Article THE PURITAN'S SISTER. ← Page 9 of 13 →
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The Puritan's Sister.
" Oath ! screamed the preacher , " wert thou not sworn to heaven before thou didst swear to Charles Stewart ? Nor can the quibble of thine office save thee , for when the magistrate is damned , what becometh of the man ?" Sir Richard , willing to avoid further controversy , and somewhat impatient of the delay , commanded the mayor to proceed to the execution
of his office ; who , equally overawed by the anger of the preacher and the presence of the commissioner , in a tremulous voice obeyed—the puritans , during the reading of the commission , observing a portentous silence . " William , " whispered Sir Richard to his brother , " these men are armed , and I know the obstinate character of Saul and Newlight : go to the Town Hall and bring hither a guard ; but let them not enter the
church without sufficient warrant . " I understand , " said WiMam , " ancl will act accordingly . " So saying , he quitted the church . Sir Richard walked into the centre of the choir , and looking towards the puritans , who remained closely gathered round their preacher , ex .. claimed in a loud voice , " Masters , you have heard the royal
commission . By virtue of it , I command Master Newlig ht to descend from the pulpit and peaceably leave the church , in order that the proper service of the day may proceed ; and warn you and him , that refusal on Ms part , or any mad resistance on yours , will be punished with tbe utmost rigour of the offended laws . Master Newlight , dost thou obey the commission ?"
" No ! " thundered the preacher , " nor the power wMch gave it ! My commission is from above , and supersedes all earthly authority . From tMs my watch-tower , I decend not but by force , if that you tliink it advisable to try it . ' ' " Indeed ! " answered the knight , then I have but one path to pursue . Officersremove him ; but use no unnecessary violence . "
, Two men advanced towards the pulpit for the purpose , but started back , dismayed at the gaunt figure of Saul , who , drawing Ms heavy sword , stood opposed to them . " Advance , " he cried , in Ms usual stern quiet voice : " His hand is upon me—the cause is His who gave to Sampson strength , and Judith courage—the sword of the Lord shall prevail !"
" Cowards ! " exclaimed the indignant Sir Richard , " must I do your work ? Saul , lay down your arms ; tMs present rashness 1 may pardon but tempt not my wrath too far . " " Boy ! " replied the puritan , " I defy thee and the tyrant whose power invests thee with this brief authority . "
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The Puritan's Sister.
" Oath ! screamed the preacher , " wert thou not sworn to heaven before thou didst swear to Charles Stewart ? Nor can the quibble of thine office save thee , for when the magistrate is damned , what becometh of the man ?" Sir Richard , willing to avoid further controversy , and somewhat impatient of the delay , commanded the mayor to proceed to the execution
of his office ; who , equally overawed by the anger of the preacher and the presence of the commissioner , in a tremulous voice obeyed—the puritans , during the reading of the commission , observing a portentous silence . " William , " whispered Sir Richard to his brother , " these men are armed , and I know the obstinate character of Saul and Newlight : go to the Town Hall and bring hither a guard ; but let them not enter the
church without sufficient warrant . " I understand , " said WiMam , " ancl will act accordingly . " So saying , he quitted the church . Sir Richard walked into the centre of the choir , and looking towards the puritans , who remained closely gathered round their preacher , ex .. claimed in a loud voice , " Masters , you have heard the royal
commission . By virtue of it , I command Master Newlig ht to descend from the pulpit and peaceably leave the church , in order that the proper service of the day may proceed ; and warn you and him , that refusal on Ms part , or any mad resistance on yours , will be punished with tbe utmost rigour of the offended laws . Master Newlight , dost thou obey the commission ?"
" No ! " thundered the preacher , " nor the power wMch gave it ! My commission is from above , and supersedes all earthly authority . From tMs my watch-tower , I decend not but by force , if that you tliink it advisable to try it . ' ' " Indeed ! " answered the knight , then I have but one path to pursue . Officersremove him ; but use no unnecessary violence . "
, Two men advanced towards the pulpit for the purpose , but started back , dismayed at the gaunt figure of Saul , who , drawing Ms heavy sword , stood opposed to them . " Advance , " he cried , in Ms usual stern quiet voice : " His hand is upon me—the cause is His who gave to Sampson strength , and Judith courage—the sword of the Lord shall prevail !"
" Cowards ! " exclaimed the indignant Sir Richard , " must I do your work ? Saul , lay down your arms ; tMs present rashness 1 may pardon but tempt not my wrath too far . " " Boy ! " replied the puritan , " I defy thee and the tyrant whose power invests thee with this brief authority . "