Article LIST OF BANKRUPTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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List Of Bankrupts.
J . mi 20 . T . Sandys , Manchester , stationer . ' J . Fenton , Deanscales Cumberland , factor . R- Robinson , Sa lord , Lancashire , rope and WP ^ " ™" facturer . M . "White Southwell , i \ ottinirhamshire , miller . fane 24 . B . R . Haydon , Plymouth , bookseller . F . Harris , Leominster , book Porter Tottenham Court
se'ler R . , Road " , druggist . S . Kinder , Kirby in Ashfield , Nottingham , malsler . R . Hudson , Go nargh , Laneash . cotton-manuf-ictmer E Hall , Preston , sadler . J . Footinan , Chiswell-street , Moorfields , *" a . S . Hardy Old Bailey cardmaker . P . Planck , Long acre , refiner Sheffield filesmth 3
Stod-F . Hawke , , . . dart , T . and J ,. Erring . on Newcastle upoA Tyne , cornl ' actors and nsuraneebrokers . J Chadwiek , Manchester , haberdasher . M . Hall , Newcastle upon Tvne vintner . R . Chambers , talford , feester , maltster . J . S . arkie : Wa Mill , Lancashire , cottoii-manuticturer , J . Marshall , Gretna Bridge , Yorkshire ,
U , JT ? - Gill , Lincolnshire , butcher . T . Walton , Sheffield , linen-draper . A . Pearson , Yorkshire , grocer . Vv -Cooper . . 1 . East , Brompton , paper-nianutattuier . G . Downing , New Street oovem-Gardcn , oilman . J . Levy . Goodmans-field , clock and watch-maker . J . bykes Man-DDawson Chatham
chester ? perfumer . . . , slopseller . G . Frost Stepney , wheelwright . E . Finch , W . Finch , and J . Finch Lang l ' ord , Bedfordshire , papermakereand millers . C . Mitchell , Lom"board-street , merchant . July 4 . G . Geering , Shorter ' s-court , money-scrivener . J . Roberts Comptoiistreet , tent-maker . J . Atkinson , Cocker-Cumberland tanner 1 ^'
mouth , , . . f ^> Liverpool , merchant . U . Boyle , , i endleton , Lancashire , dyer . ix . rinney , Colchester , shop keeper . " July S S . Matthews , Algate-Highstreet , butcher . H . S . Gardiner , Wardrobe-street , Doctor ' s Commons , wea > er . W . Jones , Vere-str . St . Mary-ie-Bonne , linen-draper . ' T . Smith , fipton , a . atfnivkhh-P . cd ^ e-tool-mainifaiturer . t .
Wardell , Chatham , manner . G . Oxlade , Plastow , Es . ex , iw-. iev-scrweiier . R . Kamsden , ScarburouJi , grocer ^ ' July 11 . R- Kent , Oxford , merc . iant . Jiiiv is . J- J- Evans , I ' or . smoutli , vintner S . Longstaif , Sunderland , shipowner . J . Jeremy , St . Janies ' s-strect . Firraeillv , linen-draper . U . Usboine , C hristo iher-slr . Fiasbury-square ,
merchant . E . Tavlor , Fore-street , Lambeth ' and R . Matson , Uniui-str . Bishopsgate " street , oil-refiners . T . Hoodless , Stowe , Lincoln , maltster . W . Irvine , Sunderland , coallitter . P . Whitaler , Manchester , alehouse-keeper . J . Lawrence , Southampton , dealer . T . Bell , Southgate , wine-merchant . D , Warr , TiptonStaffordnailer . J . WardTean
, , , , Stafford , butcher . E . Sharp and W . Oillson , Hi « h Holborn , ornamental composition chiin :: ev-oiece manufacturers . Juh 18 . D . Hart , Gosport , silversmith . S . Hughes , Ch . ules-street , Soho ^ square , perfumer . J , M . Wright , Carlisle , cabinet-maker . J . Haigh , Low Whitley , Northumberland , factor . T .
