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Second Session Of The Eighteenth Parliament.
¦ THURSDAY , November z . SOON after three o ' clock his Majesty came into the House , attended by the principal officers of the state , and , having taken his seat upon the throne , Sir Francis Moiyneux was sent down to the Commons to require their attendance : the Speaker , ' with some few Members , appearing at the Bar , the King delivered the following speech : ' My Lords and Gentlemen
, ' It is matter of great concern to me , that the earnest endeavours which I have continued to employ since 1 last met you in Parliament to restore to my subjects the blessings of peace , on secure and honourable terms , have unhappily been rendered ineffectual . ' The declaration which I have caused to be published , and the other papers which I have directed to be laid before you , will , Lam confident , abundantly prove to you , and to the world , that every step has be ,-n taken on my part which could lend to accelerate the conclusion of and that the long delay and final
peace ; rupture ofthe Negociation , are solely to be ascribed to the evasive conduct , unwarrantable pretensions , and the inordinate ambition of those with whom we have to contend ; and above all , to their inveterate animosity against these kingdoms . * I have the fullest reliance , under the blessing of Providence , on the vigour and wisdom of your counsels , and on the zeal , magnanimity , and courage of a great and free people , sensible that they are contending for theirdearest interests , and determined to shew themselves worthy of the blessings which they are
struggling to preserve . ' Compelled as we are , by the most evident necessity , to persevere in the defence efall that is dear to us , till a more just and pacific spirit shall prevail on the part of the enemy , we have the satisfaction of knowing that we possess means and resources proportioned to the objects which are at stake . ' During the period of hostilities , and under the unavoidable pressure of accumulated burthens , our revenue has continued highly productive , our national industry has been extended , and our commerce has surpassed its former limits .
' The public spirii of mv people has been eminently displayed ; my troops , of every description , have acquired Iresh c laims to the esteem and admiration of their country ; and the repealed successes of my navy over all our different enemies have been recently crowned by the signal and decisive victory with which Providence has rewarded the exertions of my fleet under the command of Admiral Lord Duncan . ' No event could be attended with more important and beneficial consequences , or form a more brilliant addition to the numerous and heroic exploiis which , in the course of the present war , have raised to a pitch hitherto unequalled the naval giory ofthe country .
' Gentlemen ofthe House of Cemmons , ' I have directed the estimates for the ensuing year to be laid before you . The State ofthe war , joined lothe happy consequences of recent success , will , I trust , admit of some diminution of expence , consistent with the vigorous efforts which pur situation indispensably requires . In considering what may be the mode of defraying the heavy expence which will still be unavoidable , you will , I am persuadedbear in mind that the present crisis presents everv motive to animate you to
, the most effectual and spirited exertions ; the true value of any temporary sacrifices which you may find necessary for the purpose , can only be estimated by comparing them with the importance of supporting effectually our public credit , and convincing the enemy that , while we retain an ardent desire for the conclusion of peace on safe and honourable terms , we possess the means , as well as the determination , to support with vigour this arduous contest , as long as it may be necessary for maintaining the safety , honour , and independence of these kingdoms .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Second Session Of The Eighteenth Parliament.
¦ THURSDAY , November z . SOON after three o ' clock his Majesty came into the House , attended by the principal officers of the state , and , having taken his seat upon the throne , Sir Francis Moiyneux was sent down to the Commons to require their attendance : the Speaker , ' with some few Members , appearing at the Bar , the King delivered the following speech : ' My Lords and Gentlemen
, ' It is matter of great concern to me , that the earnest endeavours which I have continued to employ since 1 last met you in Parliament to restore to my subjects the blessings of peace , on secure and honourable terms , have unhappily been rendered ineffectual . ' The declaration which I have caused to be published , and the other papers which I have directed to be laid before you , will , Lam confident , abundantly prove to you , and to the world , that every step has be ,-n taken on my part which could lend to accelerate the conclusion of and that the long delay and final
peace ; rupture ofthe Negociation , are solely to be ascribed to the evasive conduct , unwarrantable pretensions , and the inordinate ambition of those with whom we have to contend ; and above all , to their inveterate animosity against these kingdoms . * I have the fullest reliance , under the blessing of Providence , on the vigour and wisdom of your counsels , and on the zeal , magnanimity , and courage of a great and free people , sensible that they are contending for theirdearest interests , and determined to shew themselves worthy of the blessings which they are
struggling to preserve . ' Compelled as we are , by the most evident necessity , to persevere in the defence efall that is dear to us , till a more just and pacific spirit shall prevail on the part of the enemy , we have the satisfaction of knowing that we possess means and resources proportioned to the objects which are at stake . ' During the period of hostilities , and under the unavoidable pressure of accumulated burthens , our revenue has continued highly productive , our national industry has been extended , and our commerce has surpassed its former limits .
' The public spirii of mv people has been eminently displayed ; my troops , of every description , have acquired Iresh c laims to the esteem and admiration of their country ; and the repealed successes of my navy over all our different enemies have been recently crowned by the signal and decisive victory with which Providence has rewarded the exertions of my fleet under the command of Admiral Lord Duncan . ' No event could be attended with more important and beneficial consequences , or form a more brilliant addition to the numerous and heroic exploiis which , in the course of the present war , have raised to a pitch hitherto unequalled the naval giory ofthe country .
' Gentlemen ofthe House of Cemmons , ' I have directed the estimates for the ensuing year to be laid before you . The State ofthe war , joined lothe happy consequences of recent success , will , I trust , admit of some diminution of expence , consistent with the vigorous efforts which pur situation indispensably requires . In considering what may be the mode of defraying the heavy expence which will still be unavoidable , you will , I am persuadedbear in mind that the present crisis presents everv motive to animate you to
, the most effectual and spirited exertions ; the true value of any temporary sacrifices which you may find necessary for the purpose , can only be estimated by comparing them with the importance of supporting effectually our public credit , and convincing the enemy that , while we retain an ardent desire for the conclusion of peace on safe and honourable terms , we possess the means , as well as the determination , to support with vigour this arduous contest , as long as it may be necessary for maintaining the safety , honour , and independence of these kingdoms .