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Report Of The Proceedings Of The British Parliament.
was to have the right of examining army and na \ y surgeons ; they were to examine upon pharmacy , without ever having practised it ; and they were to examine medicine chests , though they were never to touch a drug . This dividing of the profession of physic into a variety of branches might do very well for people who could afford to pay a number of medical men ; but how were the poor to obtain relief , if such regulations were enforced ? Lord Thurlow then animadverted upon the unreasonable price of dilomas the fine of 10 Ito be levied those
p ; upon . upon who should practise the proscribed branches ; and upon the malignity of prosecutions , in which the corporation was to be allowed fu'l costs , while none were to be allowed to the defendant . The merciless cruelty of those regulations could only have been suggested by a Surgeon . After several other observations , his Lordship moved that the third reading be put oft' to ' thisday three months ; which ' was accordingly done . Thursday 20 . This day his Majesty came to the House in his usual stateand
, , being seated on the throne , with his officers of state standing round him , Sir Francis Molyneux was sent to requite the attendauce el ' the Commons , who soon after appeared , with their Speaker , at the bar . The Roval Assent was then given to twelve public and nine private Bills , after which his ' Majesty , by a speech from the throne , dissolved the first session of the present Parliament . [ For the Speed * ite our Publication for July last . ] ' "
House Of Commons.
FRIDAY , May 16 , ( Continued . ) MR . Pitt said , that out of the number of petitions that had praved his Majesty to dismiss his Ministers , scarcely any had mentioned the subject of Reform ; that so far from Parliament having lost the confidence of the paople . ' they neverpossessed it m a greater degree than at this period ; ( at this assertion Mr . Fcx laughed ) ; that the difficulties of the country did not result from a general system , but from particular causes ; that if the things now asked granted should have
were , we no security against further demands ; and that his judgment was never more clear and deliberative than in giving a negative on the Hon . Gentleman's proposition . _ Sir F . Burdet said , that things were gone so far , that he did not think Mr . Fox , with all his talents and integrity , could now extricate the country—there must be a change in the system of representation—an end to corruption . If monarchy could only be supported b y corruption , he was a determined republican : he preferred the hard labour of liberty to the easy sloth ol ' servitude . He supported the before the
proposition House . Sir Richard Hill said , that at a time when things were goiir * on . as one might say , smoothly and fairly , he had voted against Reform . At a juncture like the present he had voted for it , and he should vote for it again . When liberty was expiring lie would say , Doctor , can you find no remedy ? ' Doctor Sangrado ' s remedy , bleeding , he was afraid , had been tried too long . Our Ministers had been called weak and wicked . Weak they were not , for they were men of talents ; neither had they committed
any profligate actions . To be sure they had not much religion , and for that he was sorry . When it was asked who brought the country into this situation ? Some said weak and wicked Ministers ; others said seditious Opposition ; so that between the two parties the Constitution was ground as between two millstones . He should vote for the Reform . _ Lord Hawkesbury opposed the motion , and maintained that the Constitution was improving every day . He said that the present nian resembled the French
Constitution of 17 S 9 , which an able writer , Mr . Mackintosh , had justly blamed as subject tp : all the mischiefs of Universal Suffrage ; and thai nothing short of Universal Suffrage would satisfy the Reformers . To this the whole of them seemed to agree , that li it could not be had without blood , blood must be shed . Sir G . P Turner said , when he stood up in the morning , or lay down at night , ne felt for the Constitution . ( A laugh . ) He asked whether it would not be mad-
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Report Of The Proceedings Of The British Parliament.
was to have the right of examining army and na \ y surgeons ; they were to examine upon pharmacy , without ever having practised it ; and they were to examine medicine chests , though they were never to touch a drug . This dividing of the profession of physic into a variety of branches might do very well for people who could afford to pay a number of medical men ; but how were the poor to obtain relief , if such regulations were enforced ? Lord Thurlow then animadverted upon the unreasonable price of dilomas the fine of 10 Ito be levied those
p ; upon . upon who should practise the proscribed branches ; and upon the malignity of prosecutions , in which the corporation was to be allowed fu'l costs , while none were to be allowed to the defendant . The merciless cruelty of those regulations could only have been suggested by a Surgeon . After several other observations , his Lordship moved that the third reading be put oft' to ' thisday three months ; which ' was accordingly done . Thursday 20 . This day his Majesty came to the House in his usual stateand
, , being seated on the throne , with his officers of state standing round him , Sir Francis Molyneux was sent to requite the attendauce el ' the Commons , who soon after appeared , with their Speaker , at the bar . The Roval Assent was then given to twelve public and nine private Bills , after which his ' Majesty , by a speech from the throne , dissolved the first session of the present Parliament . [ For the Speed * ite our Publication for July last . ] ' "
House Of Commons.
FRIDAY , May 16 , ( Continued . ) MR . Pitt said , that out of the number of petitions that had praved his Majesty to dismiss his Ministers , scarcely any had mentioned the subject of Reform ; that so far from Parliament having lost the confidence of the paople . ' they neverpossessed it m a greater degree than at this period ; ( at this assertion Mr . Fcx laughed ) ; that the difficulties of the country did not result from a general system , but from particular causes ; that if the things now asked granted should have
were , we no security against further demands ; and that his judgment was never more clear and deliberative than in giving a negative on the Hon . Gentleman's proposition . _ Sir F . Burdet said , that things were gone so far , that he did not think Mr . Fox , with all his talents and integrity , could now extricate the country—there must be a change in the system of representation—an end to corruption . If monarchy could only be supported b y corruption , he was a determined republican : he preferred the hard labour of liberty to the easy sloth ol ' servitude . He supported the before the
proposition House . Sir Richard Hill said , that at a time when things were goiir * on . as one might say , smoothly and fairly , he had voted against Reform . At a juncture like the present he had voted for it , and he should vote for it again . When liberty was expiring lie would say , Doctor , can you find no remedy ? ' Doctor Sangrado ' s remedy , bleeding , he was afraid , had been tried too long . Our Ministers had been called weak and wicked . Weak they were not , for they were men of talents ; neither had they committed
any profligate actions . To be sure they had not much religion , and for that he was sorry . When it was asked who brought the country into this situation ? Some said weak and wicked Ministers ; others said seditious Opposition ; so that between the two parties the Constitution was ground as between two millstones . He should vote for the Reform . _ Lord Hawkesbury opposed the motion , and maintained that the Constitution was improving every day . He said that the present nian resembled the French
Constitution of 17 S 9 , which an able writer , Mr . Mackintosh , had justly blamed as subject tp : all the mischiefs of Universal Suffrage ; and thai nothing short of Universal Suffrage would satisfy the Reformers . To this the whole of them seemed to agree , that li it could not be had without blood , blood must be shed . Sir G . P Turner said , when he stood up in the morning , or lay down at night , ne felt for the Constitution . ( A laugh . ) He asked whether it would not be mad-