Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 5 of 7 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
Fund and the Asylum for Aged and Decayed Freemasons , and of ( hescheme and regulations which have been adopted by a general meeting of the subscribers . " The question being put , it passed unanimously in the affirmative . His Lordship next moved , — " That this G . L . do generally approve the proceedings and matters contained in the report from the general meeting of the Royal Masonic
Benevolent Annuity Fumd , in order to give effect to the same in every case where the sanction of G . L . may be deemed requisite . " The question being put , it passed unanimously in the affirmative . The Audit Committee reported that they had examined the Grand Treasurer ' s accounts for the last year , and the several vouchers having been produced , they found them correct . A report was read of the amount of relief granted by the Lodge of Benevolence in the months of March , April , and May last .
On the recommendation of the Lodge of Benevolence on the 25 th April . and on a motion duly made , it was resolved , that the sum of 301 he granted towards the relief of the widow and numerous family of the late Bro . S . P . Noble , P . M . of the Enoch Lodge , No . 11 . Several reports from the Board of General Purposes were then read , approved , and ordered to he entered ou the minutes . These reports chiefly referred to violation of Masonic rules , and to matters of detail : but as the following reports , which were also read , wil ! be received with general interest , we more particularly refer to them .
To THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . " The Board of General Purposes beg to call to the recollection of the G . L ., that in the report presented at the Quarterly Communication in December last , they stated , that an offer had been made by the trustees of the Wesleyan Chapel , in Great Queen Street , for the purchase of a portion of the premises in Middle Yard for the sum of 500 / ., the agreement for which has now been executed . The conveyance , however , has not yet been madehut is expected very shortlto be letedand the
purchase-, y comp , money is to bear interest up to tbe day of payment ; and it was shown in that report that G . L . had therefore obtained the remaining portion of the premises ( which is that portion wanted by the society ) , at the cost of 390 / . only ; and inasmuch as this latter portion cannot be made immediately available for the purposes of the Society , the Board , under the advice of the W . Bro . Hardwick , have let that portion to Mr . John Lambert , for a term of seven years , from Lady-day , 1850 , but determinable upon notice at the expiration of the first four yearsor of subsequent at a clear
, any year , net rent of 30 / . per annum , so that the funds of the Society are receiving nearly 8 per cent , upon the outlay until the premises maybe wanted . In the same report the Board communicated to G . L . that having frequently had their attention called to the formation and constitution of the Lodge of Benevolence , with a view to tbe distribution of the Charity Fund being effected by an admixture of Brethren , who may have mure experience on the subject than usuall y falls to the lot of Brethren , who may be elected to the office of Master , and especially during the first year of office ,
the Board have maturely and anxiously deliberated on the matter , and uow beg to suggest and recommend to G . L . to alter and amend the 2 nd Article , p . 98 , of the Book of Constitutions , under the bead " Of the Fund of Masonic Benevolence , " by declaring that the Lodge of Benevolence shall consist of all the present and past Grand Officers , and all actual Masters of Lodges , and twelve Past Masters of Lodges to be nominated at the Board ^ of Masters annually in November , and to he elected by G . L . in December , in tlie same maimer as the elected members of the Board of General Purposes ; but t « i Fast Masters shall he eligible . , to he re-elwU'd . who shiill
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Intelligence.
Fund and the Asylum for Aged and Decayed Freemasons , and of ( hescheme and regulations which have been adopted by a general meeting of the subscribers . " The question being put , it passed unanimously in the affirmative . His Lordship next moved , — " That this G . L . do generally approve the proceedings and matters contained in the report from the general meeting of the Royal Masonic
Benevolent Annuity Fumd , in order to give effect to the same in every case where the sanction of G . L . may be deemed requisite . " The question being put , it passed unanimously in the affirmative . The Audit Committee reported that they had examined the Grand Treasurer ' s accounts for the last year , and the several vouchers having been produced , they found them correct . A report was read of the amount of relief granted by the Lodge of Benevolence in the months of March , April , and May last .
On the recommendation of the Lodge of Benevolence on the 25 th April . and on a motion duly made , it was resolved , that the sum of 301 he granted towards the relief of the widow and numerous family of the late Bro . S . P . Noble , P . M . of the Enoch Lodge , No . 11 . Several reports from the Board of General Purposes were then read , approved , and ordered to he entered ou the minutes . These reports chiefly referred to violation of Masonic rules , and to matters of detail : but as the following reports , which were also read , wil ! be received with general interest , we more particularly refer to them .
To THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . " The Board of General Purposes beg to call to the recollection of the G . L ., that in the report presented at the Quarterly Communication in December last , they stated , that an offer had been made by the trustees of the Wesleyan Chapel , in Great Queen Street , for the purchase of a portion of the premises in Middle Yard for the sum of 500 / ., the agreement for which has now been executed . The conveyance , however , has not yet been madehut is expected very shortlto be letedand the
purchase-, y comp , money is to bear interest up to tbe day of payment ; and it was shown in that report that G . L . had therefore obtained the remaining portion of the premises ( which is that portion wanted by the society ) , at the cost of 390 / . only ; and inasmuch as this latter portion cannot be made immediately available for the purposes of the Society , the Board , under the advice of the W . Bro . Hardwick , have let that portion to Mr . John Lambert , for a term of seven years , from Lady-day , 1850 , but determinable upon notice at the expiration of the first four yearsor of subsequent at a clear
, any year , net rent of 30 / . per annum , so that the funds of the Society are receiving nearly 8 per cent , upon the outlay until the premises maybe wanted . In the same report the Board communicated to G . L . that having frequently had their attention called to the formation and constitution of the Lodge of Benevolence , with a view to tbe distribution of the Charity Fund being effected by an admixture of Brethren , who may have mure experience on the subject than usuall y falls to the lot of Brethren , who may be elected to the office of Master , and especially during the first year of office ,
the Board have maturely and anxiously deliberated on the matter , and uow beg to suggest and recommend to G . L . to alter and amend the 2 nd Article , p . 98 , of the Book of Constitutions , under the bead " Of the Fund of Masonic Benevolence , " by declaring that the Lodge of Benevolence shall consist of all the present and past Grand Officers , and all actual Masters of Lodges , and twelve Past Masters of Lodges to be nominated at the Board ^ of Masters annually in November , and to he elected by G . L . in December , in tlie same maimer as the elected members of the Board of General Purposes ; but t « i Fast Masters shall he eligible . , to he re-elwU'd . who shiill