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Masonic Anecdote.
mandant that they behaved extremely well , ordered a dinner to be given them . They were invited accordingly , and , after due examination b y the proper officers , sat down Con Christmas day ) to a most excellent dinner . The commandant ( as master of the Lodge ) , at the removal of the cloth , gave the health of Brother Napoleon Buonaparte , Emperor of France , & c ., & c , which was drunk with Masonic honours . At the close of the meeting , each Englishman was presented with a five-franc piece in the Emperor ' s name , which they gratefully received , though from the hands of their national enemy .
Masonic Anecdote.
SIR , —If the following trifling anecdote is at all suitable to your pages , it is much at your service , and the gentleman who delivers you this note can well vouch for the facts : — In the year 1807 , from the consequence of shipwreck , I became a prisoner in France , and was for a time detained at Verdun . However , in 1808 , from some caprices of the French government , not necessary to statemy place of confinement was changed to that of Givetanother
, , depot for English prisoners , and a place at a considerable distance from Verdun . It was on our route to this place the anecdote above alluded to occurred . AVe left A ^ erdun , a party of five , four naval officers , and one civilian , under the escort of a party of gens d ' amies . We were sometimes handcuffed to deserters from the French army , and otherwise ill-treated , particularly at night . On reaching a place of confinement this treatment
continued , till arriving at Meziers or Sedon ( I cannot recollect which , ) where we were ordered a rest of three days , when the civilian alread y mentioned , and who was a Freemason , discovering that there was a Masonic Lodge held in the town , contrived to send a note to some of the parties of his fraternity . A short time only elapsed , before a gentleman came to our prison , and , after some little conversation with the civilian , supplied him with money , and told him that a better description of food should be daily forwarded to us during our stay there ; nor was that all ,
but that he would obtain permission for us to walk about the town three or four hours each day , with the attendance only of a single gens d ' arme , and that the rest of our journey should be rendered more easy and agreeable , all which promises he religiously performed ; for we were supplied with the best of viands ,. not forgetting wines and the indulgence of a ramble in the town : and the remainder of our journey was rendered more like a tour of pleasure than the march of prisoners from one depot to another—and all this , because one of our party happened to be a Freemason . NAUTIOUS .
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Masonic Anecdote.
mandant that they behaved extremely well , ordered a dinner to be given them . They were invited accordingly , and , after due examination b y the proper officers , sat down Con Christmas day ) to a most excellent dinner . The commandant ( as master of the Lodge ) , at the removal of the cloth , gave the health of Brother Napoleon Buonaparte , Emperor of France , & c ., & c , which was drunk with Masonic honours . At the close of the meeting , each Englishman was presented with a five-franc piece in the Emperor ' s name , which they gratefully received , though from the hands of their national enemy .
Masonic Anecdote.
SIR , —If the following trifling anecdote is at all suitable to your pages , it is much at your service , and the gentleman who delivers you this note can well vouch for the facts : — In the year 1807 , from the consequence of shipwreck , I became a prisoner in France , and was for a time detained at Verdun . However , in 1808 , from some caprices of the French government , not necessary to statemy place of confinement was changed to that of Givetanother
, , depot for English prisoners , and a place at a considerable distance from Verdun . It was on our route to this place the anecdote above alluded to occurred . AVe left A ^ erdun , a party of five , four naval officers , and one civilian , under the escort of a party of gens d ' amies . We were sometimes handcuffed to deserters from the French army , and otherwise ill-treated , particularly at night . On reaching a place of confinement this treatment
continued , till arriving at Meziers or Sedon ( I cannot recollect which , ) where we were ordered a rest of three days , when the civilian alread y mentioned , and who was a Freemason , discovering that there was a Masonic Lodge held in the town , contrived to send a note to some of the parties of his fraternity . A short time only elapsed , before a gentleman came to our prison , and , after some little conversation with the civilian , supplied him with money , and told him that a better description of food should be daily forwarded to us during our stay there ; nor was that all ,
but that he would obtain permission for us to walk about the town three or four hours each day , with the attendance only of a single gens d ' arme , and that the rest of our journey should be rendered more easy and agreeable , all which promises he religiously performed ; for we were supplied with the best of viands ,. not forgetting wines and the indulgence of a ramble in the town : and the remainder of our journey was rendered more like a tour of pleasure than the march of prisoners from one depot to another—and all this , because one of our party happened to be a Freemason . NAUTIOUS .