Article INDEX TO THE NINTH VOLUME. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Index To The Ninth Volume.
Fell , Rev . John , Memoirs of , 356 , Ferguson , Pvobt . Account of , 158 . Fisheries on the riverBan , Aoeount of , 32 . free Mason's Repository . Essay III . on the Masonic Character , 33 . IV , 105 . V , 177 . VI , 251 . —Influence of Free Maronry on Society , 35 . —Masonic Desideratum , 38—Order of-Free Masonry explained , 109 . —Opinions con-Master
cerning Masonry , 179 . —G . ' s Charge on resigning the Chair , 180 . — Vindication of Masonry , 183 , 252 . — Dr . Watkins ' s Vindication of Masonry against Mr , Robison , | 242 , —Sermon before the Royal Arch Chapter , Dublin , 3 S 2 . —Masonic Intelligence , 39 > 3 , 3 ? 7 , 3 5- G
Garrick , David , Memoir of , 219 , 293 , 365 . Gloucester , Prince William of , Memoir of , 1 . Goldsmith , Dr . original Letter of , 299 . Government , Essay on the Influence of on the Mental Faculties , 296 . Gypsies , Account of , 20 .
H Handel ' s Music , on the Excellencies of , 149 , 235-Heir at Law , a Comedy , Accountof , 47 . History of Inventions , Review of , 114 . Hole ' s Remarks on the Arabian Nights ' . Entertainments , Review of , 333 . " Holliday ' s Life of Mansfield , Review of ,
260 . Honest Thieves , a Farce , Review of , 33 6 . Hull , Mr . Memoirof , 75 , 148 . Hutchinson ' s Spirit of Masonry , Review of , 41 . I Important State Papers , 133 , 425 . Infelicities of the Learned , Essay on , 314 , 368 . Ireland , Account of the Commotions in , 206 , 281 ,
K King ' s Remarks on Stones fallen from the Clouds , Review of , 120 ., L Lambton , Mr . account of , 434 . Leslies , anecdotes of , 312 . Levi ' s Defence of the Bible , Review of , , 333-Lorenzino di MediciReview of 264
, , . Lorrain ' s Oration at Whittafer , on laying the first stone of a Bridge , 327 , Lovat's Memoirs , Review of , 332 . Louvet , Accountof , 355 . M Mackiin , Mr . Memoirs of , 9 , 8 9 . MalmesburyLordAccountof his
Ne-, , gociation , Mason , Mr . Memoir of , 14 . Maurice ' s Indian Antiquities , Review of , 43-Measure for Measure , Remarks on , 153 . jvleath , Account ofthe Ear ! of , 6 9 .
Monthly Chronicle , 59 , 133 , 20 5 , 277 , 347 , 4 * 5-Mountmorres , Lord , Account of , 286 . Munoz' History ofthe New World , Review of , 187 . Mutiny in the Fleet , Account of , 66 . N Newton , Sir Isaac , Anecdotes of , 10 . North Americaon the Change of
Cli-, mate in , 303 . O Obituary , 69 , 141 , 213 , 2 * 5 , 354 . Oriental Collections , Review of , 531 . p J Parker , Account of his Execution , si . Parliamentary Proceedings , 53 , 127 , 197 , „ 9 > 343 , 4 ° 3-ParsimonyInstance of 311
, , . Patents , List of , 17 , 83 , 306 ' . PelJetier , M . Accountof , 141 . Pindar ' s Ode to the Livery , Review of , 334-Pinkerton's IllustnousPortraits , Review of , 113 . Poetry .- —Prologue and Epilogue to the Fleir at Law , 49 . —Ellen and Danvert , 50 , i 2 i . —On Maria Antoinette , 52 . — Epitaph on Burke , ib . —Ditto on
Parser , ib . —Songs at Vauxhall , 122 . — . On Kosciusko , ib . —Power of Music , 123 .--. S 0 ng , ib . —On Fire , it . —Tears of Friendship , ib . —To Queen Mary , 124 . — -ThePunster , ( 4 . — -Epigrams , !* . —Progress of Science , 193 . —Way to mend him , by Dr . Perfect , 194 . —Pastoral , by the same , ib . —Song , ib . — Eigramib—Ode on Masonry 195
p , . , . —DoubtfulLover , from Metastasio , ib . —Sonnet , 196 . —Hymn to the Deity , ib . —On a Belle's retirement into the country , lb . —Honoria's mid-day retreat , ib . —On Emma , ib . —The Cell of Poverty , 265 . —Elegy on Chatterton , ib . —On a Swallow ' s Nest , 266 . Freeniason'sSongit—Luckless Jean
.. , ib . —The Jolly Beggar , 267 . —Stanzas on the 4 th May ii . —Accession , 26 S . —On the Death of a Hare , 16 . —Prologue and Epilogue to the Comedy of Cheap Living , 337 . —Address at Drury-Lane Theatre on the Benefit ofthe Widows , & c . ofthe Seamen killed in T . nrd
Dimcan ' s Victory , 338 . —Impromptu . — Ode to the Evening Star , ib . —To the Sun Flower— Hatvfcstone Park , 339 . — To the Ocean , 340 . —Acrostic , —Epigram , ib . —The NorfolkTurnippe , 395 . —Sennet to Liberty , ib . —On a faded Rose , il > . —The Amicable Brothers , ib . —To a Shawl , 397 . —On a Freemasonib—0 a Musicianib—La
, . .. , . Sainte Guillotine , 39 8 . —The Invasion , ib . Porcupine , Peter , Life of , S 5 , 161 . Prussia , Memoir of the late King of , Anecdote ofthe Prince of , 361 , Public Amusements . —Heir at Law 47 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Index To The Ninth Volume.
