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Chronological List Of The Most Remarkable Occurrences In The Year 1797.
Great rejoicings took place at Paris , on account of the ratification ofthe treaty ofp : acc between France and Austria . " Q . Intelligence received at the Admiralty of the capture of six privateers and several merchantmen by his Majesty's ships Majestic , Blanche , Jason , S } 'lph , jjnd Bonne Citoyenr . e . —Colonel Fitzgerald , the seducer of the " Hon . Miss King , having pursued the victim of his infamy to the mansion of her father in Ireland , was shot dead by the Earl of Kingston , at an inn , near his LorJsbi
p ' s seat at Mitchelsrown . _ 10 . The Paris papers announced , that another Royalist conspiracy had been discovered in France . II . Several meetings of the people took place , to express their disapproba- ' tion ofthe Minister ' s novel scheme of finance . —Mrs . Phipoe executed at the Old Bailey for murder . 12 . The Common Council of Londonand several parishes of the
metro-, polis , entered into several resolutions , in opposition to the proposed increase ofthe assessed taxes . —Ad vice received that the Protestants in the Electorate of Cologne had been restored to all the ri ghts and privileges of which they Lad been deprived for near a century . —A corporal of marines , and a seaman belonging to the Saturn man of war , of 74 guns , were executed at Plymouth , for mutiny on board that ship—Several persons found canity in Dublin of
having administered unlawful oaths . 13 . Lord Clive appointed to the Government of Fort St . George , in the East Indies . —A French privateer captured by the Clyde frigate . _ - 14 . A valuable fleet from the East Indies arrived , under convoy of his Majesty ' s ship Trompe . By this conveyance intelligence was received of Capt . Parker , of the intrepid , having , been blown overboard at the Cape of Good Hope . —The Assessed Tax bill read a second time in the House of Commons ,
after a long and warm _ debate , Mr . Fox and Mr . Sheridan having attended for the purpose of opposing its principle .. —Two sailors belonging to theVenus armed cutter drowned at Dover . —Mr . Crawford , the English Commissary , died at Hanau . 15 . The New York papers brought advice of the contagious malady at Philadelphia having entirely subsided . Government received an indirect communication from the French Minister for Forei Affairs . —Eleven
saign lors drowned in Long reach , while in the aft of towing an Indiaman 110 the river . —A French privateer , called the Dorade , captured by the Clyde frigate , but soon after lost in a gale of wind . The Master ofthe Clyde , a Midshi pman , and seventeen seamen , were lost in her .
16 . The Admiralty received advice of the capture of eight French privateers and thirteen merchantmen , by his Majesty ' s cruizers on the Leeward Island station . 17 . A passagebo . it upset in the Bristol Channel , the crew of which , and one passenger , were drowned . iS . The Assessed Tax bill went into a committee , when Mr . Pitt proposed several modificationswhich were afterwards agreed to—A loaded West
, . Indiaman run down off Flamborough Head . All the crew and several passengers , including four ladies , perished . 19 . A General Thanksgiving took place throughout England and Scotland , for the successes of his Majesty ' s arms by sea . The King and Royal Family , preceded b y the members of- both Houses of Parliament , the flag and other officers who had distinguished themselves in the several victories
, and ^ a numerous party of marines and sailors , went in grand procession to Sr _ . Paul ' s , the streets from St . James ' s to the cathedral beiiu ? closely lined with military corps of horse and foot , of every description . The fiVs taken from the French , Spaniards , and Dutch , on the 1 st of June 1794 , 1 . 1 th of . . February i 797 ) and nth of October 1797 , were disnlaved and consecrated on the occasion . ' '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chronological List Of The Most Remarkable Occurrences In The Year 1797.
Great rejoicings took place at Paris , on account of the ratification ofthe treaty ofp : acc between France and Austria . " Q . Intelligence received at the Admiralty of the capture of six privateers and several merchantmen by his Majesty's ships Majestic , Blanche , Jason , S } 'lph , jjnd Bonne Citoyenr . e . —Colonel Fitzgerald , the seducer of the " Hon . Miss King , having pursued the victim of his infamy to the mansion of her father in Ireland , was shot dead by the Earl of Kingston , at an inn , near his LorJsbi
p ' s seat at Mitchelsrown . _ 10 . The Paris papers announced , that another Royalist conspiracy had been discovered in France . II . Several meetings of the people took place , to express their disapproba- ' tion ofthe Minister ' s novel scheme of finance . —Mrs . Phipoe executed at the Old Bailey for murder . 12 . The Common Council of Londonand several parishes of the
metro-, polis , entered into several resolutions , in opposition to the proposed increase ofthe assessed taxes . —Ad vice received that the Protestants in the Electorate of Cologne had been restored to all the ri ghts and privileges of which they Lad been deprived for near a century . —A corporal of marines , and a seaman belonging to the Saturn man of war , of 74 guns , were executed at Plymouth , for mutiny on board that ship—Several persons found canity in Dublin of
having administered unlawful oaths . 13 . Lord Clive appointed to the Government of Fort St . George , in the East Indies . —A French privateer captured by the Clyde frigate . _ - 14 . A valuable fleet from the East Indies arrived , under convoy of his Majesty ' s ship Trompe . By this conveyance intelligence was received of Capt . Parker , of the intrepid , having , been blown overboard at the Cape of Good Hope . —The Assessed Tax bill read a second time in the House of Commons ,
after a long and warm _ debate , Mr . Fox and Mr . Sheridan having attended for the purpose of opposing its principle .. —Two sailors belonging to theVenus armed cutter drowned at Dover . —Mr . Crawford , the English Commissary , died at Hanau . 15 . The New York papers brought advice of the contagious malady at Philadelphia having entirely subsided . Government received an indirect communication from the French Minister for Forei Affairs . —Eleven
saign lors drowned in Long reach , while in the aft of towing an Indiaman 110 the river . —A French privateer , called the Dorade , captured by the Clyde frigate , but soon after lost in a gale of wind . The Master ofthe Clyde , a Midshi pman , and seventeen seamen , were lost in her .
16 . The Admiralty received advice of the capture of eight French privateers and thirteen merchantmen , by his Majesty ' s cruizers on the Leeward Island station . 17 . A passagebo . it upset in the Bristol Channel , the crew of which , and one passenger , were drowned . iS . The Assessed Tax bill went into a committee , when Mr . Pitt proposed several modificationswhich were afterwards agreed to—A loaded West
, . Indiaman run down off Flamborough Head . All the crew and several passengers , including four ladies , perished . 19 . A General Thanksgiving took place throughout England and Scotland , for the successes of his Majesty ' s arms by sea . The King and Royal Family , preceded b y the members of- both Houses of Parliament , the flag and other officers who had distinguished themselves in the several victories
, and ^ a numerous party of marines and sailors , went in grand procession to Sr _ . Paul ' s , the streets from St . James ' s to the cathedral beiiu ? closely lined with military corps of horse and foot , of every description . The fiVs taken from the French , Spaniards , and Dutch , on the 1 st of June 1794 , 1 . 1 th of . . February i 797 ) and nth of October 1797 , were disnlaved and consecrated on the occasion . ' '