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Second Session Of The Eighteenth Parliament.
his Lordship fully entitled to the thanks he had now the honour to deliver to him . ^ Lord Duncan answered , that , unused to public speaking , he should not say much ; nor indeed , if so inclined , would his feelings permit him fully to express his gratitude for the honour done him . For the handsome manner in which the noble Lord had communicated the vote of the House his particular thanks were due . .
RUPTURE OF THE NEGOCIATION . Lord Grenville said that he should say little to induce their Lordships to assent to the resolution he was about to bring forward , the papers on the table needing no elucidation . He was sensible that there could be but one opinion concerning them ; and if any noble Lords bad thought proper to absent themselves , it was no doubt because they thought the conduct of the French indefensible . Here his Lordship dwelt upon she principal topics ofthe declaration , and paid several high compliments to Lord Malmesbury . When the rulers of
France , said his Lordship , were about to take the sense of people , it ' was foreseen that it would be against their tyrannic system ; and so it proved ; but to defeat the good intentions of the majority , the Directory purposely delayed the negociation , and when they had overawed the Councils , they reproduced a clairii that for two months had been abandoned , and ordered Lord Malmesbury out of the country . Hence it wiis plain tiiat the animosity of this sanguinary enemy was directed against our laws , religion , and constitution , and to shew it more strongly , they had recently declared that the two governments could
not exist together . The question was therefore whether we would maintain our independence , or submit to an inveterate foe , at a time when our arms shone with unexampled splendour . A 3 he knew that upon this there could be no difference of sentiment , he should move his resolution , hoping that no Lord would support it by his approbation , unless determined to abide by the pledge he would thereby give . His Lordship then moved an Address to his Majesty , which was as follows : ' We , your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects , the Lords spiritual and temporal , in parliament assembled , have taken into ourmost serious consideration the papers which your Majesty has been pleased to direct to be laid before us , on the subject of the negociation into which vour Majesty had entered , with a view of restoring to your people a secure " and
honourable peace . In every stage of that transaction , we have recognized vour Majesty ' s invariable and unremitted solicitude for our properity and welfare : while we have seen , on the other hand , the most abundant proofs of the continuance of that spirit of inveterate animosity and desperate ambition , on the part of our enemies , in which the present contest first originated . Your Majesty ' s conduct , characterised by an unexampled moderation , openness , and consistency ,-has left to the enemy no means of evasion , no subterfuge of disguise or artifice . It can no longer be denied , that their conduct is actuated by fixed determination of all of
a excluding means peace , and of pursuin " , at all hazards , their hostile designs against the happiness and safety of these kingdoms ; even the vain pretence of pacific dispositions is now abandoned , am ! the real purpose of all their councils , and of all their measures , at length openly and publicly avowed . It is to our laws and government that they have declared their irreconcileable hatred . , No sacrifice will content them but that of our liberty ; no concession but that of our envied and happy constitution . Under such , circumstances , we feel the duty which we owe in this great crisis to God
and to our country . Animated by the same sentiments which your Ma'estv has been pleased to declare to your people and to the world—attached to ' your Majesty by principles of duty and gratitude , and sensible that it is only from courage and firmness that we can look for present safety or permanent peace we are determined to defend , with unshaken resolution , your Majesty ' s throne , the lives and property of our fellow subjects , the government and Constitution of our country , and the honour and independency of the British Empire . We know that great exertions are necessary ; , we are prepared to make them ; and , firm reliance that Divine
placing our or . protection which has always hitherto been extended to us , we will support your Majesty to the utmost , " and stand <» r fall with our religion , laws , and liberties . ' Lord Darnley said , he could not content himself with giving a silent vote
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Second Session Of The Eighteenth Parliament.
his Lordship fully entitled to the thanks he had now the honour to deliver to him . ^ Lord Duncan answered , that , unused to public speaking , he should not say much ; nor indeed , if so inclined , would his feelings permit him fully to express his gratitude for the honour done him . For the handsome manner in which the noble Lord had communicated the vote of the House his particular thanks were due . .
RUPTURE OF THE NEGOCIATION . Lord Grenville said that he should say little to induce their Lordships to assent to the resolution he was about to bring forward , the papers on the table needing no elucidation . He was sensible that there could be but one opinion concerning them ; and if any noble Lords bad thought proper to absent themselves , it was no doubt because they thought the conduct of the French indefensible . Here his Lordship dwelt upon she principal topics ofthe declaration , and paid several high compliments to Lord Malmesbury . When the rulers of
France , said his Lordship , were about to take the sense of people , it ' was foreseen that it would be against their tyrannic system ; and so it proved ; but to defeat the good intentions of the majority , the Directory purposely delayed the negociation , and when they had overawed the Councils , they reproduced a clairii that for two months had been abandoned , and ordered Lord Malmesbury out of the country . Hence it wiis plain tiiat the animosity of this sanguinary enemy was directed against our laws , religion , and constitution , and to shew it more strongly , they had recently declared that the two governments could
not exist together . The question was therefore whether we would maintain our independence , or submit to an inveterate foe , at a time when our arms shone with unexampled splendour . A 3 he knew that upon this there could be no difference of sentiment , he should move his resolution , hoping that no Lord would support it by his approbation , unless determined to abide by the pledge he would thereby give . His Lordship then moved an Address to his Majesty , which was as follows : ' We , your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects , the Lords spiritual and temporal , in parliament assembled , have taken into ourmost serious consideration the papers which your Majesty has been pleased to direct to be laid before us , on the subject of the negociation into which vour Majesty had entered , with a view of restoring to your people a secure " and
honourable peace . In every stage of that transaction , we have recognized vour Majesty ' s invariable and unremitted solicitude for our properity and welfare : while we have seen , on the other hand , the most abundant proofs of the continuance of that spirit of inveterate animosity and desperate ambition , on the part of our enemies , in which the present contest first originated . Your Majesty ' s conduct , characterised by an unexampled moderation , openness , and consistency ,-has left to the enemy no means of evasion , no subterfuge of disguise or artifice . It can no longer be denied , that their conduct is actuated by fixed determination of all of
a excluding means peace , and of pursuin " , at all hazards , their hostile designs against the happiness and safety of these kingdoms ; even the vain pretence of pacific dispositions is now abandoned , am ! the real purpose of all their councils , and of all their measures , at length openly and publicly avowed . It is to our laws and government that they have declared their irreconcileable hatred . , No sacrifice will content them but that of our liberty ; no concession but that of our envied and happy constitution . Under such , circumstances , we feel the duty which we owe in this great crisis to God
and to our country . Animated by the same sentiments which your Ma'estv has been pleased to declare to your people and to the world—attached to ' your Majesty by principles of duty and gratitude , and sensible that it is only from courage and firmness that we can look for present safety or permanent peace we are determined to defend , with unshaken resolution , your Majesty ' s throne , the lives and property of our fellow subjects , the government and Constitution of our country , and the honour and independency of the British Empire . We know that great exertions are necessary ; , we are prepared to make them ; and , firm reliance that Divine
placing our or . protection which has always hitherto been extended to us , we will support your Majesty to the utmost , " and stand <» r fall with our religion , laws , and liberties . ' Lord Darnley said , he could not content himself with giving a silent vote