Hope , Newcastle upon Tyne , linendraper . , " July 22 . R . Cragg , Hotham , Sussex , draper . T . Barnaul , Deal , shopkeeper . T . Simpson . Oxford-street , goldsmith . T . Godsell , Wheat Sheaf Wharf , Wapping , wharfinger . T . 'Dalby , Grub-str . butcher . J . Cowper , Penrith ,
Cumberland tanner . G . Seaton , Crowle , Lincoln , cornfactor . W . G . Podd , Bath , picture-dealer . S . Bispham , of Rosoman-atreet , Cler enwell , watch-wheelfinisher . J . Jackson , Lime-street , winemerchant . J . Vowell , Worcester street , Southwark , monev-scrivener W . B , BrandonLeaitenhall-st ' ieettruss-maker .
, , W . Hammatt , of Uirchin-lane , money-, scrivener . R . Pember , Clifton , Glcucestershire , dealer . J . Marshall and J . Longeake , Workington , Cumberland , mercers . T . Rowland , Liverpool , dealer in earthenware . J . King , Newbury ,
grocer . Ju'y 15 . G . Elm , Goswell-street , starchmaker . J . Morton the younger , Pendleton , Lasuashire , fustain-manufacturcr . M , ' Pratten the younger , St . Philip and Jacob . Glomestersh . tanner . W . Brevitt , Birm nehani , drover . Jv ' . v 1 * 9 T . Wallis Hawkins" , Borough , stationer WKnihtof Maid-lane
. , g , , southwark , smith . P . Priest , Broad-str . S . Giles's , victualler . R . Livesey , Blackburn , Lancaster , cotton-manufacturer . J . Forbes , Falcon-court , Southwark , victualler . G . Clough , Manchester , victualler . W . Sheffield , Bubrough , Yorkshire , farmer . J . Northall , SheffieldprinterT . a > dW . iiulletiHereJ
, . , ford , earners . . 1 Crags :, Lougnborough , linen-draper . P .. Taukerjley , Kingstou-Uf-on-H . ill , slop-seller . J . Allured , ot Great Yarmouth , upholsterer . J . Satterfieid , YY'irkswonh , Derbyshire , tanner . . ine -. 1 . T . Jones , Whituey , Hers-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
List Of Bankrupts.
J . mi 20 . T . Sandys , Manchester , stationer . ' J . Fenton , Deanscales Cumberland , factor . R- Robinson , Sa lord , Lancashire , rope and WP ^ " ™" facturer . M . "White Southwell , i \ ottinirhamshire , miller . fane 24 . B . R . Haydon , Plymouth , bookseller . F . Harris , Leominster , book Porter Tottenham Court
se'ler R . , Road " , druggist . S . Kinder , Kirby in Ashfield , Nottingham , malsler . R . Hudson , Go nargh , Laneash . cotton-manuf-ictmer E Hall , Preston , sadler . J . Footinan , Chiswell-street , Moorfields , *" a . S . Hardy Old Bailey cardmaker . P . Planck , Long acre , refiner Sheffield filesmth 3
Stod-F . Hawke , , . . dart , T . and J ,. Erring . on Newcastle upoA Tyne , cornl ' actors and nsuraneebrokers . J Chadwiek , Manchester , haberdasher . M . Hall , Newcastle upon Tvne vintner . R . Chambers , talford , feester , maltster . J . S . arkie : Wa Mill , Lancashire , cottoii-manuticturer , J . Marshall , Gretna Bridge , Yorkshire ,
U , JT ? - Gill , Lincolnshire , butcher . T . Walton , Sheffield , linen-draper . A . Pearson , Yorkshire , grocer . Vv -Cooper . . 1 . East , Brompton , paper-nianutattuier . G . Downing , New Street oovem-Gardcn , oilman . J . Levy . Goodmans-field , clock and watch-maker . J . bykes Man-DDawson Chatham
chester ? perfumer . . . , slopseller . G . Frost Stepney , wheelwright . E . Finch , W . Finch , and J . Finch Lang l ' ord , Bedfordshire , papermakereand millers . C . Mitchell , Lom"board-street , merchant . July 4 . G . Geering , Shorter ' s-court , money-scrivener . J . Roberts Comptoiistreet , tent-maker . J . Atkinson , Cocker-Cumberland tanner 1 ^'
mouth , , . . f ^> Liverpool , merchant . U . Boyle , , i endleton , Lancashire , dyer . ix . rinney , Colchester , shop keeper . " July S S . Matthews , Algate-Highstreet , butcher . H . S . Gardiner , Wardrobe-street , Doctor ' s Commons , wea > er . W . Jones , Vere-str . St . Mary-ie-Bonne , linen-draper . ' T . Smith , fipton , a . atfnivkhh-P . cd ^ e-tool-mainifaiturer . t .
