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Ins attention to duty ; lias been exalted to the Royal Arch ; installed a Kni ght Templar ; and has received the Rosicrucian degree . He is also a member of the Grand Master ' s Lodge , No . 1 . AVe hope that we do not overrate the prospective career of our Brother when we state , that our anticipation of his success is very sanguine , and that we look for his correspondence with livel y interest . CALCUTTA . —True Friendshi No 3—The Editor of the Free
p , . . - masons' Quarterly Review is requested to state , that this Lodge is pursuing a very regular course , that its members are on the increase , and that by the same ship which conveys this note , the dues are remitted to the Grand Lodge in England .
The Masbnic Procession , Dec . 26 . —Yesterday being the Freemasons ' Patron Saint ' s day , a number of them , forming a company , assembled in the Fort , at the Lodge of Humility ivith Fortitude , ancl at about ten o ' clock marched to that most beautiful church of St . Peter ' s , accompanied b y a band , playing " Come let us prepare , we Brothers that are , " and having attended divine service , they retiied two by two in an even line , the band playing a different air . On this occasion an appropriate
and edifying discourse was delivered by the venerable Archdeacon Dealtry , his text being taken from the 25 th chap , of St . Matthew , verses 34 to 40 . The admired preacher dwelt upon the blessedness of those who exercised Christian benevolence—showed that benevolence consisted in the motives which actuate it , and the lowliness of mind necessary in all who are actuated by such motives ; and , after a full explanation of the passage whence his text was taken , which relates to the criterion by which will be
man judged at the consummation of all things , and the happy effects of a pure and hol y love flowing from Christian principles , he addressed himself to the association , though as declared by him a stranger to it , on the duty of exercising such benevolence , and earnestly exhorted the members thereof as to a respectable body of professed Christians , to piety , ancl profound humility coupled with fortitude in the midst of an evil and perverse generation , whether through good or evil report , that they may be partakers of the blessedness reserved for the righteous . —Calcutta Courier , Dec . 27 .
DELHI . —Testimony to Mr . Colvin . —A building is to be erected near the Fort by the Brethren of Lodge " Independance with Philanthropy , " as a testimonial of their esteem for their last Master , Mr . Colvin . Of the claims of this gentleman to the affection of those with whom he has so long been associated as a Brother , we cannot be supposed to have any knowledge ; but we do know that no individual in India is more deserving of public esteem . In a number of this paper , published some
months ago , honourable mention was made of several gentlemen whose virtues Jive to this day in the memory of those who enjoyed their friendship , or were relieved by their benefactors . AVe felt regret at the time that no notice was taken of the " noblest of them all . " AVere it not that we might give Mr . Colvin offence , we would relate hundreds of instances of his munificent charity , and we would expatiate with delight on the other virtues which shine so conspicuouslin his characterwere
y , they not fully felt by all who know him . We would have recommended a general subscription in aid of the proposed building , but as Masons are an exclusive set , on their own heads be the sin of perpetrating any thing unworthy of the object they have in view . — Central Free Press , Dee . 26 .
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Ins attention to duty ; lias been exalted to the Royal Arch ; installed a Kni ght Templar ; and has received the Rosicrucian degree . He is also a member of the Grand Master ' s Lodge , No . 1 . AVe hope that we do not overrate the prospective career of our Brother when we state , that our anticipation of his success is very sanguine , and that we look for his correspondence with livel y interest . CALCUTTA . —True Friendshi No 3—The Editor of the Free
p , . . - masons' Quarterly Review is requested to state , that this Lodge is pursuing a very regular course , that its members are on the increase , and that by the same ship which conveys this note , the dues are remitted to the Grand Lodge in England .
The Masbnic Procession , Dec . 26 . —Yesterday being the Freemasons ' Patron Saint ' s day , a number of them , forming a company , assembled in the Fort , at the Lodge of Humility ivith Fortitude , ancl at about ten o ' clock marched to that most beautiful church of St . Peter ' s , accompanied b y a band , playing " Come let us prepare , we Brothers that are , " and having attended divine service , they retiied two by two in an even line , the band playing a different air . On this occasion an appropriate
and edifying discourse was delivered by the venerable Archdeacon Dealtry , his text being taken from the 25 th chap , of St . Matthew , verses 34 to 40 . The admired preacher dwelt upon the blessedness of those who exercised Christian benevolence—showed that benevolence consisted in the motives which actuate it , and the lowliness of mind necessary in all who are actuated by such motives ; and , after a full explanation of the passage whence his text was taken , which relates to the criterion by which will be
man judged at the consummation of all things , and the happy effects of a pure and hol y love flowing from Christian principles , he addressed himself to the association , though as declared by him a stranger to it , on the duty of exercising such benevolence , and earnestly exhorted the members thereof as to a respectable body of professed Christians , to piety , ancl profound humility coupled with fortitude in the midst of an evil and perverse generation , whether through good or evil report , that they may be partakers of the blessedness reserved for the righteous . —Calcutta Courier , Dec . 27 .
DELHI . —Testimony to Mr . Colvin . —A building is to be erected near the Fort by the Brethren of Lodge " Independance with Philanthropy , " as a testimonial of their esteem for their last Master , Mr . Colvin . Of the claims of this gentleman to the affection of those with whom he has so long been associated as a Brother , we cannot be supposed to have any knowledge ; but we do know that no individual in India is more deserving of public esteem . In a number of this paper , published some
months ago , honourable mention was made of several gentlemen whose virtues Jive to this day in the memory of those who enjoyed their friendship , or were relieved by their benefactors . AVe felt regret at the time that no notice was taken of the " noblest of them all . " AVere it not that we might give Mr . Colvin offence , we would relate hundreds of instances of his munificent charity , and we would expatiate with delight on the other virtues which shine so conspicuouslin his characterwere
y , they not fully felt by all who know him . We would have recommended a general subscription in aid of the proposed building , but as Masons are an exclusive set , on their own heads be the sin of perpetrating any thing unworthy of the object they have in view . — Central Free Press , Dee . 26 .