time , the Procession from the House of Commons passed through Temple Bar , preceded by two men on horseback . Then followed about 130 carriages , with the Members of that honourable House . Mr . Pitt ' s carriage was nearly the last . The Speaker ' s state carriage closed the procession ofthe Commons .. Next came the Masters in Chancery , and the Clerk of the House of Lords , followed by the Judges , and about 50 carriages belonging to the Peers , who were dressed in their robes ' . This part of the Procession " closed with the Lord Chancellor in his state
carriage . ... About half an hour intervened before the Royal Family came , in order to give time for the Members of the two Houses to take their seats in St . Paul ' s . At eleven o ' clock the King ' s retinue reached Temple-Bar , where his Majesty was received by the Lord Mayor and a deputation from the city . His Lordship delivered to the King the city sword , which was returned to him . —The Royal Procession moved on as follows : —The Duke of Gloucester ' s coach and six , with the Gentlemen of his Household—Another coachwith the Duke of Gloucester
. , and Princess Sophia , followed by a party of horse- —The Duke of Clarence and Prince Ernest , in a coach and six , with a party of horse . —A coach and six white horses , with the Duke of York's attendants . —The Duke of York , in a coach and six greys , very highly caparisoned . His Royal . Highness bowed very graciously , and was received with great acclamation . —Coach and six , Gentlemen Ushers ' —Ditto , Equerry and Page of Honour . —Ditto , Lord Steward , Master ofthe Robes Treasurer of the Household and Comptroller of ditto . —Ditto
, , Lords of the Bedchamber . —Ditto , Master ofthe Horse and . the Chamberlain . — A Party of Horse Guards . —Three rows ofthe East India Company ' s Volunteers , with a Band of Music—A party of Horse Guards . THEIR M AJESTIES , in a state coach and eight cream coloured horses , richly caparisoned , and led by the Footmen of the Household in rich liveries . The Marchioness of Bath and Countess of Harcourt were in the carriage with their
Majesties , . Four common Councilmen , and the two Sheriffs , uncovered , on horseback , in their gowns—their horses elegantly ornamented , and led by their servants . — The King ' s Footmen . —A deputation from the City on foot . —Lord Mayor ' s Servants , uncovered . —The Lord Mayor on horseback , carrying the city sword , and dressed in a very fine scarlet velvet robe , trimmed with ermine , accompanied by the City Officers on each side . — -Coach and six , Bed-Chamber Women , — DittoMaids of Honour—DittoE and Page of Honour—DittoTwo
, . , querry . , ofthe ' Princesses and their Attendants . — -Ditto , The three youngest Princesses , and an Attendant . —This carriage , followed by a Party of Horse . Guards , closed the Procession . A Regiment of the Guards lined the Strand . The great decorum observed throughout is the best testimony of the general good discipline of the Officers and Privates ; for thoug h there was an immense concourse of people , there was verylittle mobbing riotous behaviour . The streets in the city were strewed with
or gravel , which prevented any noise from the carriages , and had a very cleanly appearance . ; _ . ¦' . ! Their Majesties arrived at St . Paul ' sabout half past eleven o ' clock . The Princesses , with the Dukes of York and Clarence , Prince Ernest , and the Duke of Gloucester , and their respective suites , on their alighting , formed ; a line within the church , regularly from the right of the great west door , with the Lord , Mayor .