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Report Of The Proceedings Of The British Parliament.
HOUSE OF LORDS . THURSDAY - , July 6 . LORD Grenville presented a Message from his Majesty , to the following ' effect : ' his Majesty acquaints the House of Peers , that the state of the . public business is such as to warrant a speedy termination of the session of
Parliament ; his Majesty , however , thinks fit to recommend to their Lordships to take into consideration the making provision to enable his Majesty to enter upon the execution of such measures , in the recess , as the exigency of circumstances might require ;—and also to consider of the expediency of affording pecuniary assistance to his Majesty ' s faithful ally , the Oueen of Portugal , to enable her to provide for the effectual defence of her dominions against the enemy , should circumstances render such a measure necessary . ' Tuesday , 11 . Lord Grenville , after some prefatory observations , moved the
introduction of a Bill , changing the time required for Parliament to ineet , after his Majesty ' s summons , from 40 to 14 days , which was read a first time . The Roman Catholic Militia Bill was , on the motion of the Bishop of Rochester , postponed for three months . GENERAL INXLOSURE BILL . Friday , 14 . The Lord Chancellor made several strong objections to this Bill ; . there were many parts of it which he considered as unintelligible , and the whole of it he thought by no means calculated to answer any good purpose ; on which * account , upon his recommendation , it was rejected .
SURGEON S BILL . Monday , 17 . The order of the day for the third reading of this Bill being read , Lord Thurlow said , that the promoters of the Bill appeared to him to merit no small disapprobation . When he attendad the Committee , he was surprised to find it engaged in a profound discussion on aristocracy and democracy , and to perceive that the opposers of the Bill were stigmatized as Jacobins , because they wished to protect their property . The object of the Bill , which seemed to . him quite as monstrous as before it went through the Committeewas to erect the
, surgeons into a college , those gentlemen contending that they were not an incorporated trade . This was false . They originally formed one corporation with the barbers , and when at last they were desirous of being separated from their associates , it was said , that men who were going about among foul disorders , the pox and putrid sores , should not be allowed to handle the beards and faces of decent people . For a public convenience then they were made a distinct corporation ; but it was on the same principles as the barbers , and described in the act ill the very same words . Like the barbers ' alsothey were required to hang out
, a pole , with this oulv difference , that the pole of the surgeons was to be accompanied with a galley-pot and a red rag . If the Bill was carried 011 he should move for the revival of ' . his usage . Nothing could be more extraordinary than the prir - ciple by which they were to be regulated . Every surgeon was forbid , umierheavy penalties , to practise pharmacy , midwifery , or any thing of the kind . If he did he was to be rendered incapable of any rank in the college . And yet this college
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Report Of The Proceedings Of The British Parliament.
HOUSE OF LORDS . THURSDAY - , July 6 . LORD Grenville presented a Message from his Majesty , to the following ' effect : ' his Majesty acquaints the House of Peers , that the state of the . public business is such as to warrant a speedy termination of the session of
Parliament ; his Majesty , however , thinks fit to recommend to their Lordships to take into consideration the making provision to enable his Majesty to enter upon the execution of such measures , in the recess , as the exigency of circumstances might require ;—and also to consider of the expediency of affording pecuniary assistance to his Majesty ' s faithful ally , the Oueen of Portugal , to enable her to provide for the effectual defence of her dominions against the enemy , should circumstances render such a measure necessary . ' Tuesday , 11 . Lord Grenville , after some prefatory observations , moved the
introduction of a Bill , changing the time required for Parliament to ineet , after his Majesty ' s summons , from 40 to 14 days , which was read a first time . The Roman Catholic Militia Bill was , on the motion of the Bishop of Rochester , postponed for three months . GENERAL INXLOSURE BILL . Friday , 14 . The Lord Chancellor made several strong objections to this Bill ; . there were many parts of it which he considered as unintelligible , and the whole of it he thought by no means calculated to answer any good purpose ; on which * account , upon his recommendation , it was rejected .
SURGEON S BILL . Monday , 17 . The order of the day for the third reading of this Bill being read , Lord Thurlow said , that the promoters of the Bill appeared to him to merit no small disapprobation . When he attendad the Committee , he was surprised to find it engaged in a profound discussion on aristocracy and democracy , and to perceive that the opposers of the Bill were stigmatized as Jacobins , because they wished to protect their property . The object of the Bill , which seemed to . him quite as monstrous as before it went through the Committeewas to erect the
, surgeons into a college , those gentlemen contending that they were not an incorporated trade . This was false . They originally formed one corporation with the barbers , and when at last they were desirous of being separated from their associates , it was said , that men who were going about among foul disorders , the pox and putrid sores , should not be allowed to handle the beards and faces of decent people . For a public convenience then they were made a distinct corporation ; but it was on the same principles as the barbers , and described in the act ill the very same words . Like the barbers ' alsothey were required to hang out
, a pole , with this oulv difference , that the pole of the surgeons was to be accompanied with a galley-pot and a red rag . If the Bill was carried 011 he should move for the revival of ' . his usage . Nothing could be more extraordinary than the prir - ciple by which they were to be regulated . Every surgeon was forbid , umierheavy penalties , to practise pharmacy , midwifery , or any thing of the kind . If he did he was to be rendered incapable of any rank in the college . And yet this college