Article Tf ATS. THE KING'S LETTERS -d PATENT hav... Page 1 of 1 Article PATENT LEVER WATCHES, with silver double... Page 1 of 1 Article BIGHT RESTORED, Nervous Head-Ache Cured,... Page 1 of 1 Article " jp ARTER.—BROTMER FELL beg* a ^ to inf... Page 1 of 1 Article "OATENT ^ BOILER, FURNACES , A STOVES, &... Page 1 of 2 →
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Tf Ats. The King's Letters -D Patent Hav...
Tf ATS . THE KING'S LETTERS -d PATENT have been granted to the undersigned , for important improvements in ihe manufacture of Hats , whereby the weight of Beaver Waterproof Hats is reduced onehalf , and the price of the best quality to TWENTY-ONE SHILLINGS . Franks and Co . Sole Patentees and Manufacturers , 1 + 0 , Regent Street ; 02 , Redcross Street ; 1 , Finsbury Square .
Patent Lever Watches, With Silver Double...
PATENT LEVER WATCHES , with silver double-bottom cases , ( p . (> . v ; with silver hunting cases , 16 * . del . This celebrated construction ( the most accurate on which a watch can be made ) is now offered , with the latest Improvements , i . e . the detached escapement , jewelled in four holes ,
capped , hand to mark the seconds , hard enamel dial , and maintaining power to continue going while winding up , at the above price . Vertical Silver Watches two guineas each . A variety of upwards of a hundred second-hand watches , some of them jewelled , all with movements that can bs warranted ,
to he sold for two guineas each . T . COX SAVORY , Working Goldsmith , Silversmith , and Watchmaker , + 7 , Cornhill , London . —N . B . Second-hand Watches purchased in exchange .
Bight Restored, Nervous Head-Ache Cured,...
BIGHT RESTORED , Nervous Head-Ache Cured , and Cholera Prevented . — Under the Patronage of his Majesty and the Lords of the Admiralty . — -Dr . Abernethy used it , and by that gentleman it was termed the Faculty ' s Friend , aud Nurse ' s Vade Mecum . Dr . Andrews also recommends its
use as a preventive . Mr . A . Macintyre , aged ( 3 . 5 , No . 3 , Silver-street , Golden-square , cured of gutta serena . Mr . P . Saunderson , No . 10 , Harper-street , Leeds , cured of Cataract . Mr . H . Phickwell , Tottenham House , Tottenham , Middlesex , cured of Opthalmia . Miss S . Englefield , Park-street , Windsor , inal tes
cured of Nervous Head-ache . Orig - timonials from medical gentlemen aud families of the first respectability , proving the above , may be seen at No . 21 , King ; street , i ori" Acre , the high patronage GRIMSTONE'S EYE-SNUFF has attained is a testimonial beyond suspicion . This delightmost whole
ful herbaceous compound is the - some Snuff ' taken , andis highly recommended lor its benign influence on all who use it . This delig htful compound of hig hly aromatic herbs is sold in canisters , at Is . 3 d , 2 s . -Id , and Ss . each , or loose at 6 d . per ounce . Letters , post paid , with cash orders on London Agents , to Mr . Grimstone , No . 39 , Broad-street , Uloomsbury .
" Jp Arter.—Brotmer Fell Beg* A ^ To Inf...
" jp ARTER . —BROTMER FELL beg * a ^ to inform his Friends and the Piiblx that he continues to receive Sherry Wine of the fh'jst quality , which lie will exchange for any goods suited for a forei gn market , iu quantities from 15 / . to 1000 / . 28 , Friday Street , Cheapside .
"Oatent ^ Boiler, Furnaces , A Stoves, &...
"OATENT ^ BOILER , FURNACES , A STOVES , & c . —CHANTER and Co ! announce to the Public and to Manufacturers , that they have obtained Patents for the following most important Inventions , which have been submitted to the rigid examination of the most scientific and operative men of the present dayalso under the
, directions of the Lords of Admiralty , certificates and reports from whom fully prove the great advantages to be derived from their adoption . A STEAM BOILER . —This Boiler oceiijjies less than half tlie usual space of a common Waggon Boiler to produce the same power
, exposing an immense surface of the water to the action of the fire . It is easy to cleanse in every part , from the simplicity of its construction , it eif ' ects a great saving iu weight ; is free from danger by explosion , and peculiarly adapted to Steam Boats and Locomotive Enginesas well as for all purposes
, where Steam is required . Three distinct Patents for Smoke-consuming Furnaces , one of which is particularly applicable to the above described Boiler , and for Steam Engine Boilers of every
description , the other to Brewers' Coppers , Stills , and all manufacturing purpotes , Green and Hot-houses , Public Buildings , & e . & c . The saving of fuel from the use of these is from 20 to 50 per cent ., as is proved by numerous testimonials to be seen at the Office . The third Patent is more applicable to
Locomotive and Tubelar Boilers ; it enables Coals to be used instead of Coke , without producing smoke , thereby increasing the Power , protecting the Tubes , and rendering them far more durable , and reducing the expense of fuel full one-half . The Furnaces applied to Steam Boilers
and manufacturing purposes are getting into very general use , and recommendations from Government , Noblemen , Gentlemen , and Manufacturers , who have them in use , may be inspected at the Office of CHANTER and Co ., the Patentees . An improved SAFETY STOVEfor
warm-, ing and heating Churches , Entrance Halls , Shops , & c , producing a powerful supply of agreeably heated air , free from offensive or noxious effluvia , and effecting a great economy in fuel
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Tf Ats. The King's Letters -D Patent Hav...
