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AN the iSth of November , at the new nalace of Sans Souci near Pctzdam , his Prussian Majesty , Frederick William the Second . Since his return from l'yrmont , the principal physicians despaired of his recovery . Yet it was observable , that he enjoyed so strong a constitution that his first illness was that of which he diedHis Majesty was born on the 25 th of
. September 17 ^ - } , and was consequently only 53 years of age when he departed this life . He succeeded his uncle , Frederick the Great , Sept . 18 , 1786 , and rendered himself very popular at his accession . The list of state and other prisoners being laid before him , some he was pleased to release from confinement , and the penalalleviated
ties of others he remitted or . Not less than four score were restored to unconditional liberty from the fortresses of Fredericksburg , Pillan , and Memel . Hewas the son of Prince William Augustus , brotherto Frederick the Great , by the Princess 1 ouisa Amelia of B runswick WolfenbultleHe marriedfirstJul 14
. , , y , 176 ? , the Princess Elizabeth Christiana Ulrica of Brunswick Wolfenbuttle , by whom he had one daughter , Frederica Charlotte , born 176-, and married Oct . 1 , at Berlin , lo h ' . s Roval Highness the Duke
of York ; and , second , July 14 , 1769 , Frederica Louisa of Hesse . Darmstadt , by whom he had five sons ; Frederick William ( his successor ) born 1770 ; Frederick Charles Lewis , born 1773 ; Frederick Christian Augustus , born 17 S 0 ; another , born 1781 ; and another , 1783 ; and a daughter , Frederica Louisa Wilhelmina , born 1774 * R ate Majesty distinguished
. ' himself as a gallant commander under his uncle ; but since his accession to the Prussian throne , his character has so far degenerated , that few moiiarchs will descend to posterity with a more tarnished reputation . Passing by the affair of Poland , hisconduct towards the Emperor and this country cannot be reprobated in too
strong terms . The eniire event of the war was changed by his tergiversation . He , who was one of the most forward , Ihe most active , and the most vehement against the great troublers of Europe , all at once changed his note , and stretched forth the righi hand of amity to regicides , whowhile they accepted his alliance
, , tlespised him for his meanness . The pen of the future historian , however , will do all panies justice ; but no ingenuity will ever be able to palliate the conduct of the fir ^ t infractor of the great chain-of confederacy against the menacing Republic .
30 . At Pisn , where he had gone for the recovery of his health , William Henry Lambton . Esq . Member of Parliament lor the city of Durham . Hewas born on the 15 th of Nov . 1764 . His father was General John Lambton , many years Member of Parliament for the city of Durham , and Colonel of the Co ' . h regiment of fuot ; and his mother the Right
HonLadSu-, y san Lyon , sister to the late Ear ! of Strathmore . " He was named after his two uncles , William and Henry . The family has been long settled in the county of Durham . Mr . Hutchinson , in his learned and elaborate history of thai county Palatine , acquaints us , that ' Lambton was the family seat ofthe Lambtons before the Conquest . '
It stands on the southern banks of the rivet Wear , about a mile beluw Chester-lestreet , opposite to Harraton , another elegant Scat of the family . The estates have the peculiar felicity 10 be so situated as to enjoy the advantages of extended culture , navigation , and commerce , with all the softer beauties of icturesque prospect and
p romantic scenery . That the utmost care was taken of his education will appear plain from the cirrumstanre of his having been placed in Wandsworth school , Surry , which is
generally regarded as a nursery tor Ltcn , at the early age of seven years . About twelve he went to Eton , where he shewed great capacity and improvement , passing through the different lurms till he arrived at the sixth class , lie was held in high repute among the scholars of his day ; and * amidst his other classical attainments , was particularly admired for a happy talent of
writing Latin verses with the taste and purity ofthe Augustan a ; ra . in October 1782 he entered a Fellow Commoner ot " Trinity College , Cambridge , and continued there till July 1784 . To give a polish to his acquisitions , and exiend his knowledge of the world and of mankind , MrLambton determined on a visit to the
. continent . He was accompanied by the Rev . William Nesfield , A . M . ( now one of the Chaplains to his Koyal Highness the Prince of Wales ) a gentleman of learning and abilities , and blessed with an uncommon suavity of disposition and manners . During his stay abroad he was chiefly resident at Paris and Versailles
; though he found time to make the tour of Switzerland and France , with a small excursion into Spain . We must now turn our eyes from those scenes of elegance , observation , and enjoyment , to behold Mr . Lambton entering upon the arduous
