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inculcates—tending , as it does , to cement and adorn our intercourse with society by every moral and social virtue , to utter sentiments which might tend to convey any dissatisfaction . He felt , however , that he was only expressing the opinion of all present , as well as of a great majority of absent brethren , at the want of Provincial Lodges , and especially of that countenance and support which a Provincial Grand Master should bring forward in aid of our cause .
The advanced age ivhich our veteran Brother and Provincial Ruler , Air . Coke , had attained , might be pleaded in extenuation of his retirement from active service ; yet it was most seriously to be lamented that not even once since his inauguration to the Provincial Throne , had lie condescended to meet tbe Brethren in Grancl Loclge ; ancl his example , he ( Mr . AVicks ) could not but observe had been for some years too closely imitated by his late Deputy . It was , therefore , with unfeigned satisfaction that he heard of the recent appointment of an active and youtliful Brother , iviio ivould , no doubt , rally them from a state of apathy , into a spirit of Masonic discipline , ancl regain for the Province
their former character but tor tins hope , he should have felt called upon to take the advice of Grand Lodge , upon tbe subject of their situation . After the visiting Brethren had been drank to , Brother Adams of tlie North AValsham Lodge returned thanks in a very neat and pointed manner . He alluded in a very feeling manner to his advanced age ( 75 ) , and concluded his address with some very elegant remaks upon Masonry . The Chairman next proposed the health of Brother Smith , and
prosperity to the Norwich Theatre , at tbe same time expressing his regret that the Theatrical Benefit Fund had not , from some unknown cause , been patronized for tbe last two seasons , but he trusted that the Masons of Norfolk would come forward in aid of so excellent an object . Brother Smith expressed his thanks very warmly and gratefully . The Chairman ' s health was given by acclamation ; and the day ' s proceedings terminated at " hig h twelve , " much to the satisfaction of every one present .
EnisnuitGii , 3-ftiy 23 . —It cannot be doubted , and must be hailed with sincere gratification by every true lover of the Craft , that Freemasonry in tliis quarter lias been making daily and rapid progress for some time past . Political rancour and disputes , some thirty years ago or more , had well nigh totally extinguished its very essence , from the baneful effects of which it bad hardly recovered , upon tbe accession of the present substitute Grand Master a few years ago . From thence may
be justly dated the dawn of a revival in the Order—Nascitur novus ordc—redcunt Saturnia ngna . The anticipated , we may say , assured succession to the Masonic sceptre , of the jiresent distinguished Grand Master Depute , forms a further earnest that the Order will advance still nearer to perfection . The zeal , devotion , and talent evinced by the right honourable Brother , the Lord Ramsay , on every occasion where his Masonic duty bas called them forth , arc the grounds on which the Craft build their liopcs and
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inculcates—tending , as it does , to cement and adorn our intercourse with society by every moral and social virtue , to utter sentiments which might tend to convey any dissatisfaction . He felt , however , that he was only expressing the opinion of all present , as well as of a great majority of absent brethren , at the want of Provincial Lodges , and especially of that countenance and support which a Provincial Grand Master should bring forward in aid of our cause .
The advanced age ivhich our veteran Brother and Provincial Ruler , Air . Coke , had attained , might be pleaded in extenuation of his retirement from active service ; yet it was most seriously to be lamented that not even once since his inauguration to the Provincial Throne , had lie condescended to meet tbe Brethren in Grancl Loclge ; ancl his example , he ( Mr . AVicks ) could not but observe had been for some years too closely imitated by his late Deputy . It was , therefore , with unfeigned satisfaction that he heard of the recent appointment of an active and youtliful Brother , iviio ivould , no doubt , rally them from a state of apathy , into a spirit of Masonic discipline , ancl regain for the Province
their former character but tor tins hope , he should have felt called upon to take the advice of Grand Lodge , upon tbe subject of their situation . After the visiting Brethren had been drank to , Brother Adams of tlie North AValsham Lodge returned thanks in a very neat and pointed manner . He alluded in a very feeling manner to his advanced age ( 75 ) , and concluded his address with some very elegant remaks upon Masonry . The Chairman next proposed the health of Brother Smith , and
prosperity to the Norwich Theatre , at tbe same time expressing his regret that the Theatrical Benefit Fund had not , from some unknown cause , been patronized for tbe last two seasons , but he trusted that the Masons of Norfolk would come forward in aid of so excellent an object . Brother Smith expressed his thanks very warmly and gratefully . The Chairman ' s health was given by acclamation ; and the day ' s proceedings terminated at " hig h twelve , " much to the satisfaction of every one present .
EnisnuitGii , 3-ftiy 23 . —It cannot be doubted , and must be hailed with sincere gratification by every true lover of the Craft , that Freemasonry in tliis quarter lias been making daily and rapid progress for some time past . Political rancour and disputes , some thirty years ago or more , had well nigh totally extinguished its very essence , from the baneful effects of which it bad hardly recovered , upon tbe accession of the present substitute Grand Master a few years ago . From thence may
be justly dated the dawn of a revival in the Order—Nascitur novus ordc—redcunt Saturnia ngna . The anticipated , we may say , assured succession to the Masonic sceptre , of the jiresent distinguished Grand Master Depute , forms a further earnest that the Order will advance still nearer to perfection . The zeal , devotion , and talent evinced by the right honourable Brother , the Lord Ramsay , on every occasion where his Masonic duty bas called them forth , arc the grounds on which the Craft build their liopcs and