Article PARLIAMENT OF IRELAND. ← Page 2 of 2
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Parliament Of Ireland.
and he assures his faithful Commons , that the aids which they have afforded shall be carefully applied to the great object of maintaining the honour , and promoting the interests , of their country . M y Lords and Gentlemen , ' The circumstances which have taken place since its commencement must render this session ever memorable . The foulest and darkest conspiracy was formed and long carried on by the implacable enemy of these realms , for the
total extinction of the Constitution , and for the separation of his Majesty ' s kingdom oflreland from Great Britain . By the unremitting vigilance ofmy predecessor in this government , the treason has been detected , the apprehension of the principal conspirators , and the salutary measures wisely adopted , checked its p rogress : and , through your sagacious diligence , it has been developed in all its parts , and traced to all its sources . A dangerous and wicked rebellion , the consequence of that conspiracy , has been in a great measure subdued ; and the attempt of our inveterate enemy to rekindle the flame of civil discord , by sending a force into this country , has terminated in defeat . Pv . elieion .
that greatest comfort and support of mankind , has been most wickedl y perverted to the purpose of inflaming the worst of passions , and the vilest arts have been used to persuade the ignorant and unwary , that , in a reign which has been marked by a series of inelulgencies to all sects of Christians , it is the intention of his Majesty ' s government to oppress , and even to extirpate , that description of his Majesty ' s subjects who have received repeated and recent marks of his favour and protection . The Catholics of Ireland cannot but
have observed what has been the conduft of" those who affect to be their friends , towards the iites and the characters which they venerate , and under whose auspices the persecuted pastors of their church have found an asylum .. Amongst a number of offenders some most active characters have necessarily been selected _ as objects of public justice ; but , in every period of this dangerous conspiracy , the lenity of Government and of Parliament has been conspicuous , and a general act of pardon has recently issued from the royal for the
mercy , purpose of affording security to the repentant , and encouraging the deluded to return to their duty . The vigour and the power of his Majesty ' s arms , the loyalty , spirit , and activity of the regular , militia , and yeomanry forces , together with the prompt ancl cordial assistance of the militia and fencibles of Great Britain , have abundantly proved how vain every attempt must be , either by treachery within , or by force from abroad , to undermine or to overturn our civil and religious establishments . From the dangers which have surrounded you , and which you have overcome , yon must be sensioie mat
your security can only be preserved by persevering vigilance and increasing energy . You will not suffer your efforts to relax , and you may be assured of my zealous endeavours to second your exertions . Our hopes and our objects aiethe same , that the deluded may see their error , and the disaffected be reclaimed ; but , if an endeavour shall be made to ' abuse the royal mercy , anel to form fresh conspiracies in the prospect of impunity , offeneleel justice wi ! l _ then be compelled to extend to the obdurate criminal the full
measure of his punishment . Amidst your measures , either cf power , of justice , or of clemency , you have not forirotten to afford consolation and encouragement to the loyal . The means which were adopted for their relief and the plan which has been devised for the farther remuneration of their losses , are highly honourable to your feelings , and must , in every loyal breast , excite emotions of love and grati ; ude to his country . Since my . arrival in this kingdom I have received the most flattering assurances of
your regard and approbation , which command my warmest acknowledgments ; anel , while I feel myself thus encouraged and supported , and-reflect i on the loyalty which is so generall y displayed , and on the- force which is , entrusted to my direction , I cannot allow myself to doubt of the success of our united endeavours for the welfare of this country . '
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Parliament Of Ireland.
and he assures his faithful Commons , that the aids which they have afforded shall be carefully applied to the great object of maintaining the honour , and promoting the interests , of their country . M y Lords and Gentlemen , ' The circumstances which have taken place since its commencement must render this session ever memorable . The foulest and darkest conspiracy was formed and long carried on by the implacable enemy of these realms , for the
total extinction of the Constitution , and for the separation of his Majesty ' s kingdom oflreland from Great Britain . By the unremitting vigilance ofmy predecessor in this government , the treason has been detected , the apprehension of the principal conspirators , and the salutary measures wisely adopted , checked its p rogress : and , through your sagacious diligence , it has been developed in all its parts , and traced to all its sources . A dangerous and wicked rebellion , the consequence of that conspiracy , has been in a great measure subdued ; and the attempt of our inveterate enemy to rekindle the flame of civil discord , by sending a force into this country , has terminated in defeat . Pv . elieion .
that greatest comfort and support of mankind , has been most wickedl y perverted to the purpose of inflaming the worst of passions , and the vilest arts have been used to persuade the ignorant and unwary , that , in a reign which has been marked by a series of inelulgencies to all sects of Christians , it is the intention of his Majesty ' s government to oppress , and even to extirpate , that description of his Majesty ' s subjects who have received repeated and recent marks of his favour and protection . The Catholics of Ireland cannot but
have observed what has been the conduft of" those who affect to be their friends , towards the iites and the characters which they venerate , and under whose auspices the persecuted pastors of their church have found an asylum .. Amongst a number of offenders some most active characters have necessarily been selected _ as objects of public justice ; but , in every period of this dangerous conspiracy , the lenity of Government and of Parliament has been conspicuous , and a general act of pardon has recently issued from the royal for the
mercy , purpose of affording security to the repentant , and encouraging the deluded to return to their duty . The vigour and the power of his Majesty ' s arms , the loyalty , spirit , and activity of the regular , militia , and yeomanry forces , together with the prompt ancl cordial assistance of the militia and fencibles of Great Britain , have abundantly proved how vain every attempt must be , either by treachery within , or by force from abroad , to undermine or to overturn our civil and religious establishments . From the dangers which have surrounded you , and which you have overcome , yon must be sensioie mat
your security can only be preserved by persevering vigilance and increasing energy . You will not suffer your efforts to relax , and you may be assured of my zealous endeavours to second your exertions . Our hopes and our objects aiethe same , that the deluded may see their error , and the disaffected be reclaimed ; but , if an endeavour shall be made to ' abuse the royal mercy , anel to form fresh conspiracies in the prospect of impunity , offeneleel justice wi ! l _ then be compelled to extend to the obdurate criminal the full
measure of his punishment . Amidst your measures , either cf power , of justice , or of clemency , you have not forirotten to afford consolation and encouragement to the loyal . The means which were adopted for their relief and the plan which has been devised for the farther remuneration of their losses , are highly honourable to your feelings , and must , in every loyal breast , excite emotions of love and grati ; ude to his country . Since my . arrival in this kingdom I have received the most flattering assurances of
your regard and approbation , which command my warmest acknowledgments ; anel , while I feel myself thus encouraged and supported , and-reflect i on the loyalty which is so generall y displayed , and on the- force which is , entrusted to my direction , I cannot allow myself to doubt of the success of our united endeavours for the welfare of this country . '