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
AN the iSth of November , at the new nalace of Sans Souci near Pctzdam , his Prussian Majesty , Frederick William the Second . Since his return from l'yrmont , the principal physicians despaired of his recovery . Yet it was observable , that he enjoyed so strong a constitution that his first illness was that of which he diedHis Majesty was born on the 25 th of
. September 17 ^ - } , and was consequently only 53 years of age when he departed this life . He succeeded his uncle , Frederick the Great , Sept . 18 , 1786 , and rendered himself very popular at his accession . The list of state and other prisoners being laid before him , some he was pleased to release from confinement , and the penalalleviated
ties of others he remitted or . Not less than four score were restored to unconditional liberty from the fortresses of Fredericksburg , Pillan , and Memel . Hewas the son of Prince William Augustus , brotherto Frederick the Great , by the Princess 1 ouisa Amelia of B runswick WolfenbultleHe marriedfirstJul 14
. , , y , 176 ? , the Princess Elizabeth Christiana Ulrica of Brunswick Wolfenbuttle , by whom he had one daughter , Frederica Charlotte , born 176-, and married Oct . 1 , at Berlin , lo h ' . s Roval Highness the Duke
of York ; and , second , July 14 , 1769 , Frederica Louisa of Hesse . Darmstadt , by whom he had five sons ; Frederick William ( his successor ) born 1770 ; Frederick Charles Lewis , born 1773 ; Frederick Christian Augustus , born 17 S 0 ; another , born 1781 ; and another , 1783 ; and a daughter , Frederica Louisa Wilhelmina , born 1774 * R ate Majesty distinguished
. ' himself as a gallant commander under his uncle ; but since his accession to the Prussian throne , his character has so far degenerated , that few moiiarchs will descend to posterity with a more tarnished reputation . Passing by the affair of Poland , hisconduct towards the Emperor and this country cannot be reprobated in too
strong terms . The eniire event of the war was changed by his tergiversation . He , who was one of the most forward , Ihe most active , and the most vehement against the great troublers of Europe , all at once changed his note , and stretched forth the righi hand of amity to regicides , whowhile they accepted his alliance
, , tlespised him for his meanness . The pen of the future historian , however , will do all panies justice ; but no ingenuity will ever be able to palliate the conduct of the fir ^ t infractor of the great chain-of confederacy against the menacing Republic .
30 . At Pisn , where he had gone for the recovery of his health , William Henry Lambton . Esq . Member of Parliament lor the city of Durham . Hewas born on the 15 th of Nov . 1764 . His father was General John Lambton , many years Member of Parliament for the city of Durham , and Colonel of the Co ' . h regiment of fuot ; and his mother the Right
HonLadSu-, y san Lyon , sister to the late Ear ! of Strathmore . " He was named after his two uncles , William and Henry . The family has been long settled in the county of Durham . Mr . Hutchinson , in his learned and elaborate history of thai county Palatine , acquaints us , that ' Lambton was the family seat ofthe Lambtons before the Conquest . '
It stands on the southern banks of the rivet Wear , about a mile beluw Chester-lestreet , opposite to Harraton , another elegant Scat of the family . The estates have the peculiar felicity 10 be so situated as to enjoy the advantages of extended culture , navigation , and commerce , with all the softer beauties of icturesque prospect and
p romantic scenery . That the utmost care was taken of his education will appear plain from the cirrumstanre of his having been placed in Wandsworth school , Surry , which is
generally regarded as a nursery tor Ltcn , at the early age of seven years . About twelve he went to Eton , where he shewed great capacity and improvement , passing through the different lurms till he arrived at the sixth class , lie was held in high repute among the scholars of his day ; and * amidst his other classical attainments , was particularly admired for a happy talent of
writing Latin verses with the taste and purity ofthe Augustan a ; ra . in October 1782 he entered a Fellow Commoner ot " Trinity College , Cambridge , and continued there till July 1784 . To give a polish to his acquisitions , and exiend his knowledge of the world and of mankind , MrLambton determined on a visit to the
. continent . He was accompanied by the Rev . William Nesfield , A . M . ( now one of the Chaplains to his Koyal Highness the Prince of Wales ) a gentleman of learning and abilities , and blessed with an uncommon suavity of disposition and manners . During his stay abroad he was chiefly resident at Paris and Versailles
; though he found time to make the tour of Switzerland and France , with a small excursion into Spain . We must now turn our eyes from those scenes of elegance , observation , and enjoyment , to behold Mr . Lambton entering upon the arduous