Article HOUSE OF COMMONS. ← Page 12 of 12
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House Of Commons.
lool but under 105 I to a sum not exceeding i-40 th part of the same , or - 2100 105 I but underiiolto a sum not exceeding 1-38111 partof the same , or - 2153 liol but under 115 I to a sum not exceeding 1-3 61 I 1 part ofthe
, same , or - 310 115 I but iuideri 2 olto a sum not exceeding 1-34 H 1 part of the same , or - - 3 7 8 120 I but under 125 I to a sum not . exceeding i-32 d part of the same , or - i 'i ° . 125 I but under 130 I to a sum . not
exceeding 1-30 H 1 partof the same , or - 434 130 I but under 135 I to a sum not exceeding 1-281 I 1 part ofthe same , or - 4 12 10 135 I but under 140 I to a sum not exceeding i-26 th partof the same , or - 5 3 I 0
140 I but under 145 I to a sum not exceeding 1-24 H 1 part of the same , or - 5 16 8 145 I but under 150 I to a sum not exceeding i-22 dpart ofthe same , or - 6 11 o 150 I but under 155 I to a sum not exceeding i-2 oth part of the same , or - 7 10 0 55 I but under 160 I to a sum not exceeding i-jgth part of the same , or - 830
The parishes are responsible for the deficiencies in the taxes collected in them respGctivsly . Farmers under 150 I . a year , who have no other means of obtaining a livelihood , are to pay for , no more than " five horses . There is an exemption in favour of those who have four children lawfully begotten under 16 years of age . Also in favour of clergymen under 150 I . yearly income . Mr . Coke declared that the sum wanted could he supplied in a more equitable Coke then
way , bv laving a shilling in the pound on all transfer of stock . Mr . moved that ' the enormous fees which the preseinmeastire would throw into the hands of the Tellers of the Exchequershould be limited . Sir William Pulteney was surprised that Gentlemen were not ashamed of puttinp- such enormous fees in their pocketsduringthepresent distress of the country . Mr . Pitt and Mr . Dundas declared the motion to be unjust , as it went to deprive the Tellers of what they enjoyed , as a reward for the services of their ancestors , and what they held as a freehold tenure . They would receive no more than if the
money was collected by anv other mode . Mr ! Coke replied , that they would receive upwards of 10 , 000 k each on the . sum collected under this Bill , besides the immense perquisites they already obtained . The motion was lost by a division of 75 against 6 . [ TO HE CONTINUED nEGUI . AIU . Y , ]
160 I but under 165 I to asinn not exceeding 1-18 th partof the same , or - 8170 165 I but under 170 I to a sum not exceeding 1 -171 h part of the same , or - 9 14 ° 170 I but under 175 I to a sum not exceeding 1 -16 th part ofthe
same , or - 10 12 o 17 5 I but under 1 Sol to a sum not exceeding i-i 5 th part of the same , or . - 11 13 o . 1 Sol but under 185 I to a sum not exceeding i-i 4 th part of the same , or - 12 17 o 1851 but under 1 90 I to a sum not
exceeding 1-13 U 1 part of the same , or - 14 4 o 1901 but under 195 I to a sum not exceeding i-i 2 th part of the same , or - 15160 195 I but under 200 ] to a sum not # exceeding 1-1 ith part of the same , or - 17 14 o
200 I and upwards , to a sum not exceeding t-ioth partof the same , or - 20 o o And where the said annual income shay appear to be not less than 200 I . every such person shall be entitled to such an abatement of the additional duty now granted , as may be necessary to
reduce Ihe same in each case respectively to a sum not exceeding i-ioth partof the said income .
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House Of Commons.
lool but under 105 I to a sum not exceeding i-40 th part of the same , or - 2100 105 I but underiiolto a sum not exceeding 1-38111 partof the same , or - 2153 liol but under 115 I to a sum not exceeding 1-3 61 I 1 part ofthe
, same , or - 310 115 I but iuideri 2 olto a sum not exceeding 1-34 H 1 part of the same , or - - 3 7 8 120 I but under 125 I to a sum not . exceeding i-32 d part of the same , or - i 'i ° . 125 I but under 130 I to a sum . not
exceeding 1-30 H 1 partof the same , or - 434 130 I but under 135 I to a sum not exceeding 1-281 I 1 part ofthe same , or - 4 12 10 135 I but under 140 I to a sum not exceeding i-26 th partof the same , or - 5 3 I 0
140 I but under 145 I to a sum not exceeding 1-24 H 1 part of the same , or - 5 16 8 145 I but under 150 I to a sum not exceeding i-22 dpart ofthe same , or - 6 11 o 150 I but under 155 I to a sum not exceeding i-2 oth part of the same , or - 7 10 0 55 I but under 160 I to a sum not exceeding i-jgth part of the same , or - 830
The parishes are responsible for the deficiencies in the taxes collected in them respGctivsly . Farmers under 150 I . a year , who have no other means of obtaining a livelihood , are to pay for , no more than " five horses . There is an exemption in favour of those who have four children lawfully begotten under 16 years of age . Also in favour of clergymen under 150 I . yearly income . Mr . Coke declared that the sum wanted could he supplied in a more equitable Coke then
way , bv laving a shilling in the pound on all transfer of stock . Mr . moved that ' the enormous fees which the preseinmeastire would throw into the hands of the Tellers of the Exchequershould be limited . Sir William Pulteney was surprised that Gentlemen were not ashamed of puttinp- such enormous fees in their pocketsduringthepresent distress of the country . Mr . Pitt and Mr . Dundas declared the motion to be unjust , as it went to deprive the Tellers of what they enjoyed , as a reward for the services of their ancestors , and what they held as a freehold tenure . They would receive no more than if the
money was collected by anv other mode . Mr ! Coke replied , that they would receive upwards of 10 , 000 k each on the . sum collected under this Bill , besides the immense perquisites they already obtained . The motion was lost by a division of 75 against 6 . [ TO HE CONTINUED nEGUI . AIU . Y , ]
160 I but under 165 I to asinn not exceeding 1-18 th partof the same , or - 8170 165 I but under 170 I to a sum not exceeding 1 -171 h part of the same , or - 9 14 ° 170 I but under 175 I to a sum not exceeding 1 -16 th part ofthe
same , or - 10 12 o 17 5 I but under 1 Sol to a sum not exceeding i-i 5 th part of the same , or . - 11 13 o . 1 Sol but under 185 I to a sum not exceeding i-i 4 th part of the same , or - 12 17 o 1851 but under 1 90 I to a sum not
exceeding 1-13 U 1 part of the same , or - 14 4 o 1901 but under 195 I to a sum not exceeding i-i 2 th part of the same , or - 15160 195 I but under 200 ] to a sum not # exceeding 1-1 ith part of the same , or - 17 14 o
200 I and upwards , to a sum not exceeding t-ioth partof the same , or - 20 o o And where the said annual income shay appear to be not less than 200 I . every such person shall be entitled to such an abatement of the additional duty now granted , as may be necessary to
reduce Ihe same in each case respectively to a sum not exceeding i-ioth partof the said income .