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St . John ' s Day . —To-morrow week will be St . John ' s Day , but as the Masonic Brethren do not hold their festivities on a Sunday , the celebration of their Patron Saint ' s anniversary has been postponed till the following Monday . One of the Fraternity has favoured us with the following appointments , for the ensuing year , in the Allahabad Lodge Independence with Philanthropy : — Brother H . G . Gouland . . . AA ' . Master
, Brothers Colvin , Chisholm , and Hoff . Past Masters , Brother Macdonald .... Senior AVarden , " Fraser .... Junior AVarden , " Jones Senior Deacon , " Conlan ..... Junior Deacon , " Hervey .... Treasurer ,
" Berill .... Inner Guard , " M'Donough . . . Secretary , " Davis Tyler . Permanent Committee—Brothers Colvin , Ploffj Chisholm , Fraser , Macdonald , and the Secretary and Treasurer , ex-officio . —Central Free Press , Dec . 19 .
MASONIC EXCURSION TO THE NORE . AA ednesday , the 22 d , was the 12 th anniversary of this excursion , which has for its object the benefit of the Masonic Boys' Charity . At eight o ' clock in the morning we found ourselves on board the Albion steamer , commanded by Captain Nash , in which situation we also found about 260 Masonic Brethren , accompanied by their wives , daughters , sisters ,
and , in the care of many interesting groups , large baskets of provisions . The morning commenced rather inauspiciously , having been ushered in amidst a varied succession of Scottish mists and downright showers ; but , like a beautiful woman smiling through her tears , the noon-tide broke through cloud ancl haze ; the band on the quarter-deck struck up a merry theme ; the hitherto half-disappointed and half-desponding inmates of the cabins ascended to enjoy the cheering prospect ; the mutual congratulation and the merry laugh rang round ; and " all
went smoothly as a marriage bell , " until we arrived past the Nore light ; and then ( ye "little fishes , " what a treat arrived for you . ' ) came the pains which too often alloy the pleasures of an aquatic excursion . Most gentle and most hasty reader , thou hast heard of the " mutiny of the Nore ; " "do ' st know" any thing touching an intestine mutiny ycleped " sea-sickness ? " If perchance thou do ' st not , so much the better for thyself ; and better still if you be a Mason that thou never
shalt , for it is a secret we defy thee to keep . Aw reste , we went round the Nore-light , up the Medway to Gillingham-reach , and home a ° "ain through the fleet . AVe sat down to one of the most comfortable , as far as the solids and liquids were concerned , one of the most substantial , and , as far as the attention of the conductors of the affair were cognizable , one of the best-arranged banquets we ever sat down to on board ship amongst two or three hundred of his Majesty ' s subvoi ,. in . 2 M
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
St . John ' s Day . —To-morrow week will be St . John ' s Day , but as the Masonic Brethren do not hold their festivities on a Sunday , the celebration of their Patron Saint ' s anniversary has been postponed till the following Monday . One of the Fraternity has favoured us with the following appointments , for the ensuing year , in the Allahabad Lodge Independence with Philanthropy : — Brother H . G . Gouland . . . AA ' . Master
, Brothers Colvin , Chisholm , and Hoff . Past Masters , Brother Macdonald .... Senior AVarden , " Fraser .... Junior AVarden , " Jones Senior Deacon , " Conlan ..... Junior Deacon , " Hervey .... Treasurer ,
" Berill .... Inner Guard , " M'Donough . . . Secretary , " Davis Tyler . Permanent Committee—Brothers Colvin , Ploffj Chisholm , Fraser , Macdonald , and the Secretary and Treasurer , ex-officio . —Central Free Press , Dec . 19 .
MASONIC EXCURSION TO THE NORE . AA ednesday , the 22 d , was the 12 th anniversary of this excursion , which has for its object the benefit of the Masonic Boys' Charity . At eight o ' clock in the morning we found ourselves on board the Albion steamer , commanded by Captain Nash , in which situation we also found about 260 Masonic Brethren , accompanied by their wives , daughters , sisters ,
and , in the care of many interesting groups , large baskets of provisions . The morning commenced rather inauspiciously , having been ushered in amidst a varied succession of Scottish mists and downright showers ; but , like a beautiful woman smiling through her tears , the noon-tide broke through cloud ancl haze ; the band on the quarter-deck struck up a merry theme ; the hitherto half-disappointed and half-desponding inmates of the cabins ascended to enjoy the cheering prospect ; the mutual congratulation and the merry laugh rang round ; and " all
went smoothly as a marriage bell , " until we arrived past the Nore light ; and then ( ye "little fishes , " what a treat arrived for you . ' ) came the pains which too often alloy the pleasures of an aquatic excursion . Most gentle and most hasty reader , thou hast heard of the " mutiny of the Nore ; " "do ' st know" any thing touching an intestine mutiny ycleped " sea-sickness ? " If perchance thou do ' st not , so much the better for thyself ; and better still if you be a Mason that thou never
shalt , for it is a secret we defy thee to keep . Aw reste , we went round the Nore-light , up the Medway to Gillingham-reach , and home a ° "ain through the fleet . AVe sat down to one of the most comfortable , as far as the solids and liquids were concerned , one of the most substantial , and , as far as the attention of the conductors of the affair were cognizable , one of the best-arranged banquets we ever sat down to on board ship amongst two or three hundred of his Majesty ' s subvoi ,. in . 2 M