Article REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ← Page 3 of 6 →
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Review Of New Publications.
' The enemy , either in the course of , or . after bis second tlay ' s march , would probably find it necessary to detach parties to forage . Here our superiority in cavalry would certainly enable us to cut them off ; but without trusting to that success , our yeomanry cavalry should be constantly on the watch , to observe the quarter to which the foraging parties of the enemy were directing their march , and endeavour to anticipate them by setting fire to the dry forage , and driving off cattle , & c . which may appear to be within
their reach ; and were they to stop in any situation , at a distance from their army , to cut green forage , their destruction would be inevitable . « Tn opposing an invading enemy , many positions would occur at the crossing of rivers , and entry of defiles , where successful stands may be made against him . A chain ' of redoubts , defended by the infantry , artillery , and p ioneers , the cavalry posted in the rear to cover their retreat , would render such positions long tenable ; and would either oblige the enemy to attack
them in front with great loss , or to detach a part of his army , which , in attempting to turn such post , might be surrounded and cut off ; or the whole of his army might be obliged to change its route to one more circuitous , which might afford us a further advantage , in probably forcing him into a more difficult country .
' Opposed in this way , the enemy must fight his way inch by inch , as he proceeds ; and his fighting men , having also to labour by turns as pioneers , in repairing the roads and intrenching his camps , he can advance only by slow degrees , and would probably find a very few miles to be a tedious and fatiguing march . His difficulties , for from decreasing as he advances into the country , would multiply in proportion to his distance from the coast j and if we could but attack his convoys on their march , an enterprize easily
accomplished , when his line of operation comes to be extended , we should strike at him where he is most vulnerable , and at length force him to lay down his arms , or return for provisions to the coast . ' Such is the plan of defence - by which it is conceived an invading enemy must be certainly defeated ; and its outlines are given , without regard to the co-operation of our fleets ; because insulated as we are , our resources on shore are adequate to our defence , even when inferior at sea , *
// Practical Vienv of the prevailing Religious System of professed Christians , b y William Wilberforce , Esq . Svo . 7 s . boards . Cadell and D . ivies . THE importance of a right faith , in order to a good practice , has been more felt and more generally acknowledged of late than at any former period . The lax system of moral Christianity lias given way to the pure doctrines of the gospel ; and what a few years back would have excited
contempt , is now not only patiently endured , but very extensively supported . The increase of infidelity , and the artful productions of its advocates , have driven many believers in the truth of Revelation-to avow those essential doctrines of Christianity which they . were wont either to consider as indefensible , or to treat as indifferent . The medium between absolute scepticism and a sound faith is bad : but numbers still take their station in this middle way . To these Mr . Wilberforce very judiciously and very forcibly makes
this appeal . His performance is highly honourable to himself as a writer ., as a public man , and , above all , as a Christian . It should be carefully perused by every person ; but more especially by those who have hitherto paid little or no attention to that religion in which they were educated . We shall close our notice of this valuable work with a view of the doctrines pleaded for by Mr . Wilberforce . ' That' God so loved the world , as of his tender mercy to give his only Son Jesus Christ for our redemption i'
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review Of New Publications.
' The enemy , either in the course of , or . after bis second tlay ' s march , would probably find it necessary to detach parties to forage . Here our superiority in cavalry would certainly enable us to cut them off ; but without trusting to that success , our yeomanry cavalry should be constantly on the watch , to observe the quarter to which the foraging parties of the enemy were directing their march , and endeavour to anticipate them by setting fire to the dry forage , and driving off cattle , & c . which may appear to be within
their reach ; and were they to stop in any situation , at a distance from their army , to cut green forage , their destruction would be inevitable . « Tn opposing an invading enemy , many positions would occur at the crossing of rivers , and entry of defiles , where successful stands may be made against him . A chain ' of redoubts , defended by the infantry , artillery , and p ioneers , the cavalry posted in the rear to cover their retreat , would render such positions long tenable ; and would either oblige the enemy to attack
them in front with great loss , or to detach a part of his army , which , in attempting to turn such post , might be surrounded and cut off ; or the whole of his army might be obliged to change its route to one more circuitous , which might afford us a further advantage , in probably forcing him into a more difficult country .
' Opposed in this way , the enemy must fight his way inch by inch , as he proceeds ; and his fighting men , having also to labour by turns as pioneers , in repairing the roads and intrenching his camps , he can advance only by slow degrees , and would probably find a very few miles to be a tedious and fatiguing march . His difficulties , for from decreasing as he advances into the country , would multiply in proportion to his distance from the coast j and if we could but attack his convoys on their march , an enterprize easily
accomplished , when his line of operation comes to be extended , we should strike at him where he is most vulnerable , and at length force him to lay down his arms , or return for provisions to the coast . ' Such is the plan of defence - by which it is conceived an invading enemy must be certainly defeated ; and its outlines are given , without regard to the co-operation of our fleets ; because insulated as we are , our resources on shore are adequate to our defence , even when inferior at sea , *
// Practical Vienv of the prevailing Religious System of professed Christians , b y William Wilberforce , Esq . Svo . 7 s . boards . Cadell and D . ivies . THE importance of a right faith , in order to a good practice , has been more felt and more generally acknowledged of late than at any former period . The lax system of moral Christianity lias given way to the pure doctrines of the gospel ; and what a few years back would have excited
contempt , is now not only patiently endured , but very extensively supported . The increase of infidelity , and the artful productions of its advocates , have driven many believers in the truth of Revelation-to avow those essential doctrines of Christianity which they . were wont either to consider as indefensible , or to treat as indifferent . The medium between absolute scepticism and a sound faith is bad : but numbers still take their station in this middle way . To these Mr . Wilberforce very judiciously and very forcibly makes
this appeal . His performance is highly honourable to himself as a writer ., as a public man , and , above all , as a Christian . It should be carefully perused by every person ; but more especially by those who have hitherto paid little or no attention to that religion in which they were educated . We shall close our notice of this valuable work with a view of the doctrines pleaded for by Mr . Wilberforce . ' That' God so loved the world , as of his tender mercy to give his only Son Jesus Christ for our redemption i'