Article AN ORATION ← Page 3 of 6 →
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An Oration
after our departure hence , in peace and in thy favour , we may be received into thine everlasting kingdom , and there enjoy , in union with our departed friends in thy presence , fulness of joy , and be placed at thy right hand , where there are pleasures for evermore . Amen . BRETHREN , —We are here assembled , in the character of Masons , to resign the body of our deceased Brother to the earth from whence it and to offer the last tribute of
came , up respect to his memory ; thereby demonstrating to the world the sincerity of our past esteem , and our steady attachment to the principles of our honourable Order . We declare our obedience and submission to the laws and government of the country in which we live , and an ardent wish to promote the general good of society ; we humbly implore the blessing of heaven on all our zealous endeavours for this laudable purpose , and pray for our steady perseverance in the principles of piety and virtue .
As it has pleased the Divine Creator to remove our Brother from the cares and troubles of a transitory existence to a state of eternal duration , and thereby to weaken the chain by which we are linked one to another , may his example remind us of our approaching fate , and incline us , who survive him , to be more strongly cemented in the ties of union and friendship ; that by regulating our conduct here agreeably to the dictates of truth and wisdom , we may enjoy in the last moment that serene tranof mind which flows from clear and
quillity ever a unsullied conscience , free from offence . Unto the grave we resign the body of our friend and Brother , there to remain until the general resurrection ; when this corruption shall put on incorruption , and this mortal shall put on immortality , and death shall be swallowed up in victory , in favourable expectation that his immortal soul will then partake of the full fruition of those joys which have been prepared for the rihteous from the beginning of
g the world . And we pi ay Almighty God , of his infinite goodness , at the grand tribunal of unbiassed justice , to extend his mercy towards him and all of us , and to crown our felicity with everlasting bliss in the expanded realms of a boundless eternity . This we beg for the honour of his holy name , to whom be glory now and for ever . Amen .
[ The Brethren here joined hands , and renewed to each other their pledged vows ; after which the Lodge was adjourned . The Funeral Procession was then formed , and proceeded to the place of interment . On the return of the Brethren the Lodge was resumed , and the following Oration was read by Brother Turner . ] ORATION . " Here we view a striking instance of the uncertainty of lifeand the
, vanity of all human pursuits . " The last offices paid to the dead are only useful as they are lectures to the living ; from them , therefore , we are to derive instruction , and ought to consider every solemnity of this kind as a summons to prepare for our approaching dissolution . " Notwithstanding the various mementos of mortality with which we dailmeetnotwithstanding we are convinced that death has established
y ; his empire over all the works of nature ; yet , through some unaccountable infatuation , we are still apt to forget that we are born to die . We go on from one design to another , add hope to hope , and lay out plans for the subsistence and employment of many years , till we are suddenly alarmed with the approach of death when we least expect
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An Oration
after our departure hence , in peace and in thy favour , we may be received into thine everlasting kingdom , and there enjoy , in union with our departed friends in thy presence , fulness of joy , and be placed at thy right hand , where there are pleasures for evermore . Amen . BRETHREN , —We are here assembled , in the character of Masons , to resign the body of our deceased Brother to the earth from whence it and to offer the last tribute of
came , up respect to his memory ; thereby demonstrating to the world the sincerity of our past esteem , and our steady attachment to the principles of our honourable Order . We declare our obedience and submission to the laws and government of the country in which we live , and an ardent wish to promote the general good of society ; we humbly implore the blessing of heaven on all our zealous endeavours for this laudable purpose , and pray for our steady perseverance in the principles of piety and virtue .
As it has pleased the Divine Creator to remove our Brother from the cares and troubles of a transitory existence to a state of eternal duration , and thereby to weaken the chain by which we are linked one to another , may his example remind us of our approaching fate , and incline us , who survive him , to be more strongly cemented in the ties of union and friendship ; that by regulating our conduct here agreeably to the dictates of truth and wisdom , we may enjoy in the last moment that serene tranof mind which flows from clear and
quillity ever a unsullied conscience , free from offence . Unto the grave we resign the body of our friend and Brother , there to remain until the general resurrection ; when this corruption shall put on incorruption , and this mortal shall put on immortality , and death shall be swallowed up in victory , in favourable expectation that his immortal soul will then partake of the full fruition of those joys which have been prepared for the rihteous from the beginning of
g the world . And we pi ay Almighty God , of his infinite goodness , at the grand tribunal of unbiassed justice , to extend his mercy towards him and all of us , and to crown our felicity with everlasting bliss in the expanded realms of a boundless eternity . This we beg for the honour of his holy name , to whom be glory now and for ever . Amen .
[ The Brethren here joined hands , and renewed to each other their pledged vows ; after which the Lodge was adjourned . The Funeral Procession was then formed , and proceeded to the place of interment . On the return of the Brethren the Lodge was resumed , and the following Oration was read by Brother Turner . ] ORATION . " Here we view a striking instance of the uncertainty of lifeand the
, vanity of all human pursuits . " The last offices paid to the dead are only useful as they are lectures to the living ; from them , therefore , we are to derive instruction , and ought to consider every solemnity of this kind as a summons to prepare for our approaching dissolution . " Notwithstanding the various mementos of mortality with which we dailmeetnotwithstanding we are convinced that death has established
y ; his empire over all the works of nature ; yet , through some unaccountable infatuation , we are still apt to forget that we are born to die . We go on from one design to another , add hope to hope , and lay out plans for the subsistence and employment of many years , till we are suddenly alarmed with the approach of death when we least expect