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Narrative Of The Expedition Of Buonaparte.
which he had occasion . He is not likel y to be in any want of powder . He has appointed schools of instruction for the people , and military colleges , where the young French , the Cophts , and the Arabs instruct each other in the Arabic , the French , in geography , the mathematics , and other sciences . He has , in one word , created a nation , and , by managing the powerful resources of enthusiasm , he has recalled to the Arabs the glory of their ancestors . He has shewn them , in the French army , the miraculous instrument ofthe decrees of Providence , as wishing to revive the emoire of the ancient Arabs :
to deliver them from a barbarous yoke ; to purify the Jaws of their Prophet , which had been altered by ignorant or impious men ; and to open in Africa a new age of grandeur , of science , and of glory . He has organized , a government similar to the new republics of Europe , and the inhabitants of all the different setts have been invited to take a share in it ; but the Cophts have shewn themselves the most attached . There is a Directory of five membersand the
diffe-, rent administrations have been formed in the various towns . The members of the National Institute have formed an establishment similar to that at Paris . Some of the men of science and artists who followed the army , and also some of the military , belong to their body , viz .. Generals Kleber , Desaix , Regnier , Andreossi , and Caffarelli ; Salkoskithe chief Aid-de- and Sucythe Ordonnateur
, camp , , en chef are also members . This establishment has a fine hall for their meetings , and are preparing a botanic garden . They have already begun to form a menagerie , and there will soon be a public library , an observatory , a cabinet of natural philosophy , a chemical
laboratory , a museum , of antiquities , & c . & c- Citizen Monge has been elected president ; the General in Chief , vice-president ; and Citizen Former , secretaiy . When Buonaparte Was present at the fete ofthe anniversary ofthe birth of Mahomet , he put on the Oriental dress , and declared himself the protector of all reli gions ; so that the inhabitants of the country now call him / . /// -Buonaparte , a title of no trifling consequence in the
eyes of these people . Among a variety of conveniences and improvements carried on under his direction , the canals which condufted the water of the ^ ile to the reservoirs of Alexandria have been cleared ; and the inhabitants are full of admiration of the author of these blessings . Having now brought down our narrative to the beginning of Oftobei ' , we beg leave to call back the attention of our readers to some
P'oceedmgs , which took place in the middle of August . -The battle of the Pyramids and the capture of Cairo , together « 'itli the retreat of the princi pal Bey and his numerous dependants '" to Syria , having given the French the command of Lower Egypt , " 11 General in Chief , who trod with veneration every step of this ¦ Mcientseat of civilization , literature , and the arts , was anxious to vi-! t those monuments of unrecorded timethe this
, Pyramids . For Purpose he sent a deputation to tlie most-learned of the Muftis and /' ins , requesting their attendance on the morning of the 2 id of An-* -. « , to shew him the interior of these lofty buildinsr * V ° . xt , 3 i > "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Narrative Of The Expedition Of Buonaparte.
which he had occasion . He is not likel y to be in any want of powder . He has appointed schools of instruction for the people , and military colleges , where the young French , the Cophts , and the Arabs instruct each other in the Arabic , the French , in geography , the mathematics , and other sciences . He has , in one word , created a nation , and , by managing the powerful resources of enthusiasm , he has recalled to the Arabs the glory of their ancestors . He has shewn them , in the French army , the miraculous instrument ofthe decrees of Providence , as wishing to revive the emoire of the ancient Arabs :
to deliver them from a barbarous yoke ; to purify the Jaws of their Prophet , which had been altered by ignorant or impious men ; and to open in Africa a new age of grandeur , of science , and of glory . He has organized , a government similar to the new republics of Europe , and the inhabitants of all the different setts have been invited to take a share in it ; but the Cophts have shewn themselves the most attached . There is a Directory of five membersand the
diffe-, rent administrations have been formed in the various towns . The members of the National Institute have formed an establishment similar to that at Paris . Some of the men of science and artists who followed the army , and also some of the military , belong to their body , viz .. Generals Kleber , Desaix , Regnier , Andreossi , and Caffarelli ; Salkoskithe chief Aid-de- and Sucythe Ordonnateur
, camp , , en chef are also members . This establishment has a fine hall for their meetings , and are preparing a botanic garden . They have already begun to form a menagerie , and there will soon be a public library , an observatory , a cabinet of natural philosophy , a chemical
laboratory , a museum , of antiquities , & c . & c- Citizen Monge has been elected president ; the General in Chief , vice-president ; and Citizen Former , secretaiy . When Buonaparte Was present at the fete ofthe anniversary ofthe birth of Mahomet , he put on the Oriental dress , and declared himself the protector of all reli gions ; so that the inhabitants of the country now call him / . /// -Buonaparte , a title of no trifling consequence in the
eyes of these people . Among a variety of conveniences and improvements carried on under his direction , the canals which condufted the water of the ^ ile to the reservoirs of Alexandria have been cleared ; and the inhabitants are full of admiration of the author of these blessings . Having now brought down our narrative to the beginning of Oftobei ' , we beg leave to call back the attention of our readers to some
P'oceedmgs , which took place in the middle of August . -The battle of the Pyramids and the capture of Cairo , together « 'itli the retreat of the princi pal Bey and his numerous dependants '" to Syria , having given the French the command of Lower Egypt , " 11 General in Chief , who trod with veneration every step of this ¦ Mcientseat of civilization , literature , and the arts , was anxious to vi-! t those monuments of unrecorded timethe this
, Pyramids . For Purpose he sent a deputation to tlie most-learned of the Muftis and /' ins , requesting their attendance on the morning of the 2 id of An-* -. « , to shew him the interior of these lofty buildinsr * V ° . xt , 3 i > "