Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 6 →
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Prov . Grand Tyler . -a Visiting Brethren , two and two . -a _ -i O . _ ¦ )_ g Lodges of the Province . g S Grand Organist . jj Prov . G . Deacons . Prov . G . Secretary .
Prov . G . Treasurer , with bag of coins . Past Prov . G . Officers . Prov . G . Junior Warden . Standard .
Prov . G . Senior Warden . Three Brethren with massive Gold Cups , containing corn ,, wine , and oil . Prov . G . Chaplain . Volume of Sacred Law borne by two Brethren . „• Standard of Prov . G . Master . j ,
" § Prov . G . Sword Bearer . Jj D . Prov . G . M . —Brother Elliot . | 02 Two Stewards . ^ Prov . Grand Tyler . On arriving at the church the procession opened ranks , and the D .
Prov . G . M . and his brethren walked into the church to a Masonic march , most admirably played by the band . —The arragements in the sacred edifice were most complete . The ladies gave , as may be expected , great effect to the coup d ' ceil . An admirable sermon was preached after service , by the Rev . W . Braney . The divine ceremonies were heightened by the Hallelujah
Chorus , with an ode , & c ; and concluded with the Coronation Anthem . The procession returned in the same order , and on reaching the spot where the stone was ready for the ceremony of laying , the Masonic body passed up and took their station within the ropes . The Prov . G . Treasurer having delivered the coins to the mayor , his Worship
deposited the same with the following inscription in a cavity cut for the purpose , and which he then closed up . " By the blessing of Almighty God , in the 4 th year of the reign of the most illustrious William the 4 th , Geo . Arden , Esq . mayor of the Borough of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis , and William Elliot , Esq ., D , Prov . G . M . of the Free and Accepted Masons for the county of Dorset , amongst the acclamations of a prodigious concourse of all ranks of people , laid the foundation-stone of this new embankment wall , on the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov . Grand Tyler . -a Visiting Brethren , two and two . -a _ -i O . _ ¦ )_ g Lodges of the Province . g S Grand Organist . jj Prov . G . Deacons . Prov . G . Secretary .
Prov . G . Treasurer , with bag of coins . Past Prov . G . Officers . Prov . G . Junior Warden . Standard .
Prov . G . Senior Warden . Three Brethren with massive Gold Cups , containing corn ,, wine , and oil . Prov . G . Chaplain . Volume of Sacred Law borne by two Brethren . „• Standard of Prov . G . Master . j ,
" § Prov . G . Sword Bearer . Jj D . Prov . G . M . —Brother Elliot . | 02 Two Stewards . ^ Prov . Grand Tyler . On arriving at the church the procession opened ranks , and the D .
Prov . G . M . and his brethren walked into the church to a Masonic march , most admirably played by the band . —The arragements in the sacred edifice were most complete . The ladies gave , as may be expected , great effect to the coup d ' ceil . An admirable sermon was preached after service , by the Rev . W . Braney . The divine ceremonies were heightened by the Hallelujah
Chorus , with an ode , & c ; and concluded with the Coronation Anthem . The procession returned in the same order , and on reaching the spot where the stone was ready for the ceremony of laying , the Masonic body passed up and took their station within the ropes . The Prov . G . Treasurer having delivered the coins to the mayor , his Worship
deposited the same with the following inscription in a cavity cut for the purpose , and which he then closed up . " By the blessing of Almighty God , in the 4 th year of the reign of the most illustrious William the 4 th , Geo . Arden , Esq . mayor of the Borough of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis , and William Elliot , Esq ., D , Prov . G . M . of the Free and Accepted Masons for the county of Dorset , amongst the acclamations of a prodigious concourse of all ranks of people , laid the foundation-stone of this new embankment wall , on the