Article PARLIAMENTARY ANALYSIS. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Parliamentary Analysis.
His Majesty then retired , and the House adjourned during pleasure . THE ADDRESS . The Duke of SUTHERLAND moved the Address in answer to his Majesty ' s Speech . ( The Address , as usual , was merely an echo of the Speech itself . )
Lord HOWARD OF EFFINGHAM seconded the Address , which was carried unanimously . Feb . Gth . —The Lord CHANCELLOR communicated his Majesty ' s Answer .
Feb . 7 th . —Lord DACRE presented a petition from several denominations of Dissenters , praying relief in respect to the ceremonies of baptism , marriage , and burial , for free admission to the Universities , and for exemption from clerical rates . March 3 d . —The Marquis of AVESTMINSTER gave notice of motion relative to votes by proxy .
March 7 th . —House entirely occupied with petitions from Dissenters , complaining of grievances . March 10 th , llth , 13 th , 15 th . —Various petitions were presented : some for the better observance of the Sabbath , some for church reform , church protection , & c . ; but the Dissenters' petitions were hy far the
most numerous . March 17 th . —Several petitions were presented by their lordships . The North American Postage Bill was read a third time , ancl passed . The Marquis of Lansdowne laid on the table four Orders in Council
for the regulation of the trade with China . March ISth . —Lord SKELMERSDALE took the oaths , ancl subscribed the Parliamentary Rolls . The Mutiny Bill , and several other bills , were brought up from the Commons . The order for taking into consideration , on Thursday , the Report and Resolutions of the Parliament-Office Committee was discharged , on the motion of the Marquis of
Lansdowne . Lord AVYNFORD presented a petition against the Borough of Warwick Bill . After a long conversation , Lorcl ' DuRHAM gave notice that he should move the second reading of that bill on the 24 th of April . The English and Irish Judgments Bill was read a second time . March 9 . 0 th . —On the motion of the Duke of RICHMOND , a Select Committee was appointed to inquire into the expediency of substituting declarations in lieu of oaths , in certain cases . VOL . I . o
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Parliamentary Analysis.
His Majesty then retired , and the House adjourned during pleasure . THE ADDRESS . The Duke of SUTHERLAND moved the Address in answer to his Majesty ' s Speech . ( The Address , as usual , was merely an echo of the Speech itself . )
Lord HOWARD OF EFFINGHAM seconded the Address , which was carried unanimously . Feb . Gth . —The Lord CHANCELLOR communicated his Majesty ' s Answer .
Feb . 7 th . —Lord DACRE presented a petition from several denominations of Dissenters , praying relief in respect to the ceremonies of baptism , marriage , and burial , for free admission to the Universities , and for exemption from clerical rates . March 3 d . —The Marquis of AVESTMINSTER gave notice of motion relative to votes by proxy .
March 7 th . —House entirely occupied with petitions from Dissenters , complaining of grievances . March 10 th , llth , 13 th , 15 th . —Various petitions were presented : some for the better observance of the Sabbath , some for church reform , church protection , & c . ; but the Dissenters' petitions were hy far the
most numerous . March 17 th . —Several petitions were presented by their lordships . The North American Postage Bill was read a third time , ancl passed . The Marquis of Lansdowne laid on the table four Orders in Council
for the regulation of the trade with China . March ISth . —Lord SKELMERSDALE took the oaths , ancl subscribed the Parliamentary Rolls . The Mutiny Bill , and several other bills , were brought up from the Commons . The order for taking into consideration , on Thursday , the Report and Resolutions of the Parliament-Office Committee was discharged , on the motion of the Marquis of
Lansdowne . Lord AVYNFORD presented a petition against the Borough of Warwick Bill . After a long conversation , Lorcl ' DuRHAM gave notice that he should move the second reading of that bill on the 24 th of April . The English and Irish Judgments Bill was read a second time . March 9 . 0 th . —On the motion of the Duke of RICHMOND , a Select Committee was appointed to inquire into the expediency of substituting declarations in lieu of oaths , in certain cases . VOL . I . o