Wardell , Chatham , manner . G . Oxlade , Plastow , Es . ex , iw-. iev-scrweiier . R . Kamsden , ScarburouJi , grocer ^ ' July 11 . R- Kent , Oxford , merc . iant . Jiiiv is . J- J- Evans , I ' or . smoutli , vintner S . Longstaif , Sunderland , shipowner . J . Jeremy , St . Janies ' s-strect . Firraeillv , linen-draper . U . Usboine , C hristo iher-slr . Fiasbury-square ,
merchant . E . Tavlor , Fore-street , Lambeth ' and R . Matson , Uniui-str . Bishopsgate " street , oil-refiners . T . Hoodless , Stowe , Lincoln , maltster . W . Irvine , Sunderland , coallitter . P . Whitaler , Manchester , alehouse-keeper . J . Lawrence , Southampton , dealer . T . Bell , Southgate , wine-merchant . D , Warr , TiptonStaffordnailer . J . WardTean
, , , , Stafford , butcher . E . Sharp and W . Oillson , Hi « h Holborn , ornamental composition chiin :: ev-oiece manufacturers . Juh 18 . D . Hart , Gosport , silversmith . S . Hughes , Ch . ules-street , Soho ^ square , perfumer . J , M . Wright , Carlisle , cabinet-maker . J . Haigh , Low Whitley , Northumberland , factor . T .
Hope , Newcastle upon Tyne , linendraper . , " July 22 . R . Cragg , Hotham , Sussex , draper . T . Barnaul , Deal , shopkeeper . T . Simpson . Oxford-street , goldsmith . T . Godsell , Wheat Sheaf Wharf , Wapping , wharfinger . T . 'Dalby , Grub-str . butcher . J . Cowper , Penrith ,
Cumberland tanner . G . Seaton , Crowle , Lincoln , cornfactor . W . G . Podd , Bath , picture-dealer . S . Bispham , of Rosoman-atreet , Cler enwell , watch-wheelfinisher . J . Jackson , Lime-street , winemerchant . J . Vowell , Worcester street , Southwark , monev-scrivener W . B , BrandonLeaitenhall-st ' ieettruss-maker .
, , W . Hammatt , of Uirchin-lane , money-, scrivener . R . Pember , Clifton , Glcucestershire , dealer . J . Marshall and J . Longeake , Workington , Cumberland , mercers . T . Rowland , Liverpool , dealer in earthenware . J . King , Newbury ,
grocer . Ju'y 15 . G . Elm , Goswell-street , starchmaker . J . Morton the younger , Pendleton , Lasuashire , fustain-manufacturcr . M , ' Pratten the younger , St . Philip and Jacob . Glomestersh . tanner . W . Brevitt , Birm nehani , drover . Jv ' . v 1 * 9 T . Wallis Hawkins" , Borough , stationer WKnihtof Maid-lane
. , g , , southwark , smith . P . Priest , Broad-str . S . Giles's , victualler . R . Livesey , Blackburn , Lancaster , cotton-manufacturer . J . Forbes , Falcon-court , Southwark , victualler . G . Clough , Manchester , victualler . W . Sheffield , Bubrough , Yorkshire , farmer . J . Northall , SheffieldprinterT . a > dW . iiulletiHereJ
, . , ford , earners . . 1 Crags :, Lougnborough , linen-draper . P .. Taukerjley , Kingstou-Uf-on-H . ill , slop-seller . J . Allured , ot Great Yarmouth , upholsterer . J . Satterfieid , YY'irkswonh , Derbyshire , tanner . . ine -. 1 . T . Jones , Whituey , Hers-