Fell , Rev . John , Memoirs of , 356 , Ferguson , Pvobt . Account of , 158 . Fisheries on the riverBan , Aoeount of , 32 . free Mason's Repository . Essay III . on the Masonic Character , 33 . IV , 105 . V , 177 . VI , 251 . —Influence of Free Maronry on Society , 35 . —Masonic Desideratum , 38—Order of-Free Masonry explained , 109 . —Opinions con-Master
cerning Masonry , 179 . —G . ' s Charge on resigning the Chair , 180 . — Vindication of Masonry , 183 , 252 . — Dr . Watkins ' s Vindication of Masonry against Mr , Robison , | 242 , —Sermon before the Royal Arch Chapter , Dublin , 3 S 2 . —Masonic Intelligence , 39 > 3 , 3 ? 7 , 3 5- G
Garrick , David , Memoir of , 219 , 293 , 365 . Gloucester , Prince William of , Memoir of , 1 . Goldsmith , Dr . original Letter of , 299 . Government , Essay on the Influence of on the Mental Faculties , 296 . Gypsies , Account of , 20 .
H Handel ' s Music , on the Excellencies of , 149 , 235-Heir at Law , a Comedy , Accountof , 47 . History of Inventions , Review of , 114 . Hole ' s Remarks on the Arabian Nights ' . Entertainments , Review of , 333 . " Holliday ' s Life of Mansfield , Review of ,
260 . Honest Thieves , a Farce , Review of , 33 6 . Hull , Mr . Memoirof , 75 , 148 . Hutchinson ' s Spirit of Masonry , Review of , 41 . I Important State Papers , 133 , 425 . Infelicities of the Learned , Essay on , 314 , 368 . Ireland , Account of the Commotions in , 206 , 281 ,
K King ' s Remarks on Stones fallen from the Clouds , Review of , 120 ., L Lambton , Mr . account of , 434 . Leslies , anecdotes of , 312 . Levi ' s Defence of the Bible , Review of , , 333-Lorenzino di MediciReview of 264
, , . Lorrain ' s Oration at Whittafer , on laying the first stone of a Bridge , 327 , Lovat's Memoirs , Review of , 332 . Louvet , Accountof , 355 . M Mackiin , Mr . Memoirs of , 9 , 8 9 . MalmesburyLordAccountof his
Ne-, , gociation , Mason , Mr . Memoir of , 14 . Maurice ' s Indian Antiquities , Review of , 43-Measure for Measure , Remarks on , 153 . jvleath , Account ofthe Ear ! of , 6 9 .
Monthly Chronicle , 59 , 133 , 20 5 , 277 , 347 , 4 * 5-Mountmorres , Lord , Account of , 286 . Munoz' History ofthe New World , Review of , 187 . Mutiny in the Fleet , Account of , 66 . N Newton , Sir Isaac , Anecdotes of , 10 . North Americaon the Change of
Cli-, mate in , 303 . O Obituary , 69 , 141 , 213 , 2 * 5 , 354 . Oriental Collections , Review of , 531 . p J Parker , Account of his Execution , si . Parliamentary Proceedings , 53 , 127 , 197 , „ 9 > 343 , 4 ° 3-ParsimonyInstance of 311
, , . Patents , List of , 17 , 83 , 306 ' . PelJetier , M . Accountof , 141 . Pindar ' s Ode to the Livery , Review of , 334-Pinkerton's IllustnousPortraits , Review of , 113 . Poetry .- —Prologue and Epilogue to the Fleir at Law , 49 . —Ellen and Danvert , 50 , i 2 i . —On Maria Antoinette , 52 . — Epitaph on Burke , ib . —Ditto on
Parser , ib . —Songs at Vauxhall , 122 . — . On Kosciusko , ib . —Power of Music , 123 .--. S 0 ng , ib . —On Fire , it . —Tears of Friendship , ib . —To Queen Mary , 124 . — -ThePunster , ( 4 . — -Epigrams , !* . —Progress of Science , 193 . —Way to mend him , by Dr . Perfect , 194 . —Pastoral , by the same , ib . —Song , ib . — Eigramib—Ode on Masonry 195
p , . , . —DoubtfulLover , from Metastasio , ib . —Sonnet , 196 . —Hymn to the Deity , ib . —On a Belle's retirement into the country , lb . —Honoria's mid-day retreat , ib . —On Emma , ib . —The Cell of Poverty , 265 . —Elegy on Chatterton , ib . —On a Swallow ' s Nest , 266 . Freeniason'sSongit—Luckless Jean
.. , ib . —The Jolly Beggar , 267 . —Stanzas on the 4 th May ii . —Accession , 26 S . —On the Death of a Hare , 16 . —Prologue and Epilogue to the Comedy of Cheap Living , 337 . —Address at Drury-Lane Theatre on the Benefit ofthe Widows , & c . ofthe Seamen killed in T . nrd
Dimcan ' s Victory , 338 . —Impromptu . — Ode to the Evening Star , ib . —To the Sun Flower— Hatvfcstone Park , 339 . — To the Ocean , 340 . —Acrostic , —Epigram , ib . —The NorfolkTurnippe , 395 . —Sennet to Liberty , ib . —On a faded Rose , il > . —The Amicable Brothers , ib . —To a Shawl , 397 . —On a Freemasonib—0 a Musicianib—La
, . .. , . Sainte Guillotine , 39 8 . —The Invasion , ib . Porcupine , Peter , Life of , S 5 , 161 . Prussia , Memoir of the late King of , Anecdote ofthe Prince of , 361 , Public Amusements . —Heir at Law 47 ,