Tf ATS . THE KING'S LETTERS -d PATENT have been granted to the undersigned , for important improvements in ihe manufacture of Hats , whereby the weight of Beaver Waterproof Hats is reduced onehalf , and the price of the best quality to TWENTY-ONE SHILLINGS . Franks and Co . Sole Patentees and Manufacturers , 1 + 0 , Regent Street ; 02 , Redcross Street ; 1 , Finsbury Square .
Patent Lever Watches, With Silver Double...
PATENT LEVER WATCHES , with silver double-bottom cases , ( p . (> . v ; with silver hunting cases , 16 * . del . This celebrated construction ( the most accurate on which a watch can be made ) is now offered , with the latest Improvements , i . e . the detached escapement , jewelled in four holes ,
capped , hand to mark the seconds , hard enamel dial , and maintaining power to continue going while winding up , at the above price . Vertical Silver Watches two guineas each . A variety of upwards of a hundred second-hand watches , some of them jewelled , all with movements that can bs warranted ,
to he sold for two guineas each . T . COX SAVORY , Working Goldsmith , Silversmith , and Watchmaker , + 7 , Cornhill , London . —N . B . Second-hand Watches purchased in exchange .
Bight Restored, Nervous Head-Ache Cured,...
BIGHT RESTORED , Nervous Head-Ache Cured , and Cholera Prevented . — Under the Patronage of his Majesty and the Lords of the Admiralty . — -Dr . Abernethy used it , and by that gentleman it was termed the Faculty ' s Friend , aud Nurse ' s Vade Mecum . Dr . Andrews also recommends its
use as a preventive . Mr . A . Macintyre , aged ( 3 . 5 , No . 3 , Silver-street , Golden-square , cured of gutta serena . Mr . P . Saunderson , No . 10 , Harper-street , Leeds , cured of Cataract . Mr . H . Phickwell , Tottenham House , Tottenham , Middlesex , cured of Opthalmia . Miss S . Englefield , Park-street , Windsor , inal tes
cured of Nervous Head-ache . Orig - timonials from medical gentlemen aud families of the first respectability , proving the above , may be seen at No . 21 , King ; street , i ori" Acre , the high patronage GRIMSTONE'S EYE-SNUFF has attained is a testimonial beyond suspicion . This delightmost whole
ful herbaceous compound is the - some Snuff ' taken , andis highly recommended lor its benign influence on all who use it . This delig htful compound of hig hly aromatic herbs is sold in canisters , at Is . 3 d , 2 s . -Id , and Ss . each , or loose at 6 d . per ounce . Letters , post paid , with cash orders on London Agents , to Mr . Grimstone , No . 39 , Broad-street , Uloomsbury .
" Jp Arter.—Brotmer Fell Beg* A ^ To Inf...
" jp ARTER . —BROTMER FELL beg * a ^ to inform his Friends and the Piiblx that he continues to receive Sherry Wine of the fh'jst quality , which lie will exchange for any goods suited for a forei gn market , iu quantities from 15 / . to 1000 / . 28 , Friday Street , Cheapside .
"Oatent ^ Boiler, Furnaces , A Stoves, &...
"OATENT ^ BOILER , FURNACES , A STOVES , & c . —CHANTER and Co ! announce to the Public and to Manufacturers , that they have obtained Patents for the following most important Inventions , which have been submitted to the rigid examination of the most scientific and operative men of the present dayalso under the
, directions of the Lords of Admiralty , certificates and reports from whom fully prove the great advantages to be derived from their adoption . A STEAM BOILER . —This Boiler oceiijjies less than half tlie usual space of a common Waggon Boiler to produce the same power
, exposing an immense surface of the water to the action of the fire . It is easy to cleanse in every part , from the simplicity of its construction , it eif ' ects a great saving iu weight ; is free from danger by explosion , and peculiarly adapted to Steam Boats and Locomotive Enginesas well as for all purposes
, where Steam is required . Three distinct Patents for Smoke-consuming Furnaces , one of which is particularly applicable to the above described Boiler , and for Steam Engine Boilers of every
description , the other to Brewers' Coppers , Stills , and all manufacturing purpotes , Green and Hot-houses , Public Buildings , & e . & c . The saving of fuel from the use of these is from 20 to 50 per cent ., as is proved by numerous testimonials to be seen at the Office . The third Patent is more applicable to
Locomotive and Tubelar Boilers ; it enables Coals to be used instead of Coke , without producing smoke , thereby increasing the Power , protecting the Tubes , and rendering them far more durable , and reducing the expense of fuel full one-half . The Furnaces applied to Steam Boilers
and manufacturing purposes are getting into very general use , and recommendations from Government , Noblemen , Gentlemen , and Manufacturers , who have them in use , may be inspected at the Office of CHANTER and Co ., the Patentees . An improved SAFETY STOVEfor
warm-, ing and heating Churches , Entrance Halls , Shops , & c , producing a powerful supply of agreeably heated air , free from offensive or noxious effluvia , and effecting a great economy in fuel