Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 24 of 25 →
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should not go out of bis family , but be banded down as a memento of the kind feelings entertained towards him b y the members of the Britannia Chapter and Lion Lodge at AATiitby . ( Applause ) . Bro . M . L . Simpson then proposed "the Visitors , " which was responded to b y Bro . Wilson , of Hartlepool . Several other toasts , peculiar to the Craft , were afterwards proposed , ( over which we must draw the Masonic veil , ) and the Brethren departed in love aud harmony .
SHEFFIELD . —A Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Lodgeroom of the Britannia Lodge , No . 162 , Music Hall , Sheffield , on Monday the 7 th of January , 1850 . The Lodges having been called over , the AV . Master and Officers of the Britannia Lodge , No . 162 , opened the Lodge in the Three Degrees : the Provincial Grand Officers then entered in procession , when the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in form and with solemn prayer , and a portion of
Holy-Scripture was read . After the transaction of the routine business of tbe day , the D . P . G . Master rose and informed the Brethren that , having received an application from the Brethren of the St . Germain ' s Lodge , at Selby , for a dispensation to initiate a Tyler for the said Loclge , and stated that this was thefirst intimation he had received from any quarter that a Warrant of Constitution had been appled for by , or granted to , tbe Brethren at Selby ; and Selby being a town in the West
Biding of Yorkshire , and the Bight Hon . tbe Earl of Mexborough being the P . G . M . of the West Biding , and the Book of Constitutions explicitly declaring " that every application for a warrant to hold a new Lodge must be by petition to the G . M ., etc ., ancl that such petition must be transmitted to the G . S „ unless there be a P . G . M . of the district or province in which the Lodge is proposed to be holden , in which case it is to be sent to him or his deputy , who is to forward it , with his recommendation or opinion thereon , for the Grand Master ; " the D . P . G . M . had , therefore , felt it incumbent on him , in the faithful
discharge of the trust committed to him , not to suffer the Constitutions to become a dead letter , ancl he had accordingly memorialised the Board of General Purposes on the subject ancl expected that the matter would come under consideration at the next meeting . After this statement the D . P . G . M . directed the Memorial to the Board and other communications relating to this affair to be read foi the information of the assembled Brethren . Other business having been
transacted , a portion of Holy Scripture was read by the P . G . Chaplain , and , after solemn prayer , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in perfect peace , harmony , and fraternal love , until further summoned by the P . G . Secretary . The correspondence between tbe D . P . G . M . of this Province and Bro . White , G . S ., here referred to , has been since printed by command of the D . P . G . M ., aud sent to all the Lodges , as well as circulated
amongst the Brethren . It is to the following effect : — " Your attention is directed to the annexed minutes of the Provincial Grand Loclge , holden at Sheffield on the 7 th January last , wherein reference is made to the unconstitutional manner in which a Warrant of Constitution was granted to the Brethren at Selby , and the consequent appeal to the Board of General Purposes thereupon . The D . P . G . M . desires me to insert for your information and government , the following communications which he has since received , relating to this subject , and he desires me to state , that the under-written letter from the Grand
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should not go out of bis family , but be banded down as a memento of the kind feelings entertained towards him b y the members of the Britannia Chapter and Lion Lodge at AATiitby . ( Applause ) . Bro . M . L . Simpson then proposed "the Visitors , " which was responded to b y Bro . Wilson , of Hartlepool . Several other toasts , peculiar to the Craft , were afterwards proposed , ( over which we must draw the Masonic veil , ) and the Brethren departed in love aud harmony .
SHEFFIELD . —A Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Lodgeroom of the Britannia Lodge , No . 162 , Music Hall , Sheffield , on Monday the 7 th of January , 1850 . The Lodges having been called over , the AV . Master and Officers of the Britannia Lodge , No . 162 , opened the Lodge in the Three Degrees : the Provincial Grand Officers then entered in procession , when the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in form and with solemn prayer , and a portion of
Holy-Scripture was read . After the transaction of the routine business of tbe day , the D . P . G . Master rose and informed the Brethren that , having received an application from the Brethren of the St . Germain ' s Lodge , at Selby , for a dispensation to initiate a Tyler for the said Loclge , and stated that this was thefirst intimation he had received from any quarter that a Warrant of Constitution had been appled for by , or granted to , tbe Brethren at Selby ; and Selby being a town in the West
Biding of Yorkshire , and the Bight Hon . tbe Earl of Mexborough being the P . G . M . of the West Biding , and the Book of Constitutions explicitly declaring " that every application for a warrant to hold a new Lodge must be by petition to the G . M ., etc ., ancl that such petition must be transmitted to the G . S „ unless there be a P . G . M . of the district or province in which the Lodge is proposed to be holden , in which case it is to be sent to him or his deputy , who is to forward it , with his recommendation or opinion thereon , for the Grand Master ; " the D . P . G . M . had , therefore , felt it incumbent on him , in the faithful
discharge of the trust committed to him , not to suffer the Constitutions to become a dead letter , ancl he had accordingly memorialised the Board of General Purposes on the subject ancl expected that the matter would come under consideration at the next meeting . After this statement the D . P . G . M . directed the Memorial to the Board and other communications relating to this affair to be read foi the information of the assembled Brethren . Other business having been
transacted , a portion of Holy Scripture was read by the P . G . Chaplain , and , after solemn prayer , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in perfect peace , harmony , and fraternal love , until further summoned by the P . G . Secretary . The correspondence between tbe D . P . G . M . of this Province and Bro . White , G . S ., here referred to , has been since printed by command of the D . P . G . M ., aud sent to all the Lodges , as well as circulated
amongst the Brethren . It is to the following effect : — " Your attention is directed to the annexed minutes of the Provincial Grand Loclge , holden at Sheffield on the 7 th January last , wherein reference is made to the unconstitutional manner in which a Warrant of Constitution was granted to the Brethren at Selby , and the consequent appeal to the Board of General Purposes thereupon . The D . P . G . M . desires me to insert for your information and government , the following communications which he has since received , relating to this subject , and he desires me to state , that the under-written letter from the Grand