Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 5 of 7 →
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Comp . Harrison , with the partiality of a private friend , fearlessly asserting , that whether as a man , a Mason , or a gentleman , his worth could not be too highly estimated . Of Comp . Barnard , as far as his knowledge of him extended , he could say as much ; and if he were equall y intimate with him , he was sure he could speak equally highly . Comp . HARRISON thanked the Chapter for their kindness , and felt that he had been spoken of rather with the partiality of a friend , than
according to his deserts ; all he could say , was , that he would fit himself for the duties he had to perform to the best of his ability . He was sure that he spoke the sentiments of Comp . Barnard , in saying they were grateful for their healths being drunk , and proud of the high position in which they were placed . The healths of the Officers , Treasurer , and several other toasts having been given and responded to , ancl the business interspersed with some very good singing , by Comps . Evans , Graham , Absolon , & e ., the Companions departed , after a delightful evening , and with a good feeling , worthy of emulation .
MOUNT SION CHAPTER , No . 169 . —Presentation of Testimonial , to Comp . Thomas Fryer . —At the last meeting of this Chapter a handsome silver vase was presented to E . Comp . Thomas Pryer , P . Z ., bearing the following inscription , viz .: — Presented by the M " . E . Principals and Companions oC the MOUNT SION CHAI » TI-: U , of
ROVAL ARCH FREEMASONS , NO . 169 , on the 20 th of April , 1850 , to their much esteemed M . E . COMP . THOMAS PItVER , F . S . A .. P . Z ., in testimony of their approbation of his extensive researches into the Antiquities of the Order , and to express their gratification of the kindly feelings evinced by him during his Presidency as M . E . Z . in the year 1849 .
The vase is elegantly embossed , and contains the inscription on one side , and on the other Comp . Pryer ' s armorial bearings . The First Principal , Comp . GOOOWYN , on charging the cup with generous wine , and proposing the health of Comp . Pryer , expressed the honour that had fallen on him to present their testimonial to such a distinguished and learned Companion of the Order , and on giving utterance to his own feelings on this very interesting occasionhe knew he
, was justified in further stating that every member of the Chapter congratulated themselves on numbering amongst them their much esteemed and respected Companion , whom he hoped would , with his family , enjoy many years of health and happiness , to pledge the Mount Sion Chapter in the testimonial which he had then the honour of presenting . Comp . Pryer ' s health was then enthusiastically toasted by the Companions .
Comp . PHYER , in responding to the address of the First Principal , stated that he was deeply impressed with the kindness which he had invariably received from the Companions of the Mount Sion Chapter , and most gratefully did be thank them for this flattering testimony of their esteem . Comp . Goodwyn had been pleased to allude to his Masonic services , but he ( Comp . Pryer ) could assure the Companions that he had been more than amply repaid for any services to the Craft which he
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Comp . Harrison , with the partiality of a private friend , fearlessly asserting , that whether as a man , a Mason , or a gentleman , his worth could not be too highly estimated . Of Comp . Barnard , as far as his knowledge of him extended , he could say as much ; and if he were equall y intimate with him , he was sure he could speak equally highly . Comp . HARRISON thanked the Chapter for their kindness , and felt that he had been spoken of rather with the partiality of a friend , than
according to his deserts ; all he could say , was , that he would fit himself for the duties he had to perform to the best of his ability . He was sure that he spoke the sentiments of Comp . Barnard , in saying they were grateful for their healths being drunk , and proud of the high position in which they were placed . The healths of the Officers , Treasurer , and several other toasts having been given and responded to , ancl the business interspersed with some very good singing , by Comps . Evans , Graham , Absolon , & e ., the Companions departed , after a delightful evening , and with a good feeling , worthy of emulation .
MOUNT SION CHAPTER , No . 169 . —Presentation of Testimonial , to Comp . Thomas Fryer . —At the last meeting of this Chapter a handsome silver vase was presented to E . Comp . Thomas Pryer , P . Z ., bearing the following inscription , viz .: — Presented by the M " . E . Principals and Companions oC the MOUNT SION CHAI » TI-: U , of
ROVAL ARCH FREEMASONS , NO . 169 , on the 20 th of April , 1850 , to their much esteemed M . E . COMP . THOMAS PItVER , F . S . A .. P . Z ., in testimony of their approbation of his extensive researches into the Antiquities of the Order , and to express their gratification of the kindly feelings evinced by him during his Presidency as M . E . Z . in the year 1849 .
The vase is elegantly embossed , and contains the inscription on one side , and on the other Comp . Pryer ' s armorial bearings . The First Principal , Comp . GOOOWYN , on charging the cup with generous wine , and proposing the health of Comp . Pryer , expressed the honour that had fallen on him to present their testimonial to such a distinguished and learned Companion of the Order , and on giving utterance to his own feelings on this very interesting occasionhe knew he
, was justified in further stating that every member of the Chapter congratulated themselves on numbering amongst them their much esteemed and respected Companion , whom he hoped would , with his family , enjoy many years of health and happiness , to pledge the Mount Sion Chapter in the testimonial which he had then the honour of presenting . Comp . Pryer ' s health was then enthusiastically toasted by the Companions .
Comp . PHYER , in responding to the address of the First Principal , stated that he was deeply impressed with the kindness which he had invariably received from the Companions of the Mount Sion Chapter , and most gratefully did be thank them for this flattering testimony of their esteem . Comp . Goodwyn had been pleased to allude to his Masonic services , but he ( Comp . Pryer ) could assure the Companions that he had been more than amply repaid for any services to the Craft which he